This is a Vlog of day 13 at home! stick around to bake with me ;D
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Cookie Recipe
*note: the base is the same the difference is the ‘flavoring’*
what you need:
-2 tablespoons(one for wet ingredients and the other for dry)
-3 tbs butter
-2tbs sugar
-4tbs self-raising flour
-2tbs peanut butter or chocolate sauce
-baking tray
*optional-1tsp/cap full vanilla essence
-baking paper
-preheat your oven to 180 degrees
-mix 2.5tbs butter and 2tbs sugar. Mix until they are both combined.
-mix 1 tsp of vanilla essence to the sugar mixture
-add 4tbs of self-raising flour and mix until it forms a crumbly dough
-add either 2tbs of peanut butter or chocolate sauce and mix until it forms a dough
-once the dough is formed, leave it to sit for a few minutes, while you coat a baking tray with 0.5 tbs of butter
-pull a small part of the dough and roll it into a ball, then flatten it and place it on the pan. do this for the rest of the dough
-place your tray with the raw cookies in the oven for 10-15 minutes
-after, leave it to cool for 5 minutes and serve
*optional, dust with icing sugar
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
now it’s time to taste it but this is achocolate one it smells like chocolate[Music]what’s up everybody so I forgot torecord an intro basically my day was Iwoke up I had breakfast I showered Iwashed my hair then I went to our poolarea I told out to my mom and my dad mysister for a while and now I’m backy’all I wanted to come and set my hair[Music]I’m going to do now is I’m gonna set myhair close I just want to know can youin my video done bit of my hair I thinkI’m just gonna maybe[Music][Music][Music][Music]if you don’t have that so[Music]my turntables would[Music]is there[Music][Music]in[Music]this[Music]I should have 72cuz I used so much don’t utterone other thing I’m just peanutsauce I’m using this the cousin thinkit’ll be a lot easier when it comes tomixing up adult rather than thechocolate sauce Titans I don’t even knowsomebody is that and yeah I’m having itso if you don’t have thesemy goodness the cap wasn’t I’mjust becausea few moments lateryouI want to put my chocolate sauce whenit’s Megabus I think I just have mypeanut butter[Music]I don’t know if I said this before Ifeel about it but if you guys wanna seeme do other thingsplease tell me down in the commentsbelow also you can reach out to me on mysocial media my Instagram page is linkeddown below I don’t have facebook but Imight be considering getting it not sureyet we shall see okay so this doll so Ithink we’re going to put too muchresents not gonna be into yoga so when Ilook like a doll it’s gonna feel like adollI’m not kind of sensual if I don’t knowmy name oh sweet[Music][Music]if you’re from South Africa or anywherein the world ready Tony how’s yourcountry lockdown going how is your poorgoing because I know that but you wasmaking philosophy used to forward Idon’t want that so man it’s so like thisbeforeget out – ladies[Music][Music]you[Music]take one of them guys I’m gonna stopbetween a minute because it’s mucheasier to walk what it’s gonna takethat’s it so I’m gonna make it into thewall I’m just gonna put it down becauseit’s gonna so I’m gonna please I’masking about a cookies firstI need five key a singer what I’m gonnado with the hawk I’m gonna chase it inthe middle like that just go out there Ithink you also don’t do it on your handdo it on the face like the Phantom Zoneokay that’s done it I’m Sam for dr.Doyle I’m scared to be honest over[Music]two hundred and eighty degrees and I’mjust gonna pop this in the pans itdoesn’t get too hot because it hardenswe continue oh it’s either meaningful onwith the pencil Christine thank you thisis what it looks like ah these are thechocolate ones and these are the peanutbutter ones the peanut butter ones a bitof Nutella because talk about this weirdthing oh my God my weird-ass nearpunished have oven at one hundred andseventeen hundred and eighty and there’sthe tree you were mine laughing someputting it in right now just gonna waitfor 15 minute that was 20 minutes so ittook them out even toxic ones I don’ttouch them cause it’s super superboiling they expanded would you look atthe Sun hi chunky you a little bit bigthere does that mean it was a looks likea what do you she thought the chocolateis cousin talks on that but they smellamazingI’m not to saying that cause I need themlet me smell are you any goodit’s like I’m I’m spending chocolate andshe’s gonna put my soul yeah so let’sjust make them in a cool I’ll take themin joy to you guysI took this spatula thingy I wonder ifyou get over now I’m putting it on camset to a third one I’m just gonna showyou something this is what but thepeanut butter ones I think they’re a bitsoft they’re brown underneath I lovethat I’m just going to put them on okayI should try them cuz you guys probablylike this is a chocolate – it’s nothingtop it oh my god hioh my goodnessI guess not this many was good oh mygoodness it a sec though but I’ll talkto your biscuits that you get when yougo to like the Sun International willtell us the self little look thosepeopleI shouldn’t have anything so long somaybe I should just leave it for like 10to 15 minutes not with you see this isquite a case that’s a doctor why don’ttry to have to know by the one eventhough I know what the caseit’s not so sweet though but if you wantamoebaI don’t think so that’s it for today’svlog and fortunately my parents are Imean my mother my sister overtired sooffend me throwing up movie night knowme doing the face masks so I’m justgonna keep that one everything so I cando there’s a whole video on yeah my facemaster phone I hope you guys enjoy itlock down the base 13 I had so much funsharing my a with you guys hit thatnotification down to be notifiedwhenever I upload a video don’t forgetto Like subscribe and comment down below[Music][Music]