Bread Recipes

White Bread Recipe/How to make sandwich bread/Sandwich Bread recipe/How to make bread at home

White Bread Recipe/How to make sandwich bread/Sandwich Bread recipe/How to make bread at home

This video will help you make soft white bread or sandwich bread in a simple 5 step method.

Complete written Recipe :

The step by step video will show you how to make bread at home and this video specifically tells about how to make sandwich bread at home.

Homemade bread recipes does not contain preservatives or improvers and so homemade breads are best.
Basic White bread recipes are popular and favorite bread as they are soft and can be toasted or can have with soups or stews.

This simple white bread recipe is an easy bread recipe as we does not require any special equipments to make this bread and can be made with only six basic ingredients.

I love this sandwich bread as they are soft and fluffy and has soft crust on top and they are not overly sweet.

This Basic white bread recipe can be adapted in such a way that we can include whole wheat flour or other whole meal flours and can make it more nutritious.

Another good thing that some of you may love about this white bread recipe is that it is eggless bread recipe and not use milk in this white bread recipe.

The method of making this sandwich bread or basic white bread is simple and easy.

Here is how to make sandwich bread at home.

1.Prepare the bread dough
2.Proof the bread dough for 2 hours
3.Shape the white sandwich bread dough
4.Final rising(70-80 minutes)
5.Bake the bread.

The size of baking pan :7.5 inches length x 4 inches breadth x 4 inches height
or 19.5 cm length x 10 cm breadth x 11 cm height

In this basic white bread recipe video, we also see how to knead the bread dough without much effort and get to a stage of passing “window pane test”.

We will also see how to shape a simple loaf bread in such a way that we can make beautiful homemade bread in our own kitchen.

Hope you like this video on how to make bread and specifically how to make a basic white bread or sandwich bread.
Hope you found this easy bread recipe helpful and hope you will make this at home.

Printable recipe White sand with bread recipe :

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Video Transcription

[Music]this event fresh homemade sandwich breadis super soft light and airy and theytaste amazing and even better thanstore-bought prints they are so easy tomake and a week and we don’t require anyspecial a cup ends to make this breadand we can make them with only six basicingredients that are mostly alreadypresent in your pantry and in this videowe’ll see how to knead the dough withoutmuch effort and we’ll also see how toshape a loaf bread in such a way that wecan make beautiful bread in her own homekitchen so let’s see how to make thisdelicious homemade sandwich bread infive simple steps[Music]so as the first step let’s prepare ourbread dough say into a ball adding waterwhich is not called nor heart but justlightly warm and then add in onetablespoon of honey and one teaspoon ofsalt and one teaspoon of yeast and stirit just to dissolve them in water andnow add in the butter here have used asoft butter so that it’s easy for us toblend them together and now let’s add inflour wicken gives a plain flour orbread flour to make this bread here I’veused all-purpose flour which is moreconveniently available for most of uscombine everything together to form ashaggy mass of dough and now we need toknead the dough say transfer the doughonto a clean work surfaceand if you are using a stand mixer thenit will be so much easy for you to kneadthe dough but if you are kneading byhand you may feel the dough to be alittle sticky in the beginning and atthis point we may get tempted to addmore flour into this but don’t do thatjust stretch the dough and fold it backonto itself and then turn it and repeatthe process in such a way that it formslong threads of gluten and I’ve measuredmy ingredients using a kitchen scale andyou can see I have not added any extraflour or water during kneading but theconsistency of a do may slightly differif we use cup measurements and that’sokay too while making umbrella we don’tneed to be very strict on themeasurementsbut the point is that we should know theconsistency of our final dough so if youfind the dough to be tough even afterkneading for 5 to 6 minutes we can addone or two tbsp of water and if you findthe dough to be very sticky even afterkneading for 5 to 6 minutes we can addone or two tablespoons of flourso after kneading the dough for six toeight minutes until has changed itstexture it is more smooth and lesssticky but you can see it is not passingthe windowpane test say a dough is saidto be where neededwhen it passed this a windowpane testthat is we should be able to stretch thedough into a thin membrane withouttearing the doughso what we are going to do now is tocover the dough and let it sit and restfor 10 minutes and this is a magicalmoment and this will gives some time forus to relax and it will help the breaddough to absorb the moisture and theproteins together into loan and glutenthreads and now after 10 minutes justknead the dough for 2 more minutes andyou will see until is showing morestrength and elasticity and we passedour windowpane tests which guaranteessoft and fluffy and delicious bread[Music]our dough is now very soft and smoothand it will spring back when pressed andyou can see it’s still showing atendency to stick on to the surface andnow our dough is ready for the firstproofing so a nightly oil a clean balland to place the dough inside it andcoat it with some oil and wrap it with aplastic gun and let the dough sit andrise in a form environmental for twohours or until it gets doubled in size[Music]and now after 2 hours until has risenwell and now let’s transfer this doughonto a lightly floured work surface andnow let’s shape our dough say Dee getsthe dough using hands or using a fallingpin and form it into a rectangle foldthe bottom third up and then fold thetop of the dough down so that itoverlaps the other layers and now tenninety degree and flatten it into a lonerectangle using a rolling pin we need tomake sure there are no air pocketsinside[Music]and now roll it just as we roll a jellyroll[Music]and now pinch the dough to seal theedges and do the same on both sides andwhen we roll and shape the dough in thisway and bread slice we’ll have abeautiful swirl pattern our final shapedon’t need to have some tension on topthis tension will help the door to get agood oven rise so hold the door likethis with your hands and drag it slowlytowards you and you will see a Tulpaphoto we get a tightened up and now ourdough is ready for the fourth step thatis to go for the final rising so placethe dough onto a greased baking pan andnow wrap it with a plastic film and letthe dough sit and rise for 70 to 75minutes and after 70 minutes our doughhas person well and it’s now ready to gointo the oven so bake at 350 Fahrenheitpreheated oven for 32 to 35 minutes[Music]and after baking immediately take it outof the pan and let the loaf cool downcompletely before slicing this coolingdown process is still at the part ofcooking process as the steam which hasentrapped within the bread will help theinside of the bread to cook throughcompletely and to make the crust moresoft just apply some butter on the topof the bread and this bread is so softand fluffy and it’s so good even withsome plain butter and the spread can betoasted well and can be used to make asandwiches and it goes pretty well withyour favorite soups or stews and this isone of my favourite sandwich bread and Ican promise you thatonce you make this sandwich love then itwill never want to buy still both onesand your family will ask you to makemore and more and I hope you will makethis at home and I’m sure your familywould love it and if you like this videoplease give your valuable thumbs up andplease don’t forget to share this recipewith your friends and family who lovehomemade bread and thank you so much foryour love and support and thanks forwatching this videosee you next time[Music]

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