Abrielle shows you how to cook Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies! Hope you enjoy! Subscribe and Hit that Like Button! Don’t forget to comment, “What’s your favorite cookie?”
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hi guys this is every role and this ismy first youtube video but today we’regonna be making some oatmeal cookieswith some chocolate chips in it sobefore I hand studded hit that likebutton subscribe turn on that bow andcomment down below what’s your favoritecookie so what we’re gonna be needing tomake these delicious cookies is vanillabaking soda flour powder eggsbrown sugar some oatmeal sugar butterand some salt and a with a lot ofchocolate chip Presta is a pre gonnapreheat the oven we’re gonna preheat theoven to 325 so let’s do it[Music][Music]and remember don’t leave the waterrunning don’t want to lose water afterwe wash our hands we’re gonna put thebutter okayokay now let’s put a half a cup ofregular sugar in a full cup of brown[Music]but[Music]block itup to onenow we’re going to go up to two andthat’s the only one mobility until it’ssmooth[Music]this looks amazing okay now we’re gonnatake one egg and crack into the eggnow we’re gonna do the yolk of egg notother parts but just the yolk okay nowwe’re gonna do one tablespoon of vanillaand remember to do this over the bowl[Music]let me share a little secret with you mysister says everything needs a dash ofalmond she says it’s her secretingredientso tell no one k how do you know whattime it is lock it and put it on tonumber onenow number two guysnow let’s mix it up until it lookspretty smooth hey[Music]hey guys now I see it looks prettysmooth now a different role and pour allof the dry ingredientsdo not pour vanilla in there okay novanilla we’re gonna need two cups offlour oats 1 teaspoon of baking powder 1teaspoon of baking soda make a spoon ofsalt a kosher salt okay now we need towhisk it but where’s my whisking I don’tknow if this is gonna work but I’m gonnatrywhoa how did that get here that is socool I didn’t think it was gonna workbut now let’s get upnow once it’s all mixed up we’re gonnaput into this thing which we call themixer but I like to use this tool soit’s nice and clean but you can use youdon’t have to use this you can usewhatever you want okay now we have toget this mixer and now we’re gonna takethis make sure you use thisin this tool make sure all the stuff onhere this lot the gradientsha ha ha I’m gonna turn it on to one andslowly add the chocolate chipshey slowafter it’s time mixing we’re gonnaunlock it and lift it up okay let’s makesome cookies and you’re gonna put Westwax paper on top of it or somethingfancy like my mom has how we’re gonnause this I call it the ice cream scooperand we’re gonna scoop oh oh let’s trythat againsee now I got the hang of it dad[Music]and we’re gonna put it on like that makesure to do it like like push thesetogether to make it fall out let’s do itagain[Music][Music]and just keep doing that over and overit there’s gonna be three rows and fiveis gonna be in each row as you can see Igot space between my cookies make sureyou do that because they’re gonna spread[Music]minutes Tyner for 14 minutes 14 minutesstarting now what’s up thank youyou bet well the cookies are baking it’sa good time to clean up this mess but Idon’t know if it’s gonna work but let’stry it again 5 4 3 2 awesome stop thickstop the timer please Alexa thank younow it’s time to go now it’s time to gotake these out I know they may look donebut they’re not so we’re gonna let themsit here for one or two minutes cuzthey’re gonna dry oknow that they have had time to dryit comes back I highly recommend youhave this if you don’t uh you can buythis Oh an Amazon I think I don’t knowbut I think it’s on Amazon[Music]now let’s make the rest of your debtgoodwell not go out for try Oh guys look atthat one more photo I’ve actually neverhad one of thesebut it’s amazing mmm now all you have todo is do the same thing with your otherbatch of cookies and and remembercomment down below what is your favoritecookie I really want to know bye[Music]