*Heather sings* Bread the bread get the little bread!
We make Garlic Rosemary Bread. It was delicious!
Original of the video here
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Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]I think I’m out of rosemary[Music]rosemary do we absolutely need ribs Ineed rosemary for the garlic androsemary bread why don’t we just makegarlic bread just a garlic bread I’llget some rosemary okay[Laughter][Music]hi[Music]we find I got rosemary[Music][Music][Music]2/4 yeast yeastbecause there’s a shortage of Easterright now we have to be very carefulyeah we went to the store and all theused to be done and the TP is still gone[Music]two three some salt so salty[Music]Hosea sugarless fishes[Music]why are you using gross water your fanyour finer[Music]so this recipe is kind of dumb becauseit says don’t do that and also let thissit up like 12 hoursokay so for these okay so that willstart blooming it looks like gray wateryou look like grey water bye do notflour in the bowl anyways 90so much minced garlicabout 1/2 aonegarlicprobably about six cloves of garlic in abulba visa[Music]it’s a bad bulbone voteit’s much faster than a serrated breadyes I’ve made garlic bread like this onestep[Music]tip-upsthat looks about the same right yeah Ithink well that’s pretty good yeah sojuicy sorryyeah yeah no it looks it looks it looksgreat Oh oh no what did I leave theyeast not too long do we have dead yeastdo we have dead yeast how long did youleave the yeast out[Music]have that yeast Oh Nowell we have moreit was in the freezer it’s very coldit’s cold eastso in this shortage I was dumped andlast time I made breath I left it outbecause I’m done so thank you think thenew yeast yeah what it went oh hold thatback up again the Fishman’sFleischmann’s bread machine instantyeast it l’heure I knew big strong manhandsome[Applause]thank youlet’s try that again[Music]right my yeast trust this is the bestpart it’s watching the little babiesgirl so we can eat them there it isthat’s upper Duman baby but it soundsvery technical and very bakery likeeastery you must make a yeast ring[Music][Applause]younow we get to makethings ya gonna add some garlic androsemary salt oil and finally the yeastysugar water B string[Music][Music]delicious now we’re gonna mix[Music][Music]oh my goodnesssuper sticky oh it smells deliciousthougheat Oh so stick yeah so this is ourbread dough and we’re going to wrap itand a plastic thing that’s reusablebecause we’re responsible adultssometimes[Music][Music][Music]yes[Music]yes Pedro nice yes it’s gonna be stickywon’t be sticky I’ll be sticky oh my godit smells goodit does it smells so good my love I mayneed your assistance flower what do youmean flop some flour on top in the bag[Music]cool crema kami[Music][Music]you know me I already was so clingy whyare you so obsessed with me[Music]yeah[Music]oh I tried be in a circle circles aregood yeah do you want some yeah yeahit’s gonnanow let’s go in the oven it’s hot it’s450 degrees chase you for bread for 35[Music]and voila bread is made also meatballsplus bread I like the bread that’s anice sound of bread you’re getting yourmeat juices on my bread we’re makingspaghetti spaghetti with meatballsthat’s a meatball notice to get wellyeah I’m making the meatballs putting itin the saucethere’s already some balls in there yeahballs for days balls for days read thedays and I’m also making garlic butterfor the garlic bread it’s gonna be ultragarlic bread super[Music]