Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hello guys so today we are making famouschocolate-chip cookies so you’rewondering if it’s good or bad is tastystudy on taste so first we’re gonna add2 cups of flour the first one then 2seconds then we can add some sugarthen you can add some oil there you canadd some oiland at and the first we’ll mix it up and[Music]it’s sorryso I mix it up look you need to mix itup beautiful Danny we get it max sofunny huh then kind of mix it up tillthe eggs get mushi sorry it kind ofmakes some messes so God our mixturemixed up pushed up so now we’re gonnaadd some baking powder[Music]there’s so good fitnow we get a mush it up with our handsso we mush it up it looks so prettythen we’re gonna turn them to balls ohand don’t forget when you put yourthingy your trade you have to put yourbutter and spray or whatever you wantand it just needs someone so I’m gonnamake a circle make tons of tons moremake more okay you are a beautifulcookie so we’re gonna put them in theoven to eat these all right so I makeone star for in the middle it isn’t itprettyif you have molds you can old also makeit was bonus so our cookies are donethey look so delicious so you can eatanything belong you can pick creams onthem so I have one of my taste disksBrasi okay come here come hereokay so he’s not coming[Music]bye oh and don’t forget to subscribelike and hit the notification bell bye