Series 2 – bake/cook with me
Featuring: Maddy
links to recipes:
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hello today is my day to do cooking /baking earlier this week I actually gotfootage for making my family dinner andwe had like pasta and bread and I made ahomemade pasta dough and bread and thefootage just like does it make any senseand I mean I’ll answer some clips yeah[Music]yeah basically I decided that I was alsogoing to bake today so today I’m gonnatry and make Korean bread like custardgreen bread it’s like green fog and thenI’m gonna shave them into bunniesbecause I have found this video of thiswoman making like bunny shaped bread andit’s really cute and I don’t have allthe ingredients but I have alternativesso we’re just gonna try it and I’m justwinging it so yeah here we go[Music][Applause]okay so I’ve got my egg which Iseparated more milk sugar vanilla flourand then I’m gonna put on ears cook itup and then I guess I just whisk ituntil it thickens so here we go this ismy first time trying this so wish meluckdon’t wanna turn that[Music]OhI have to stir constantly until it boils[Music][Music]it got really thick and it kind of wasboiling setting off the heat and now Ithink I leave it I guesshey I made a custard so I’m letting thecustard cool for a little bit and thenI’m gonna put in the fridge so I canpick it up more but now we’re gonna makethe bread dough and this is you’resupposed to use bread flour but I don’thave bread flour despite all the breadthat I’ve been making during quarantinebut I’m tin use all-purpose are and hopefor the best even though the internettells me that it makes a huge differencewhen you use bread flour but oh wellbecause I’m not about to go out and getit so here we go I’m warmed up milk andsugar and then now I have to put theyeast into here so that it can bloom andlike you know the sugar and be nice andyeasty and fun so this yeast by the wayit’s we had to like pack it into otherpackaging but nice shout out to Megan’sdad who climbs up to the second shelf oflike the Costco racks to get us a hugething of yeast because we couldn’t findit anywhere elseI think pounded and climbed up I got itfor us so thanks for saying supposed tosplit the sugar and between this andthis but I put it all in here so we’rejust winging it today I guessthen I’m supposed to pour half of awhisked egg which looks definitely morethan half but okay and then somesoftened butter which is probably not assomething as it needs to be also it said20 gramswho the heck measures I’m not in the UK[Music]good another become the seen who don’tsee those you’re watching it the what Pgo good on Saturday July ordinary womanit’s like really soft those I’ve justhad it so much flowerI completely change okay so I’mcurrently in the warmest place in myhouse because Brett is supposed to proofat technically eighty five degrees Ithink but it is not that temperature inmy house an or outside it’s kind of coldtoday so I found the warmest room in myhouse so I’m gonna close the door andput it in the Sun there’s like a littlepatch of Sun here I’ve covered it withpractice take the wrap and this is whatit looks like and it’s kind of not thesame as any bread I’ve made before andthat’s making me nervous but we’re gonnaleave it to proof for an hour and thenyeah I’m gonna walk the dog do somethings and we’ll come back laterI wish a Whitacre change for the betteralreadydrama throw it made and I see my Dadayeah I doOh[Music]okay it doubled I think doubled and Irecruited helpers helpers helpers okayand also we have custard you made ityeah right now is there you should fitinto that friends club then a layer ofjam then custard which I make fromscratch so let’s get startedthey’re like little potatoes don’t benice to them our dough is nice andsupple a nice simple I love saying thatsmooth supple ball of dough it’s not theshape we’re going for well this onedidn’t like to cooperate you right who’sin charge you or the dough[Music][Music]until they[Music][Music]to wake up my son I’ve been losing sleepfor you okay here they are these are mybunny your custard buns they’re a littleburntthey’re cute because I know I need themcome on oh my gosh[Music]success[Music]alright thanks for watching like andsubscribe bye