in today’s video i tried making diy subway cookies at home! if you want to know how to make subway cookies at home, this video is perfect for you!!
#bakewithme #cookies #subwaycookies
instagram // laurajane.16
pinterest // laurajaneyay
this video is inspired by some of my favourite youtubers, including marla chatherine, avrey ovard, hannah meloche, haley pham, haley pham vlogs, laur medley, isla brewer, ellie thumann, emma chamberlain, ava jules, emmas rectangle, eve cornwell, olivia grace, lovevie, loona, rhiannon, unjaded jade, yazonline, tbhbyron, byron, byron’s vlogs
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
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Video Transcription
hi everyone its Laura say for today’svideo we’re going to be doing some morebaking because it is our favoritelockdown activity so today we’re goingto try and make subway style cookies thecookies at Subway are incredible wefound a recipe for like how you’resupposed to be able to recreate them Ithink we’re doing the triple chocolateone which is a chocolate cookie withchocolate chips and white chocolatechips so we need 125 grams of saltedbutter 75 granulated sugar you know I’mgetting really good at cracking eggs bitby bit then we need 450 grams of plainflour 40 grams of cocoa powder halfteaspoon baking soda so we need 200grams milk and 100 white we need to makeall full-size beautiful cookie mixtureokay we just pop them in the oven but wedon’t have to do them in like twobatches because otherwise the dogsspread into each other and make a giantcookie we’ve got eight cooking for 12minutes and then we’ll put the secondbatch in the alarm is going on whichmeans they’re ready hopefully they lookgood it’s time to taste the cookies thisone he’s a little bit imperfect I don’tknow what happened but my mum brought itthrough my thing like thisso I’m we’re just gonna try this oneit’s a little test done hopefully itshould be like a subway cookie that’sthe foam mmm wow that’s really good I’malways so impressed when things actuallywork that we make because we’re notreally that good that is really tasty soI really hope you enjoyed this video ifyou did please give it a big thumbs upand also subscribe to my channel andyeah that’s all I’ve got to say so I’llsee you next time I post bye