sounds AMAZING when she eats Helium Banana Bread! See how to make your own, with her easy recipe. Stay safe at home and beat both the coronavirus COVID-19 and beat boredom. Cook with me!
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]thank you boys really hi Wow hi I’m capegal and this is Lola and today onquarantine kitchen we’re gonna becooking up my mom’s favorite Kovachkicking recipe helium infused bananabread here’s what you’ll needcrescent rolls of your choice bananasraspberry preserves one roll of ducttape a syringe and the secret ingredientone helium balloon first things firstwash your damn hands you’ll need 40 cc’sof helium don’t go crazycarefully inject into the banana useyour tape to cover the hole trapping thehelium inside wait two hours for thehelium to infuse slice the banana intoeight piecesroll each piece of banana into its ownpersonal in quarantine kitchen weremember to always maintain properdistancing set your oven to 375 degreesAlexa set a timer for 10 minutes 10minutes starting nowonce cool spread a small amount ofraspberry preserves on each crescentroll now it’s time to enjoy this is justa trick can’t really beat helium intostuff but uh even though we did it as ajokethese are super good if you use greenbananas they don’t get as mushy in theoven[Music]