Bread Recipes

Whole Wheat Banana Bread | No Refined Sugar, No maida | आटआ बनाना ब्रेड रेसिपी | lockdown baking

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To make this on convection mode- bake at 180C for 40 min

Healthy whole-wheat banana bread recipe

2 cups whole wheat flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cinnamon powder
1/2 tsp ginger powder
1/2 cup softened butter
1/3 cup jaggery powder (Shakkar)
2 eggs
1+ 1/2 cup mashed bananas ( about 5 bananas)
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup milk
1/4 cup walnuts

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[Music][Music]hey guys so I have been craving bananabread for the longest time now and I’mfinally making it in my kitchen todayand sharing the recipe with you the bestpart is that this banana bread is aslightly healthier version because wegonna make it with all wheat flourso there’s no refined flour in thisrecipe and no refined sugar so let’sdive into the recipe and let’s getstarted[Music]one teaspoon of baking powder into mywhole wheat flour in goes half ateaspoon of baking soda and honestlywhat is banana bread without some spicesso in goes cinnamon powder and someginger powder you can skip these but ithonestly makes your bread taste so muchbetter and now with a whisk just mix mixmix until everything is nicely combinedthis is done set this aside and in alarge bowl I’ll add half a cup of buttersalted butter make sure it’s softenedand not too cold and not too hard I’malso adding jaggery powder or shockernow you need to clean both of theseingredients together I’m doing this inmy stand mixer but you could just do itwith your hand whisk or your electricmixer once this looks fluffy throw intwo eggs and mix them in so I’m makingmy banana bread with egg and honestly Ihaven’t tried making this healthierversion without egg but if you want tomake a necklace version you can try andsubstitute X with one cup of Greekyogurt or hound code and I think itshould work well and now coming to thestar of the recipe bananas you needabout five of them I like to bake themin the oven at 200 degrees Celsius for15 minutes until they look like this andthen I use a fork to match them properlyand then throw them into my batter youcan skip the baking wallah step if yourbananas are already right[Music]mixing those mashed bananas and add inabout a teaspoon of good quality vanillaextract and then beaten half a cup ofmilk at this point the batter is gonnalook extremely ugly but don’t worryhe’ll come together I’m gonna add in thedry ingredients into my wet ingredientsand then use a spatula to just fold themin[Music]my batter looks good it’s ready and nowI’m gonna throw in some walnuts this iscompletely optional but I just love thecrunch and the by that walnuts add to mybanana bread you could add any nuts thatyou like this is done and now it’s timeto transfer the batter into a loaf panlined with parchment paper parchmentpaper helps me pull out the bread reallyeasily once it’s big but if you don’thave parchment paper you could simplybrush your pan with some melted butterand dust it with flour my oven waspreheated at 180 degree Celsius and youneed to bake your bread for about 50minutes until it’s really nice andgolden brown on the topand as you are inserted into the centercomes out clean[Music]I am so glad I made this banana breadtoday because now my midnight sweetcravings so the next couple of days issorted I hope you guys enjoyed watchingthis video and in case you did please dohit the like button and subscribe to mychannel and if you try this recipe athome let me know in the comments belowwhat you thought of it I come back toyou guys with another recipe soon untilthen happy baking and take care

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