Hello Everyone!
1.5 cups flour
1/3 cup cocoa powder
3/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking powder
130 grams butter
3/4 cup sugar
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla
1-2 tbsps milk
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Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hello it’s Asha and welcome to mykitchen today we’re making browniecookies these cookies taste likebrownies but in cookie form the originalrecipe is from the Smitten Kitchencookbook by Deb I highly recommend thiscookbook I tried many recipes from itand they were quite successfultill starting with 130 grams of butteryou cut them up into smaller bits youadd 3/4 cup of sugar and you mix thiswith the butter you can also use a forkor a handheld blender to help you mixyou add in one eggand then you mix that with the buttersugarthen you had one teaspoon of vanilla andmakes that as wellfor the dry ingredients it’s one and ahalf cups of flour 1/3 a cup of cocoapowder the brand I’m using is berry 3/4teaspoon of salta half a teaspoon of baking powderfrom childhood experience whenever youmixing flowers start off slowly becausethe flower can go up blow up all overthe place you can end up with flower andyour hair and your face combine theflour with the butter sugar mixture youcan use the mixer I like to use a forkfor this step mix slowly to combine itall togetherif you find it’s too dry and doesn’tstick together you can add one to twotablespoons of milkafter a certain point it’s easier to mixwith your handswrap the dough in plastic wrap and chillin the fridge for at least 1 hourpreheat the oven to 350 degrees beforeyou start rolling to get ready forrolling and cutting line a tray withparchment paperon a lightly floured surface start toroll out your doughand watch for the corners because sincethe cookie is so dark you can’t tell howfast the bottom is black or nottransfer to a wire rack to cool thesecookies taste good with ice cream somekind of nut butter or milk I hope youtry out this easy and yummy recipeplease tag me if you use this tutorialso I can see your awesome work and ifyou want to and can support me creatingmore free content either purchase acoffee or buy something from my Etsyshop thank you for watching