Follow along with Jim Waldron of Makersmiths as he teaches us all how to make his version of chocolate chip cookies.
1 c dark brown sugar
1/2 c white sugar
3/4 c quick cook oatmeal
2 c all purpose flour
1 egg + 1 egg yolk
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
3/4 cup salted butter (1.5 sticks)
3 tsp vanilla
2 c semi sweet chocolate chips
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Video Transcription
still sheltering in place stay at homewhat you need is a cookie[Music][Music]okay it’s time to make cookiesbut not just any cookie chocolate chipcookies but I don’t want some hardcrunchy cookie I want a cookie that hasa nice crispy outside and a nice warmchewy inside of course with lots ofchocolate chips and marvellous flavorso we’re gonna make some chocolate chipcookies for this recipe you’ll need onecup of brown sugar I like the dark brownsugar but you can use light brown sugar1/2 cup of white sugar 3/4 of a cup ofoatmeal this is the quick cook one ortwo minutes variety this just gives thecookie a little extra chewiness 2 cupsof flour 1 egg plus 1 egg yolk half ateaspoon of baking soda half a teaspoonof salt one and a half sticks of butteror 3/4 cup and some vanilla first thingwe’re going to do is melt the butter andof course some chocolate chips we’regoing to combine some of the dryingredients so 2 cups of flour the openyou 1/2 a teaspoon of salt and let’smake that a little rounded a littleextra salt in it cookie helps to offsetthe sweetness and half a teaspoon ofbaking soda baking soda strangely enoughreacts with the acid in the chocolatechips and that’s what lets the cookiesrise other than that there’s no otheracid in this recipe but we’re gonna stirall these ingredients together just toget it mixed uphe’s gonna fall with our mixer goes oursugars just keep the cup out of thereand the butter melted and cooled roomtemperature kind of mix and mix thesetogether until they’re nice and sort ofcreamy after about two three minutesthat looks pretty good we’re going toadd the eggs one egg and here’s thesecret ingredient for this one it’s notthe shell trust mesecret gradient for this recipe is oneextra egg yolk not the white just theyolk that extra yolk provides extra fatthat gives this cookie it’s wonderfulchewing textureso here’s our extra egg yolk we’re gonnablend those together now time for thevanilla did I forget that vanilla in thelist of ingredients the thing in vanillathat gives it that wonderful vanillataste is a chemical called vanillin andbetter vanillas have more vanillin thannot better than Ella’s so if you’reusing the pretty much inexpensive storebrand you probably want to add a littlebit more than the 3 teaspoons of vanillathat’s called for in this recipe littleextra vanilla never hurt anybody andback to mix time to add the dryingredients this is our flour cold mealsalt and baking soda and I’ll do thatwith the mixer on lowit’s gonna make a pretty stiff thoughthe original recipe I started withsuggested one to two cups of chocolatechips personally I don’t see any reasonwhy anyone would use anything less thanthe absolute full two cups of chocolatechips of maybe did a few I’m gonnarelease the lock on this mixer and dumpthe chips in then I’m gonna mix itslowly just enough to get the chocolatechips all mixed in with the dough yousee the mixer jumping the reason iunlock it is so that it won’t squish anyof the chips against the side of thebowl give that a little squish just tosort of scrape down the sides of thebowl make sure everything is nicelycombined now I’ve got two parchmentlined cookie shoes just regular likehalf sheet have full sheet pans and I’vegot a scoop that’s so aboutgolf-ball-sized now I’m going to startscooping out cookies onto the sheet Iget about 36 cookies out of a batchsometimes a few more sometimes a fewless depends on how generous are I amwith the cookie dough batter sometimes Imake a little bigger cookie sometimes Imake it a little smaller cookiesobviously smaller cookies you get moredon’t want to make them too small thoughyou want a nice chewy cookie that youcan really get your teeth into and itprovides a nice serving of it goes to325 degrees with the racks Midway andclose to the topokay ovens up to temperature time to putin the cookie325 cookies bake for 15 to 17 minutesbut we’re going to start checking themat 11 minutes 11 minutes is up it’s timeto check the cookies well you can seethey’ve started to spread out a littlebit not quite spread out enough yetthough and we’re waiting for them to getjust a little bit Brown around the edgesso we need a few more minutes okay we’reright at 15 minutes now yes she doesbarely starting to brown right aroundthe edge we’re going to give them just aminute or two longer time for thecookies to come out of the other and asyou can see the cookies of spread out alittle bit they’ve lost some of theirheight and they’re just a little bitBrown right around the edges the nextsecret is to let the cookies cool on thecookie sheet you don’t want to take themoff to a rack and let them cool thatwill make them a little bit harder so ifyou let them cool on the kree sheet theywill retain their moistness it’s beenseven minutes so that’s enough time forthe cookies to cool the extra sugar inthis recipe gives that cookie it slicecrispy exterior and then the extra eggyolk makes it soft and chewy on theinside are pretty goodmm-hmmof course ample chocolate chips a littlesalt to just set off that sweetnesshere’s me okay I think I need to testanother one[Music]you