Welcome to our first (and probably only) Youtube video! We were sat at home being responsible and self-isolating so documented making our favourite cookies – the most sickly and greasy little biscuits our cholesterol ever did see.
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Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
oh I was cryinghours later and we’re isolating so we’regonna make jelly cookies cookies JennaClarkeis it weird you know what we meaneveryone else there contradict apiece sowe’ve got bold here ingredients spoonand it’s basically their cookies withliterally everything in it so alexpfeffer – artists today yeah what’d hedo everything that wasn’t awkward[Music]now these ah quite revolutionary in ourhouseholdit’s an Oreo within a chocolate bar oneither sideyou think they don’t like the wheels onMario Kart when you go into thehovercraft mode we just have a co-opmodeyou know anti-gravity wheels and theymight go sideways no but yeah that thatyou know you know those Smarties sharingblock sharing it with you and whitechocolate is even getting much worse andachesthey were stockpiling she got what arethe last boxes stealing from the elderlyre elderly don’t send me honeymuch sugar with my yesterday no sugaryeah flour you wouldn’t have been ableto buy yesterday but we’ve already gotit because we might do another pieceyeah so how we’re gonna start then youtell me I’ve ever made nobody batterright yeah oh yes flora horrible[Music]we do it this by eyeball my eyeball yeahI’ll just get a spoon so there’s no wayyou can’t just watch yeah I was rightand then I do this part by eyeball aswell it’s upon a time I think it said300 grams what shame 300 gramsit was my eye tell me okay I can’t tellyou because this is mystery I alwaysthink it doesn’t really matter becausewe’re putting so much sugary stuff in italready so if you put a bit less doesn’tmatter if you put a bit more here isn’tlike things that are super sugar theywash your hands you better pee althoughJenna Jennaif if you’re watching at home Jen pleasecan you do you map autonomous just justhang on what’s that – goes my own videoit was sounds like 3/4 of a birthday wekeep saying an egg from the episode orfind out dinner yeah I don’t know whatis off top of my head but they say tosay what tin of meat yeah oh yeah andthen you mix the egg in just one egg onelarge egg what we’ve got yeah bad rightso just mix this until it’s all come onchanneis how many left thisinhomogeneous one eternity later makingsure oh yes look[Music]okay it’s good max so now we’re going todo is put in some co-op self-raisingwhite flour not sponsored by co-op butif you want to get in touch again myeyeball and default this energy I thinkI think you probably should fold it I’venever seen flour mixed instead of foldit but again I’m no Baker this seeds aretoo much the mounting no is fineokay I am folding actually I won’talways be what temperature whatever youfancy[Music]you’re gonna buy while she shops yeah itis this is the finished dough with Oreosand eggs and everything else in itlooks yummy looks more like chocolatethat dough but that’s correct isn’t ityeah good okay now now we’re going toform them into little dollops and putthem on a tray or three and then we’llshow you that next bit I shoulddefinitely be using another spoon don’tdo the finger trick at homenot you gonna be doing this at homebecause it’s not a recipe it’s justingredient cinema hopes into a mountaina they are beautiful and we’re just nowputting them in the oven for how longevery time I’ll set the timer to 10minutes there we go then you can chooseeveryone these are the cookies and forjoiningum this will be our only video noprobably but thanks and stay safe staysafe wash hands and touch your face butyou can with cookies