Cookies Recipes

Cinnamon cookies by Franchy

125g butter
1/2 cup sugar
1 tbsp milk and syrup
1 1/2 plain flour
1 Tspn baking soda

Anzac biscuits
Danish pastries
No meat meatballs
Apple cinnamon cake
Strawberry and cream cupcakes
Chocolate muffins
Chocolate tray bake
lettuce wraps
Apple crumble

Original of the video here

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Video Transcription

hi guys I’m you Cheska and here’sanother video of mine and today we aregoing to be baking cinnamon cookies nowbefore we start I want to make sure thatyou hit that subscribe buttoninternal notification today we are goingto start with 1 tablespoon of goldensyrup and 1 tablespoon of milk now I mixthem together because you know it’seasier here we have one and a half cupsof flour then we have one cinnamon andthen we have one teaspoon of baking sodanow I just mixed all these up togetherI have half a cup of castor sugar andthe guy and this is 125 grams of butternow first we are going to be doing thatmilk the sugar and the butter I’m goingto be putting them all in here and thenkeep them in a microwave so let’s getstarted so we have the butter we havethe sugar and we have obviously goldensyrup and now I’m going to be goingthrough the microwave and I’m going todo that ok guys so I’ve melted somemixtureI might over melt it but it doesn’t likemess up because we’re going to be addinginhibitor so next we’re going to beadding with cinnamon flour and bakingsoda ok so I already mixed up so goingto do it is just pour it in the largebowl go you’re going to make sureeverything set then after you make sureyou mix start making sure there’s nolumps nothing on the side you don’t wantto be wasting this okay and then youcarefully add it in so I’m just gonnaadd it all in just go init was quick for me so now I’m justgonna want to make sure you want to behere you’re going to be folding themixture see watch you’re going to goround you can show us all off the sideand then you’re going to bring it overso you just constantly do that to themixtures all nice and together you don’twant to be over mixing it otherwise itwould be a really really now after wehave done this mixture we’re going to beputting in the fridge for half an hourwhile I’m mixing this guys if you wantme to do any other recipes I had thisrecipe book and I have really reallycool desire so my dinners and luncheswill even breakfast if I’m being honestso if you I’m going to be sending thelink below of some of the kind of thingsI have and you guys comment below if youlike any of them and I want to meet toshow you how to make them okay whenyou’re at this point I think this isabout time wait you finish folding ityou want to make sure all of the sidesso let me just do that[Music]okay after you finish your dough you canput this in the fridge for half an hournow the dough is probably a bit stifferthan it was before now we’re going to bekneading the dough and I’ll tell youwhat comes nextokay now we have the dough right hereputting it on the table[Music][Music]he to the other one 170 degreesFahrenheit and and we’re going to bewrong we need baking trays you can addlike or[Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Music][Music]in general they say here my cookies andnow I’m going to be putting them in theoven 15 to 20 minutes[Music]I have just finished baking these for 20minutes and now the already nice intenseyou wanna make sure that[Music][Music]Perry so like iseas cookies and I did mymontage and I can’t miss cookies andinside it looks so nice so let me tryone[Music]

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