#BreadPizzaRecipe | Bread Pizza Recipe| in Telugu | How to make Bread Pizza at Home | Quick and easy
HIIII…Friends today I posted a video on Eid Special Recipe ”Bread Pizza” . Please do watch the video completely for perfect tasty recipe” Bread PIZZA”. The method and process was simple and Easy. Super Snack Recipe.
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Video Transcription
hello friends welcome to Jamila’skitchen you can cook with us friendseroded Charlotte tasty and simple recipeCalum I the names olive bread pizzachair Bottineau Pratt the Guru isDeborah super snack recipe a generationof present-day estefanía varela roomincluding chala hai is unique culturescourtship of Kesari tastes yes theymalya malya raikage a bitch puntarenasfini friendsMeghan comer Shannon Lee first time withthe chestnut like this subscribe cherrylatest updates cause some Bell iconclick too much properly so process andachoo gamma Marie let’s start cookingbread pizza cake ours in a basicingredients enter Sudama from thecapsicum Buckelewconnectome atomic aloo onions chiliflakes mix it herbsblack pepper powder bread slicespizza sauce cheeseMangala of a ball Toscani one cupcapsicum Makalu 1 cup tomato makalu 1/2cup onions 1 tablespoon chilli flakesone tablespoon black pepper powderone tablespoon mix it hurts halftablespoon salt away see anemic say alocal garlicnormal the capsicum different colorslong time nanoTokoloshe teaspoon alone maybe can anycolors in there unusually a poncho tankappeals of color from the cannabis leafin anemic say a vertical Buchanan’sready carpet recording a pool of a platelow bread slice nathie sconnie 1tablespoon butter bread slice kaputdigger spread chest colleague DannyPaille 1 tablespoon pizza sauce facefunnybread keep Ortega apply Cheska Holly EvaGanga apply chess Monica Monica readyChiappetta Cunha veggies knee bread -bread choice Cavalliwhat if ina catches a particular cheesepieces may make an urchin and thequantity love s Conde main uses in theemulsion Eevee a supermarket dynamicavailable own to me[Music]in Peru stairwell in chieflow flame LaPenta Connie out of amonomer owner of a parapet call underlearning 1 tbsp butter racy pan addvibhava mortem spread chest Carly Tabataread it is a particular great piece andit is funny pan la petit three to fourminutes cook Cheska volley of causalityis multi pave the circle connecting[Music]la cocaina bread Pazhani oka plate locathis Kony configured chili flakes blackpepper powder which is not a scholarly[Music]shoe Sarah french bread pizza chickenkey enter delicious the Campus Centershoot thank you Fatherthin nanika kuda spice iike charla tastycompany militant area and PristinaI think name should be the process andtips follow IE it put it right a littleShady[Music]thank you for watching please don’tforget to Like share and subscribe