Cookies Recipes

BAKE chocolate chip cookies with me DURING LOCKDOWN

Hi lovelies,

I thought I would record a bake with me video of me making my ULTIMATE FAV cookies, they truly are the best cookies you’ll ever eat.

Recipe down below, enjoy xxx

1 cup unsalted butter (236 grams)
1/2 cup granulated sugar (100 grams)
1 cup packed light or dark brown sugar (215 grams)
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 1/2 cup all purpose flour (300 grams)
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips (1 lb, 450 grams)
Coarse salt , for sprinkling (optional)

In a medium saucepan over low heat, melt the butter. Once melted, continue to cook until it turns golden brown. Swirl the pan occasionally if needed so that it browns evenly. Watch it fairly closely, as it can go from brown to burned quickly. When the color has turned golden, small flecks speckle the butter, and it has a nutty aroma, remove from heat and poor into a shallow dish. Chill in the fridge until it becomes solid. You want it to be soft, but not melted. If it cool too hard, let it come back to room temperature before using.
Preheat oven to 375 Fahrenheit / 180 Celsius degrees and line a sheet pan with parchment paper.
Beat the brown butter, sugar, and brown sugar on medium high speed with an electric mixer until light and creamy, about 4 minutes. Add the eggs one at a time, mixing after each. Add the vanilla extract.
In a separate bowl, combine the flour, baking soda, and salt. Add to the wet ingredients and mix until just combined. Add the chocolate chips and mix until incorporated.
Spoon by the tablespoon onto the prepared baking sheet, leaving 2 inches in between each cookie. Sprinkle with coarse salt, if desired. Bake until golden brown, 10-12 minutes. Let cool for 5 minutes on the pan before removing to a wire rack to cool completely.
Store cookies in an airtight container at room temperature.

Calories: 207kcal, Carbohydrates: 25g, Protein: 2g, Fat: 11g, Saturated Fat: 7g, Cholesterol: 28mg, Sodium: 84mg, Potassium: 95mg, Fiber: 1g, Sugar: 15g, Vitamin A: 211IU, Calcium: 19mg, Iron: 1mg

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Video Transcription

hi guys welcome back to my channel thankyou for clicking onto this video I hopeyou enjoy it so I thought with all thiscraziness going on in the world rightnow we all need it a little bit of abreak from that because I know I showedyou so I thought I would get ready putsome makeup on and record a video of memaking my absolute favorite cookies andyeah record it so that you guys canmaybe hopefully if you have theingredients go bake them – they areamazing they’ll burn – butter chocolatechip cookies and I swear I swear on mylife there are the best things you’llever bake and you’re ever in your entirelife so I’ve been craving these for awhile so I’m like well weirder stuff doI have to do today then bake and youknow it in a video so that’s what Ithought I would do better I’m gonnarecord the whole process I alreadymentioned everything I like to put allthat I’ll write that all down in thedescription so if you really do a3-speed to make them then you can justgo down to the description box and allthe ingredients the recipe the methodeverything will be there but before youdo that why don’t you just watch me andmaybe get a cup of tea have fun and yeahwatch me create this recipe it will notcreate I’m making I just found onPinterest but it’s amazing and I reallymeasured all my stuff out it’s gonna belike a nice step-by-step video like wedo add white and a lot of light a blockI’m very excited but before we get intothe video and before we get into bakingcould I please Lavagirl favor pleasecould you subscribe and like this videoso I know if you guys like this kind ofcontent I obviously have 21 days becauseI’m in South African we have a Twitterand a lockdown because everything goingon so I have 21 days to create lots ofdifferent stuff for you guys and bakeand yeah have fun so let me know if youenjoyed this and yeah let’s get it okayso step one we are going to melt butterinto a pan on stove and it’s pretty muchmore 50 like a brown butter consistencyso you’ll see how it should lookso long yeah you’ll see how it shouldlook it should be relatively dark youdon’t have to be too dark I could wantit to be burnt but um I’ll just get thatnice and going over there on the stove[Music][Music][Music][Music]okay almost there I’m done so I’m sureyou can see as I’m mixing it like it’sbrown in there Ohsmalls insane okay so now we need thatcool a bit so I have made this recipenumerous times I have made this recipeI’m so sorry I’m not a very good camerahuman because and even how to do thisstuff but I have made the trace Pnumerous times and they say wait for thebutter to cool down like completely Iput in the fridge and let it likesolidify but I’ve never done that andit’s always turned out perfect so I’mgonna wait for it to cool down slightlyand I’m gonna add next ingredient butyeahthe recipe says it’ll cool downcompletely liking it a hard enough thegames like form the butter again butI’ve never done that and it’s a littlelifts or anyone okay so the next step isadding little sugar and we’ve measuredout which is in dirt in the descriptionbox to the butter and then giving that anice mix and just from consistency isexactly what we want because that isit’s the flavor we’re looking for I knowit’s a lot of sugar and I’m not a betterbut it’s so good I swear it’s worth allthe caloriesokay we just need to wait for that tocool down slightly so that we can addyou know eggs and we don’t want to sleepwant them to scramble so you’re notgonna have them in garage now but in themeantime while that cools down tocutting our so you’re pretty much useany chocolate they could use like amoment at breathe I’m just usingdocument no no particular reason I justthink because he’s a very rich and sweetcookies it’s nice to have like a dropcounter thing going on so I always justuse a plus lap but actually don’t evenknow how much you should use but this iswhat I use I usually always do this Ikind of just poke the knife into the topof the chocolate which is definitelydon’t try that at home kids but italways works and it gives such a nicelike very pieces of like chunks ofchocolate[Music][Music]oh good yeah I’ve going that’s cool gelenough to start adding the eggs I justput the recipe just because I haven’tmake it out fair enough to know it allby heart but I do know it’s good okay soin this bowl we’re gonna noun 1ok it’s now a tea cakes it’s two eggsone at a time straight for the butterand the sugar mixture at a time it justsaid layer in his structurejust remember to let it cool down itwill make scrambled eggs and it willlock yummy making for dessert for overhundred people at my house but for threepeople okay I like thank youit’s still pretty like I don’t know howto describe it pretty right eithergood luck teas good and washing my hands[Music]okay not my best time we can be betteron the side for a little button we’regonna draw dry ingredients now so thefirst thing is some flour so it’s twoand a half cups but again this will allbe done in the description box andsomething make sure I have the rightamount of baking soda one teaspoon ofbaking soda straight to this mixture andthen 1/2 teaspoon of salt I use thiscoarse salt which is probably not thebest why don’t you probably do that likebaking salt and quite a nice bit of saltbecause don’t worry that’s also justreally don’t bring our flavors ofearthly so nice bit of salt now we’regonna get another wouldn’t you know justmix that in make sure the baking soda inso let’s combine nicely into the flourand then we’re gonna pray it a littlebit about oh well in the mixture andwe’re not sure I think I’m pretty surethat yes just add the wet ingredientsinto the dry ingredientsI mean I was pretty sure I just don’twanna get this wrong and then this wholevideo you fail okay so we’re gonna add anice burnt butter and sugar I eatmixture into our flour mixture[Music]okay uh what I didn’t know[Music]that’s all right what does that have noone to speak at well we give this a nicemix mix everything together all theseingredients and yet except for ourchocolate chips which we will add oncethis is all combined okay slowlyI’m six out of you guys to see how theseturn out you’re gonna make them in mytrimmer that’s a suet[Music]okay as you can see it’s quite runny butthis is always how it looks but what Ialways do is take some like flour plainflour and then you just put it in yourhands and then maybe a little bit moreon the run like a board when you’rerolling it into the balls that we needbut we can worry about that now nowstill mixing in chocolate and you’ll seebecause my little black not completelycool the butter starts to like meltthese chocolate chips even before it’sin the oven which is good because itlike goes into the chocolatemm-hmmokay Oh mixture is complete you’ll seewhat I mean with the chocolate literallylike the malt into it it’s so good yeahokay now I’m gonna go start rolling themon this board give me a second next stepyou want to get a tray gonna put somespray and cook on it but even it isenough butter and these little cookiesyou just want to make sure they don’tstick I mean I usually do it very few ata time because they spread it so much soI’ll cook like four ish at a time andthen the rest so my butter made me mytruck a lot a little bit more than Iusually it would like but that’s okaythey’ll be glitch but I don’t you justdidn’t wait long enough that’s how tocool down so the chocolate malted wine alot but that’s right they’ll be delishlike a chocolate butter cookie yeah abit big cuz you’ll see they spread a lotson and actually cook them three at atime in the oven a permanent oven Ithink you literally cook them for like12 minutes each roughly but you stay bythe oven you want them to be like niceand soft in the middlecrunchy on the outside good job oven 3 Imean so 375 degrees Fahrenheit 180degrees Celsius honestly because thecookies went wrong a bit with obviouslythe melting chocolate sorry actually waslike maybe I won’t post this rest foryou like oh excuse me let’s wait a bitwrong and win a bit like well butthey’re looking super delicious and Ihave only good you can’t even see themyou can only see it knocked over leftyou’ll see Nanabut yeah I think they all turned outreally nicely so I’m gonna leave thatI’m gonna make sure I post this videoyou know whatbake I’m not professional I don’t dothis on the rig for just because theywere in a bit not like how they usuallylook like this race Pete shouldn’tBrown if naked it should theelectronically trying should melt andlittle this but like they never meltedcompletely into the mixture so Idefinitely may know that I nicked thebutter for way too little like roastalways you’re hot but you never know Icould maybe cuz him candy have made thebest mistake ever and there could be thebest batch of cookies or butter cookiesthat I’ve ever made Rathbun buttercookies so that’s waiting to eat mycooking okay guys the forest for thefirst four are ready and they’d lookabsolutely unrealI mean look down and show you the insideof these bad boys they should be likesuper soft any inside I guess so here’sthe cookie looks amazing I just wait forit okay yeah that’s the stuff okaytaste test timeoh my god come on have a bite of thisbad boy that’s unrealso they don’t go as intendedthey won’t mean to completely have thetruck that like submerged in it but it’sactually unreal so open oh I’ll let you[Music]so they worked up its lush soupy yeahtry this recipe at home people I’ll burnthe description thanks for watchingyou

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