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Video Transcription
hey everyone this is Dorothy Curran fromcrazy for crust welcome to my kitchentoday I’m going to show you how to makeone of my favorite fourth of Julyrecipes it’s a spiral cookie a butterysugar cookie that spiraled and rolled upwith blue and red sanding sugar so thatwhen you cut it into ice it and bake itit looks like it almost like afirecracker a red has the red and bluesugar all intermixed in the spiraleveryone loves them I’m making them foryears come join me in the kitchen todayand let’s get startedall right so to make the spiral cookieswe need to make a nice delicious sugarcookie dough so I have one cup ofunsalted butter in here it’s softenedit’s been sitting at room temperaturefor about an hour or two and I have onecup of granulated sugar just gonna beatthat until it mixes up freeze thesecookies are always the first thing todisappear every time we have a party allright now I’m going to scrape down thesides of the mixer okay I’m gonna addone large egg I’m gonna add a half of ateaspoon of salt now I have made thiswith salted butter before before Istarted using unsalted so if you’reusing salted butter just skip the saltand I’m going to add a half of ateaspoon of almond extract it’s purealmond extract adds a wonderful flavornow if you’re allergic to almond or youdon’t like the flavor of almond extractyou can just use vanilla you could uselemon extract also but almond extract isthat wonderful smell to the cookie I’musing these eggs itmy mother-in-law gets from a friend oftheirs that there are fresh eggs and theyolks are so yellow all right so I’mgoing to use two and work up some flournow I’m scooping my flour what you don’talways recommend and I know everyone onFood Network they would sweep theirflour but the important thing is you canscoop it you can spoon it you just don’twant to pack it so it all often do isI’ll kind of go like that and then I usemy finger to level it off so it’s notpacked they need two and a quarter cupsof that all-purpose flourjust like that and then we’re slowlygonna mix them in start slow so you’renot wearing it I’m going to make a nicethick doughall right there it’s a nice piece ofthick dough you can kind of touch itit’s not too wet it’s not too much totouch this isn’t you’re not gonna you’regonna roll this we’re gonna roll thisout before we kill it because we want tobe able to roll it and if we can’t rollit if it’s cold cuz then it’ll justbreak okayso now I’m gonna get all set up to rollthese up okay so now I’m gonna roll outour spiral cookies and so I have halfthe dough on a sheet of wax paper and Iput down a silicone baking mat you havea roll pad or one of those ones so itdoesn’t roll like you too much while I’mtrying to unroll them out so have asheet of West paper half the dough andthen I have another sheet of wax paperhere and I’m gonna press it as flat as Ican with my hands I’m gonna lift up thewax paper a little bit to something tostick too much to it then I’m going touse my rolling pin I’m going to try androll it out to a rectangle you want itabout 8 9 inches square this is notcompletely square that’s fine just tryand make it even so that when you rollit up you have all the parts that cannice job and what I like to do while I’mdoing thisthis is the way I do my sugar cookiestoo when I make them I like to go likethis to take it off so doesn’t Stamperget like creases and then I’ll flip itover and do the same thing on the otherside you see this depends it does thatwhere it rolls up and you just kind offix it with your hands I’m gonna try andmake this more into a square okay so I’mgoing to take off the top layer of waxpaper and now is when the fun startsthis is when I’m going to bring in thered and the blue sugars and so what I’mgoing to do is I’m going to sprinklestripes of red and blue sugars I’m gonnasprinkle every other one then it kind ofleave space in between kind of like aflag right and blueokay now I’m gonna roll it up I’m gonnause the wax paper to help me start theroll kind of it’s a little sticky rightnow cuz it’s warm especially if it’swarm in your house but if I use it tohelp it roll peel it off as I go kind ofkind of push it every once in a while tomake sure that it’s tight and you’llsqueeze it together a little bit onceyou get it all the way rolled up sowe’re gonna roll it all the way up justlike that and then I’m gonna take thisand I’m going to chill it for at leastan hour and then I’ll slice and bake itso I’m gonna put that in the fridge andthen I’m going to finish I’m gonna dothe same thing with the rest of thedough that I just did with this one butI have my cookie dough roll that hasbeen chilling about an hour so you canalways put it in the freezer if you needto chill it faster and then I’m going toslice it into about you know about aquarter inch thickness just cut slices Ihave my oven preheated to 350 degreesjust cut them all up like so and thenI’m gonna lay them down on the cookiesheet now these don’t spread really atall there’s no leavening in them there’sno baking soda or baking powder oranything so they don’t spread at all soyou can this and the dough is coldbecause it’s been in the refrigerator soyou can put them pretty close togetherit’s gonna bake them for about eight ornine minutes in my oven at 350 I do liketo rotate the pan part way throughbaking just so make sure it bakes evenlyso I’m gonna bake those off and thenwe’ll be ready for our 4th of July partythat’s it that’s all you need to do tomake 4th of Julyspiral cookies thanks for watching happy4th of July[Music]