This bread is seriously delicious and so easy! This has a chewier texture than my super soft dinner roll recipe, but it is still very good.
My super soft roll recipe:
Want plain bread? Just leave out thyme. Don’t want bread in a bowl shape? Use a loaf a large loaf pan.
2 cups flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp instant active dry yeast
2 tbsp fresh thyme leaves (you can use dried, just use half as much)
1 cup warm water
Stir until combined.
***If you are using just active dry yeast and not instant, place the cup of warm water in bowl with the tsp of sugar. Stir together and then sprinkle yeast over the water. Allow to sit until yeast gets foamy. Then add this mixture to the flour/salt and thyme in the bowl***
Cover and allow to rise until doubled in a warm place.
Punch down and transfer into a well greased 2.5 quart (or larger) bowl that his oven proof.
Cover and allow to rise until doubled.
Bake at 425 F for 15 minutes and then reduce to 375 F for an additional 10-15 until top is golden. Remove from bowl, if the bottom of your load is too pale, put it back in the oven without a bowl and allow to brown an additional 5 minutes
Based on this recipe:
My name is Tammy and I live in Northeastern Ontario Canada. I am a married, full-time working mom of one son in college.
Contact me here:
Tweets by YoyomaxTwelve
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
this delicious no need time bread isbaked in a bowl[Music]hello everyone starting off with a largemixing bowl and two cups of all-purposeflour to that we will add a teaspoon ofsalt a teaspoon of sugar and a teaspoonof instant active dry yeast and a coupletablespoons of chopped up thyme freshthyme give that a stir until it’scombined and to this you’re gonna addone cup of warm water and then you’regonna blend that together until combinedyou’re gonna end up with a quite stickyquite wet looking dough just a quickside note here for those of you usingactive dry yeast not instant active dryyeast the methodology will be a littlebit different and I’ll put thoseinstructions in the description boxbelow for you now once your dough ismixed place a plastic wrap on the bowland put it in a warm place to rise untildoubled and there it is it puffs upquite a bit now you’re gonna take aspoon you’re just gonna kind of punch itdown to remove some of those air bubblesthat are in there then you’re gonna takea bowl this is a two and a half quartglass bowl that’s ovenproof I’ve greasedwith cooking spray and then you’re gonnapour that bread dough into that bowl andas you can see it’s super sticky andsuper wet but that’s okaynow cover this and let it rise until itpretty much goes right up to the top ofthe bowl or even past the top of thebowl a little bit depending on the sizeof the bowl you’re gonna use and you’regonna bake this at 425 for 15 minutesreduce your heat down to 375 continue tobake an additional 50 minutes until thetop is nicely golden brown take it outof the oven pop it out of the bowl letit cool on the rack now if you noticethe bottoms a bit pale then pop it backinto the oven without the bowl upsidedown and just let it brown a little bitto stay for another five minutes thisbread is delicious that time flavor inthis is subtle but it just adds such awonderful wonderful flavor and scent tothis bread perfect bread to accompanyany kind of meal now the texture of thebread that I just showed you it’s alittle bit on the chewy side it reallyhas a really nice texturelike a French bread texture to it ifyou’re looking for super soft superfluffy dinner rollsyou must try these best ever dinnerrolls this is one of my most favoriterecipes that I’ve ever put up check itout