Elias is an amazing 3 year old smart kid who loves to try anything. This time he asked his dad to teach him how ti bake his own cookies.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hello[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]okay[Music][Music]yes okay okay okayokay okayokay another one hey go things okay okaymom beside death so very much me huh Igotta make this it’s so very hot so nowwe’re gonna take away engineer Birdmanwe finished the eyesmy ginger now she baked a linkage inI’m all ready to eat my gingerbread mancookieokay[Music]I hope don’t eat him run run asfast as you cancan’t catch me in the gingerbread man