Bread Recipes

What We Are Cooking During Lockdown | Banana Bread + Lasagna Recipes

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We’ve been baking and cooking so much during the lockdown, we show you how we cook our famous banana bread and Hubman attempts to cook lasagna! For the full Banana bread recipe, check out our comic here:

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hello there Chris and Becca here todaywe’re gonna talk about food all the foodthat we’ve been eating during thequarantine including some of yourfavorites banana bread banana bread youguys have just fallen in love withbanana bread ever since we posted ourrecipe and that banana comics you guyshave been sending us so many picturesand so many stories of you guys cookingyour own banana bread so in this episodewe’re showing you how to cook bananabread including a little bit of anupdated recipe from our last one but Ialso return the favor because I knowChuck girl does almost all the cookingin the house I do I know she’s beencooking every single day for me I feltso bad I decided that you know it wastime for mr. hub to take over and dosome of the cooking you’ll also watch mecook some lasagna later on this videoand it turns out to be really reallynice you just boiled it so you guys beensending us your banana bread picturesfor the last like couple of weeks so weactually revised the recipe from thecomic we add chocolate chips and walnutsnow we have seen so many other creativerecipes that you guys have been usingyou see like cashews and like I don’tknow some sauce sugar saucers some otherstuff on it today we’re making somebecause look what’s happened to ourbananas I keep telling you to eat oneevery day and he’s like yeah yeah sureI’ll eat it and then every day I comedownstairs there are still three bananasbut then you’re in charge of groceriesand then you go pick up some morebananas I’m gonna eat these maybe okayall right so what about all theingredients right here and let’s startit hey enough no I’m gonna help byfilming you so what I like to do is tomelt the butter firstso that’s easier to cream the butter andsugar together all this butter 1/2 cupbutter so I like to chop it up intosmaller little chunks and then melt themso it’s easier to mix with the sugarmicrowave for 30 secondsI can do it that says we measure thesugar EPS sugar this you crazywhat kind of banana bread doesn’t havesugar in itso butter and sugar next you crush upthe bananas and you mush the bananasmake sure the sugar and the butter justmix it all together I need a fork tolike make sure you mush some publicpeace move this banana is very easy tomush well now I add this banana goesinto the butter sugar and then can ummet some eggs for me too together flourbaking soda and salt[Music]yeah family destroy one teaspoon bakingsoda add all this into this next you mixuntil just combineddon’t over mix the batter[Applause]okay that’s just combined and thenvanilla can you line the pan first yessir oh you’re fired good so the pan partis really simple all you need is a penand some parchment paper bits dippingchocolate chips a handful these walnutsthey’re really big I need help and thenyou pour it into your loaf panvoila and then take all these leftoverwalnuts and just put them on the top sothey look – ready – okay Google set atimer for 50 minutes 15 minutes andthat’s starting now a few moments laterreadyoh man it’s me good job girl thank youvery much[Music]yeah that’s really good – bro you hmmthere’s our banana bread if you guysmake some more if you make anymodifications let us know tag us in yourstories and show us so good okay allright OPH up girl you are just in timeto join us for me cooking you someamazing lasagne as a little thank-youfor being pregnant and carrying Ruby forme that’s how I get plus on you you getmy lasagnasuddenly all right so I’m very excitedbecause a lot of times you guys get tosee chub girl cook but now it’s gonna bemy turn to cook by myself without thehelp of chub girl you shouldn’t be so wehave one pound of beef I figure this outby weighing it on the bathroom scale cuzwe don’t have a normal scale okay so thebeef was a little too light for thescale so I’m gonna put a 15 pounddumbbell I’m here to activate it somereason that done was only forty pointsix pounds that’s a little weirdfifteen point four okay so that meansthat this thing is point eight poundsright is fourteen point six fifteenpoint four okay so this is good this isa pound of beef and we got some eggsoregano I got some ricotta cheesemozzarella cheese some pepper and Ithink that’s all that I really need theonly thing that’s a big problem rightnow is the is that lasagna noodles ohgreat sauce as wellokay so Chuck will actually found somelasagna we only have three noodles leftyou supposed to make two layers oflasagna this is enough for one layer sofor the second layer I’m actually gonnause macaroni cuz the only other passthat we have I would have bought morebut unfortunately you know the wholeworld’s under quarantine right nowmeaning I can’t get anything so this iswhat we knew it’s gonna be good Ipromise all right Chuck girl she’sasleep she’s not ignoring me all rightlet’s see how this goes chunko fellasleep don’t wake up go yeah no wake upto the best lasagna ever I promise Ihave the water boiling now I’ve got tofigure out what to do for the rest[Music]see right now the water lots of oil I’mgonna throw on the beef and whateveringredients goes with the beef beeflet’s put a little bit more oreganobecause it smells goodadded extra clove of garlic because Ilike garlic song ever to taste let’s adda little more salt as I like salt by thepepper okay greatso break that down a little bit thisthing’s really going off oh my gosh okayokay so I’m gonna throw in the threenoodles into the pot so the foil isnicely and also put in some macaronibecause of course we don’t have enoughnoodlesyes beautiful the beef is starting tocook now mmmthat B looks really good time to starton the other thing that I have to makeso this part is really easy just gratecheese and throwing ricotta cheese alongwith the eggs and you mix them alltogether and I need 2 cups of our minipasses the whole thing[Music]basically I put the entire thing yeah meokay so I kind of made my first mistakeI was supposed to actually put inParmesan cheese instead of themozzarella and the mozzarella issupposed to go on afterwards so I’mgonna try to take some out before Icombined them hopefully this turns outokay looks fine looks looks respectablenext I’m gonna extreme the pasta okay sonow that we have this all we have to dois kind of put all the pieces togetherlike a hamburger all right so this sonow I have to do is place for noodles atthe bottom of the dish so we got one twothree I’m so proud I can do this okay solet’s put some sauce on it’s a nicelittle there Wow look at that okay thatlooks pretty good no and now I gotta puta layer of ground beef this seemed likethere’s enough beef I don’t knowsomeone’s going I only have enough forone layer of ground beef right and thena layer of cottage cheese mixture okayjust on there you know what lasagnadoesn’t look very healthy doesn’t lookvery healthy but if this is what flu Bwants this is what flu B gets spread itaround okay so for this layer I’m gonnamake sure I’m gonna use this macaroni tokind of make the next layer so nicelayer macaroni you don’t want a doublethere cuz that’s just too much pasta youknow you wanta nice layer so I put more sauce in now[Music]so this is the last layer this is Idon’t have anything left so I’m gonnaput the rest of the beef on which isn’tmuch just kind of spread that out cheesemix it’s all I got leftI thought the portions weren’t doneproperly I don’t know any pasta left toput on top so I’m just gonna put theremainder of the mozzarella on top herelike so cover the dish in a little bitin foil and throw in the oven Oh[Music]wala perfect wait for 30 minutes walk upgo sleep she’s gonna wake up to the bestlasagna evera few moments later girl is ready alittle too bad right but you know whatit’s not about the cover of the bookit’s about manhmm look at that sweet talker you’re notjust making it[Music]good mmm oh the macaroni is taste likenothing but the lasagna noodles hold uptheir shape very well this will besatisfied wheat all right good enough tobe that bad I now know how to cooklasagnano problem all right thanks for one forwatching our video I hope you guyslearned a lot from our recipes and sendus any pictures that you have a bananabread lasagna or whatever it is thatyou’re cookingwe love having new ideas to keep us wellfed during this quarantine there’s adisclaimer we’re not good cooks at allwe just look at recipes online and justfollow the instructions so don’t takeour tips too seriously so don’t forgetto Like comment and subscribesubscribing is so important we have anew video every single week you alsocheck the links below for our patreonour store and don’t forget to follow uson Instagram at home and up trip girlalthough I have a feeling that you guyscame from Instagram so don’t worry aboutthat alright so thank you so much forwatching see you guys later[Music]

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