Cookies Recipes

Bake Cookies With Katie

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[Applause]hi everybody my name is Katie I’m asophomore of our Elizabeth colleges Itutor at North streets school I’m homeuntil New Hampshire right now and one ofmy favorite hobbies is baking so todayI’m gonna teach you how to make adelicious peanut butter chocolate chipcookies so let’s get right into ithere’s a list of everything that you’regoing to need including ingredients andsupplies you’re going to need brownsugar peanut butter 1 egg baking sodaand chocolate chips this is a5-ingredient recipe which is amazing andit’s gluten free but do you keep in mindyou are using peanut butter so anybodywith a nut allergy warned them so theydon’t need it um along with ingredientsyou’re gonna need a measuring cupteaspoon full a spoon to mix and put thecookies onto the sheet fork baking sheetparchment paper or any nonstick sprayfor the pan so that the cookies don’tstick when you try to take them off yourneat oven mitts and a cooling rackbefore you start making the doughremember to set your oven to 350 degreesyou’re going to need 1 cup of brownsugar in your bowl then put 1 cup ofpeanut butter and you’re probably goingto need to scoop it out because thepeanut butter can be really sticky 1 egg1 teaspoon of baking soda and 1/2 cup ofchocolate chips stir thoroughly all ofthe ingredients until they’re all mixedtogetherafter you’re done mixing it should lookjust like this now you’re ready to putthe dough on the sheet take a spoon andplop the dough honor the sheet just likethis you should have just enough doughfor 12 cookies take your fork andflatten them out just like I’m doingyour cookies should look just like thisafter now place the pan in the ovenplease get an adult to help you ifneededthe cookie should be done in about 15minutes or take them out once they aregolden brown have an adult help you orput on oven mitts to grab the pan out ofthe oven be careful they’re gonna be hotplace them on a cooling rack after a fewminutes they should be ready to eatenjoy thank you so much for watching andI hope you enjoy making and eating yourdelicious cookies[Applause]

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