#michiganbangladeshivlogger #banana_bread_recipe #usa
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বিয়ে বাড়ির স্টাইলে গরুর মাংসের রেজালা https://youtu.be/U0NrTH_5P8U
গরুর মাংসের কালা ভুনা রেসিপি https://youtu.be/_9LhYKqQtJ4
গরুর পায়া রেসিপি https://youtu.be/TDNFM7Pp-Pg
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রোল সামুচার জন্য পারফেক্ট কিমার পুরের রেসিপি https://youtu.be/JixFSi0J5mA
চিংড়ি মাছের কোফতা কারি https://youtu.be/DhxO2GmUP2o
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]Salam alaikum everyone welcome back tomy channelMichigan Bangladeshi vlogger geminate inshabu-shabu t ph value Alton andhamdulillah AMRO I learned on topologyvoltage EOS 1100dI’m Roger Kinnear teach Hawaii actorAdam Kadmon TRT so at a moderate leveleluted gyro community alhamdulillahBalaji rhetorical attacked a partumshava shava Gino do a Corbina mere Marmol video teach our languageHawaii actor kata bulging on awoodchopper Katya man should I showvirgin no do a carbon i’m rishabhoriginal so by millimeter hollow everchoose to show really tacticallya me escape Natasha T at the recipe sheare Corbeau banana breadso what our Jamaican Akito Pokornyenergy had ASCAP Natasha tal Corvo theholy earth Natasha YMS heart attack in aMakeba by banana bread Bonnie tgd ebonyit to take Aditi he pan an oblate vanityeconomy chapter burn an annuity it isafter : Elam tarp origami Akane dotastic unsalted butter Nancy Akaneparlament out there watch a 4 tbsp curryact hasta que hace toe Americana totesticle t-ara me do it Adam nian t dothat image or Noemi do tastic me a tarpawaken energy key to kiss misstarp or a a me a Canadian team have sucha muslim-owned I make to Lobo no DJ theHarper a after Thomas cinnamon powdertarp or actor Thomas baking powder tarpor am ii ii ii achieve brown sugarAbner alicia budget initiative thetemple and ecology 18 Yamla jatt aCohutta to be ami brown sugar DGhalf-caf petawatt neuropathy putinD’Amato dt parent mr. Konishi economymodernity Delta Derek up my daddy a mebanana bird wanna watch at a banana dathe operation annuity do table Thomasliquid milk tarp or a homologue bevanilla essence I can take a me attachour Thomas Portman penny license Depotbanana bread qle shatters keepo kottibaron potent Donohue lady beam to be aMedici agent way to share column theycreated on the economy assalambut attack to melt Corrine E&C AlbertaTabu show room temperature a Rahman theare polluted MD a dealer deemed a RParrilla me a to whisker ADT money mixcore energy at a hand withcardiovascular courage a tarp or aeconomy colossal a hectic itachi uchihahas a pata me a to measure a Nietzscheethic or a mix Katya Mariska thereshould be the Hobbyafter mesh quarry at our podium e dedépôt and then uh no actually i me doingpoly mesh quality item to head to mychart a banana you know could it be toquality lee actually below hose more toymix quarter I make two details Bowl ADTCairo Newtons are Nashik Jason CoomerApple Jody Deacon Tahoe Liam evolve okayto turn a ho oppa karyesh be we buryamir amesh korea korea typology Edelentarp or economy electric whisk at theEroica to score a nibble mixed out thedeveloper bhaitarp or Aramaic on liquid jet milk meAngela sheet a DDT could be shaho -Allah khuda Shivaji Kurata our milk atthe airport Amira to mix Korean eachchip I can actually act act out poker onthe mix Coronel a voyage a token okay -Ashley a menage electro cotton lag asatire key tarp or a economy sugar towelde l’homme imagine occipital a below whoSAT me on audacity our quarryJudea monotone Ron Asheton Kuno Buddakanthe holiday take to Opaka reassure herown mother Maryam Rajavi a journey butAnika – actually I’m Raja Nina bottomjokin ran Nishiki original emergencypabulum- details naked a tarp or a eject buttona me mo da da deity are same my daddyare pure are red tube allegory mixKarina boy Paco Paco initiative that issmooth smooth actor baba Sheikhon a cable in J banana bread bananashocked oh hey Ajayso I’m ammonia can we put him ontikitikiBaloo Bob a local mix Corie Judy Bonannojoin the holy shocked Ohana a macheteTakata addictive Avenger my blade itakuitaku software agenda toledo economyChristmas baking powder cinnamon powdertar pure vanilla essence d ADT Lepantothe idiots put him on teh holy man atthe parlor smooth hole could be soft toyhow much had to take him to hurl a deptha bobbin gee I’m an herb bread bananac’mon we’ll chill Oh fruit of meactually Amaro ho tuna amnio partum notour purest est surely according manateeto tobelo who a Cubano Jacob or Bona tobe a memory try Cory best and that theyhave not had the burger in today’sofficial kotipalliGenesis remarkable oh ho so a tokenpresented our Amish hat they attend a myrecipe today cash station another cableto thank you so much Jeremy Quitodentists a podcast accenting to somassive model Carrillo a mark Aquaticaon a conic doable ovation Rajaram attuneas camel video no to jettison apniDucati America request a Panera amarginal T AB model channel corinne ebenbell Patricia who subscribe :I’m not encoding so much Edith not ashot equitable TT a mimics coordinate Zshow Papa :a cone after baking paper a me afterbaking pan empty a tarp or a a mixertodaytow a tow I’m a baking pan in the EnergyCommittee sat down economy 350 degreeFahrenheit temperature a 50-minute bakedCorbeau just magic Akbar half an hourPelageya college a community to Amishhat attacking the holodeck capable shakyloco Mocho banana bread open a DRG arrowcommit to Khalid ib’n attack or avittorio de batata Takeshita bearish weare making wo Torito amoebic Penta openidea deity for the RC 50 minute for a[Music]r8o 50 minute podium event a Quebec orannuity I’m a 30 minute period to takeoriginal actor toothpick there buttoothpick Daschle a fresh way any KarenVittorio touka-tachi low so a moreperfect timing to jello 50 minute inJapan chess degree Fahrenheit a thej-hook doctor patent amiable : ENTbanana bread taken to a concluded quorumKonami metroburg or energy second actokay today he did TJ come on Jose OrtegaTrishula legacy Ubisoft 20 Remy actorpisghetti applaud l KD KD t je croistotoko software cello declarationbooster firemen are a token for John toJarmusch attention another key availableto thank you so much amar Oscar recipeDiplodocus a camel a blue banana breadbanana Kamal a blue ocean commoncollagen amine validly at a lightdependence melodic departure to besoftware the j-hook shall hallow dagwona skin mo da vida en a survivalattackableCousteau temple Amity journal doaccording am our next video dica RamonOrnelas Hawaiki Aegina Allah Hafizassalamualaikum