Bread Recipes

We’re baking soda bread and cooking cabbage.

This video is about We’re baking soda bread and cooking cabbage.

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hello everybody it’s me again how areyou all today I’m going to make a breadthat doesn’t need any yeast and hardlyneeds any work at all and it’s made outof flour some porridge oats some milkthat’s being you can use it’s amazingI’ve got some honey I’ve got some blacktreacle which is deliciousand I’ve got some bicarbonate of sodawhich is going to be instead of yeast itwill make it rise and some salt andthat’s it this is how you do itin goes the flour in dough the oats ingoes the bicarbonate sodaall the delicious looking black treacleit’s very black isn’t itso that’s gonna go in to the milk likethis and so is the honey which I’ve justwarmed up a bit so that it’s more runnythan it was black treacle which is verysticky so you have to mix that intogether so their milks a bit warm aswell in that goes like that mix it allupreally well better with a wooden spoonjust using very quickly you can do thisactually home your flower and thislovely sweetness of the honey and theblack treacle make it really reallydeliciousokay I’m going to just put some butteron this tray why do you think I’m doingthat it doesn’t stick you think thisisn’t gonna workthis is never gonna turn into breadactually this will I’m gonna make it abit better shape oops that weakling thatand then I’m going to cut slit acrossthere and a slit across there and thatin Ireland is supposed to let the devilout just in case the devil was in thereI don’t think he is really it could letthe leprechauns in of course in the ovenit goesyouwell so it’s nearly suppertime herewell bring enough water into the pan sothat I won’t one minute right then soClark – so we’ve torn the cabbage up -so all in tiny little bits and I’ve gota bowl of cold water I’m gonna put allthe cabbage in there and that will bothwash it a little bit and if there’s anygrit in there it will all fall to thebottom of the water and now we’re gonnacook it so got a saucepan and it’s gotjust a tiny splash of oil in here I’vegot a liberally I’ve got a little bit ofsalt here and I’ve got some butter herea little none of that so it’s all gonnatake a very short space of timeit’ssee what I’m doing hereI’m just lettin most of the waters wethought maybe the bit careful doing thisand if you’re not feeling confident makesure your mum does it for somebody elseI’m just gonna put another splash ofwater like that is my fingers and nowI’m gonna put a little bit of butter andit goes and a little bit of salt and itgoes just a pinch in goes on goes thelid so we’re just gonna have a look atit’s had about a minute and a half sofar just gonna have a quick stir you cansee it’s already reduced in size okaythat’s the amazing thing about cabbageand spinach is that when you have it letme heat it up and cook it it shrinks toalmost a quarter of the size back ontoday maybe another two minuteswell finally it’s really it’s prettybeautiful smell so deliciouswhat you might not want to eat it butI’m gonna say mmm really deliciousthere we are braised cabbageand there we are one amazing deliciousI’m gonna have a slice with my favoritething of all time which is Marmite andbutter so now I’m gonna see what thissoda bread is gonna taste like by havingmy favorite look smells lovely it’s soeasy it took you saw it took about fiveminutes to make it so there’s none ofthat kneading none of that worry softit’s almost like cake actually it’s theoats in there and then buttermilk sourmilk man who’s gonna put butter on hereand Marmite let’s see what it’s likeso delicious toodaloo see you next timeso I forgot Russell and here’s Russelland he loves it with mom by boat oh yeahthere we arehow is that Russ hmm

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