im so bored at home i literally have nothing to do so here
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]today I’m gonna make chocolate chipcookies cuz I want cookies so first it’ssupposed to have sauce and butter andyou’re supposed to let it sit out but Idon’t really have time for that and Ijust decided this like five minutes agomore or less and then see this is softthis is so this is this is all just ahsee like if there’s some like chunkywarm parts but like melted parts itbalances all each other out you knowbecause it because you know for surethey don’t around sugar you know whatyou just lie[Music]and then it goes like Roger to pack thisis the same stuff okay as it was oncethat’s all nice and goodit’s just a fluffy not soft enoughthat’s a good chunky cookie and this ismix the dry ingredients in and usuallyit was told me to like combine thembefore but I really don’t like doingthat those always in bowls they’re justlayered on top each otherand it turned out fine so baseball andthis is one you switch from your listyour statue look and you ask him if youcould use a spatula and he says measureout one and a half oh look look looksome people make a scoop tipping beforebut you’re not supposed to do thatcousin there’s just do it just take abig and you shake the flower this is 40seconds of unnecessary powders insultsyou know I’m just talking for like fivemillion minutes and I’m just talkingabout mixing and adding chocolate chipsand basically add how many chips youlikes cuz I can’t govern you that’s allI’m gonna say[Music]I forgot to say but basically use commonsense when placing the cookies down likemake sure they don’t run into each othercuz that’s like a big cookie and youdon’t want to be cooking you want littlecookies[Music][Music]bake for 8 minutes at 375so we’re cookies are like around theedges or whatever I think I’m done ahathanks for watching subscribe if youwant more because we’re on quarantine soI can make a lot more just kiddingactually we don’t sugar