Aloha friends!! Today we vlogged us making AMAZING oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. If u want to try this recipe click the link down below. We know that this video was a little boring but were still trying to get used to YouTube and get better at editing, thumbnails, etc. we would love if you would subscribe, like our videos, and most importantly comment videos you want to see in the future. This will help us improve our content so you want to watch our videos. Bye guys we love u!!
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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]yeah three two Oh Aloha friends welcomeour welcome back to our channel and ifyou haven’t watched our first video wemade on our new channel go check it outbecause then you understand what we’regonna be doing on this new channel andwhy we started it and the whole shebangso today we will be making oatmealchocolate chip cookiesyes we’re super excited because we lovecookies we vote all kinds and yeah todaywe’re gonna be making these kinds wedecided to make this because we saw thisrecipe and we’re like we like oatmealraisin cookies but we don’t like raisinsyeah well they’re okay but look they’renot my favorite yeah we like chocolatechips more so we decided to make theseso keep watching to see if it turned outand yeah and if you want to make thisthere will be a link in the bio yep so Idon’t know why we said link in the bioobviously it’s the description sorryabout the confusion so click the link inthe description if you want to make themyou were to get on you have to like thisvideo subscribe and turn on your postnotifications so you never miss anothervideo let’s go huh okay guys so we haveall of our ingredients so first you’llneed um thanks brown sugar butterchocolate chips we use some soap hortonsbut it’s up to you and and then you needquicker load fashion oats cinnamonbaking soda vanilla extract and flourand sugar and we’re gonna be showing youthe measurements when we go to do it inthe mixer hey guys so we know you can’treally see your heads but we want toshow you that we’re gonna be the firstthing you need to add in is a half a cupof brown sugar Mattie’s gonna do thatright nowokay okay 1/4 a cup of sugar carefulwith this a tablespoon of vanilla that’sokay1 egg did you get showers one sobasically I’m editing this video rightnow and Maddie’s not here but I justwanted to say that this part is kind ofboring and we are very sorry we needmore ideas for videos down below okaymix it and you have to mix it in thiskind of mixer just any kind of stir youhave but like okay ahwe gotta clean up your kitchen that’s itmotherso one summer whenokay I so we forgot to tell you but youneed to pre-heat your oven to 350degrees and you need to UM yeah your tomix your ingredients for about fourminutes before you add the next onesso next you’ll add a half a teaspoon ofbaking soda a teaspoon a tablespoon ofsugar and cinnamon35 cup of flour and one and a half cupsof oats it doesn’t say so just until allthelike a little bit more than a cup but noso we forgot to tell you about raisinsare optional you want to add those toyou but we don’t really want to us wesaid in the intro so this is all mystuff and now we’re gonna roll them intoballs they should be about this size youcould do them big small doesn’t reallymatter it just depends how many you wantoh yeah and this is what your finishedbatter should look like yeah somethinglike Bali and you want to do themeasurements as perfect as possiblebecause baking sometimes doesn’t workout yeah and you want to spread them outwe’re gonna probably do four by three onthis one mm-hmmI think I’ll be good there’s a lot ofchocolate chips in here I can feelmm-hmm we’re really excited to try theseand we’re gonna be showing you how theyturn out so we’re just gonna finishrolling these up okay guys so um we madeour cookies a little bit baked so wejust ended up splitting them in half andwe ended up leaving two trays for oursbecause there were there’s a lot ofbatterso yeah we just wanted to tell you thatwe aren’t making that bag of cookies soyou can probably hear in the backgroundwell we might um use it to this but itis raining but we just wanted to tellyou that we just put the cookies in theoven and the recipe says to put thecookies in the oven for eleven minutesso we’re gonna do that and then tell youif they worked or notyep and we’re gonna try them in the nextstep yeah we’re going downstairs tofestivalthat smells amazing I wish you couldlike smell[Music]we’re taking them out because we didn’tknow which one we should take outbecause some of them looked like the toprope look I didn’t look cook so if youuse if you do both rows I will put thetop row in for a little bit longer thanthe bottom or just because the bottomones were like perfect you cook or justtake the bottom of doubt and then putthe top ones on the bottom mm-hmmbecause well maybe you’re up anddifferent but that’s just what works forus we’re gonna be letting them cool andthen try them right now and I’m not attimes we say biomes into description ispretty bad so we’re very sorry aboutthat okay guys thank you so much forwatching this video we definitelyrecommend making these videos 10 out of10 mm-hmm so check out the link in ourbio you know why we keep saying BIOS orsomething or just tag along with us andlisten to us because we’re amazing chefsalso please comment down below somevideo ideas because we definitely needsome yeah we want to do longer videosfor you guys so you guys can like enjoythem so please beside you and give thisvideo like and 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