Watch me completely mess up a basic recipe and add a running commentary with it.
Butter – 1 cup
Brown Sugar – 1 1/4 cups
Caster Sugar – 1/4 cup
Egg – 1
Egg Yolk – 1
Sea Salt -1 tsp
Vanilla Extract – 1 tsp
Bicarbonate of Soda – 1 tsp
AP Flour – 2 1/4 cups
Chocolate Chips – 1 cup
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey guys welcome back to my over blind30 minutes hey guys I’ll survive mychannels this is today we’re gonna bedoing some baking kimchi it’s like meall of them because you gallon can’t gointo the shops because she’s the nightso um what we’re gonna be doing is we’regonna be using one of Jack Jack’s numnum cookie recipes from Pixar which isexciting and anything I’m gonna callthis series and coronet cooking missJillian so welcome to card taking withJillian I’ll be your host today amazingso I have actually measured out all theingredients I’ll just be a case ofputting them all together and consumecookie so Jack types nom nom cookierecipe was invented by Mary Lou J so Ithink that’s how you friends that I’mnot too sure um a Pixar pastry chef sothe reason I’m actually quite obsessedthe bear doesn’t at the moment because Iwas supposed to go to Florida andbecause of the whole situation I’mactually not going anymore I think wherewe going later um that’s why I’mcurrently I’m living through my Disneyfantasy’s we’re appropriately wearingred for The Incredibles there’s JackJack by the way from Incredibles if youif you question that just don’t have mewe’ve got some red eyeshadow a reallyreally good question doing like a wholemonster thing like an eye and I was justtoo much effort for 12 years it’s just Ithink a chocolate chip cookie recipe sothe ingredients are butter brown sugarsugar normal sugar 1 egg 1 egg yolk aswell as the egg that you’ve alreadycooked itsea salt vanilla extract baking sodawhat should baking powder for the UK Ithink that’s an American white recipeand two and a quarter cups of flour andchocolate chips who for me I’m gonna beusing54% dark chocolate chips because wellit’s actually a Blake solids and then Ihad to cut it out because I don’t haveany chocolate chips cuz I can go to theshops so I’ll probably mention that whoaI can’t move to show some in isolationanyways so we’re gonna be using these uminstead of milk chocolate chip cookiesyou can use any type of chocolate chipsI really want to try obviously withwhite chocolate chip cookies see whatthat it’s like double get started so Ithink when it comes to bed you need awet so first mistake of the day we don’thave a whisk so we’re gonna source awhisk we’ll be backfabulous we got a whisk I sourced itfrom upstairsso I actually live as I said before youwatched my previous video that I liveunderneath my arm I’m so I can justusually run up the stairsanother thing I realized my firstmistake of the day which is not washingmy hands washing your hands veryimportant kids so make sure you washyour handsI’ve also just realized hey we have thismess and the biker and at the sink doyou know I think we’ll do we’ll do oneof those amazing transition ah you canhave like all the dishes at homeone two three no no way we’re gonna doit okay so now that we’ve got thismagical towel after we’ve just cleanedour hands with antibacterial soap we’regonna laugh through them not we’re gonnamake a start on the recipe so pretty farends to burn the butter unless it cooluntil it begins to solidify by the wayI’m gonna put the pictures and that’sbecause it is the cutest thing you haveever seen you’re like it’s always JackJack but it’s like pictures that goalong with it so I’ll just insert oneare we done did you see itokay great um so Brian the boss area letit coolI’ve actually measured at all theingredients so would you have a checkcream the Buster sugars and salts I’mgonna be using the whisk I’m not reallygonna be using a food mixer because I amold-school so bring the butter and letit cool until it begins still into byuntil it begins to its what a fire whatbrown in the butter and let it cool Ineed to melt the butter and then hardenit I’ve never done this before in mylifethis is why this give me intriguing sowhat I would like to see what my flat isthat it’s key optically art nice it’snot make sense as long as you’re amazingso I know where everything is and it’snot really dirty but it’s just likeother people walk in and they’re likethat’s nastylike I don’t where everything is isthere my guesses are all in a sinkbecause I made a meal I just didn’tclean them I wanted to do that so yeahwe’ve got the butter here it’s like ablock of lard fat Buster oh my goodnessright so my friend likes to sleep meabout the fact that I usually binder fatbutter which was from Aldi and thereason I have lower pipe water is cuz wehave to get someone to buy our food forus and so I didn’t actually know there’sa difference between low fat melt ourinner fat water and I find out that therapeseed oil content is actually muchhigher and nerve like butter but I don’tknow what that means to be honest to meall that matters is it as cheap butterso I really there okay that’s the butterin the pan chaotically organized dishesand the samemy acting is oh I know what I’m doingback don’t know I’m doing this oh we’rejust gonna kind of make up this istaking a long time I have no patiencefor things so I’m just looking kind oflateoh my god kicking ass button this is notwhere well okay this is so much morework than I thought it would be it’sgoing Brightonokay so know that we have brain busterthis is what it looks like it looks kindof like pull me I don’t really know ifit like that but it looks like thatbream that’s 18 and then let it killuntil it begins to solidify okay to befair though if it’s burnt as finethrough this jack – cookies and heburned the law thing so for mentally andprogressively I am realizing this isprobably burned Bulger I also realizedthe best Bowl isn’t only I was like youI’m actually doing let’s find themit says you have to kill it until itstarts to solidify but it’s not going tosolidify anytime you mister so do youknow what I go up we’re gonna just putit in so the next step is to cream thebutter sugar and the salt okaycluster sugar and salt in here and hepressed it’ll be magic I love settingthings so much just like saying yeah Iknow my life sizing and I think I’vejust realized a party sugar probablydoesn’t go through thisoh it does go through just a longprocess it’s just not good at what youknow something you just got to go for itwe just like to say don’t take anyadvice from methis is purely entertainment 3 you likeI should do like half the flour and thenmix it and then get the rest of themoh that smells good oh my god I’ll letyou turn to that one good this JJcookies actually have a bit processing awhat like an electric one feather Idon’t actually have an electric waythough I just thought I’d use a normalvoice can it be the same but it’s notthe same that’s a lot of salt but it’sgoing hmm yeah I think it’s a brownsugar okay so the next step is mix andthe whole egg the egg yolk and thevanilla essence sookay so I don’t know where I put thevanilla essence if it’s not a nice okayso this has the one egg and egg yolk andnot egg whites which is one thing I cando is I saw what I know that I’ve addedthe vanilla that’s the problem I justdon’t know where so this is currentlywhat my mixture looks like oh no oh no Idid it wrong that’s why it doesn’t lookright it’s fine it’s all in thereit says mix and turbo until weight yourfluffy that’s not happening uh-uhthanks to the bathroom add chocolatechips if you require please do not cometo me if you know that this is not acookie should be made I don’t reallymind as long as it tastes good in theend by all the monsters really try itmmm good – gommm YUM okay that tastes amazing sowe’re good on that so we’re gonna scoopyou ten balls and then chill them in thefridge for it’s a half an hourpreferably overnight ball for the menfeel about an hour maybe an hour and ahalf and then I’ll eat my dinner whilethey’re chilling and then I’ll be rightbackI mean cookies like twice with more thanall my mouth so here’s hoping that thirdtime’s a charm like they’re gettingbigger every single time I made them yepso we like big balls really big onlybones andprawn balls okay so I’m gonna grab boomoh no he’s supposed to be hardwell it’s like they’re gonna be as youcan see I clean my dishesthankfully three six nine twelve fifteeneighteen thank you oh I can’t we’re justgonna hope for the bestso Yanis fingers crossed because Ireally don’t really I don’t know becausethese are solid and I feel like thisshouldn’t be solid OhI mean take a side we taste like they’lltaste like good cookies so I’ll put themin the oven for the amount of time goodit says I’ve forgotten the amount oftime so put it in the pictures thenwe’ll bring them out it taste them seehow it goes and that’s the way thecookie crumblesNo Heyand honestly I think they just have oneokay so excuse the mess it’s gottenworse we’re gonna try one electric youhave a variation so this is like thesides it kind of come out sorryI’m quite happy with it you sort ofbreak oh yeahuse dark chocolate instead and you’regood you gotta make these anyways thisis me saying it I’ve been do you smokethank you for watching