Bread Recipes

the most DELICIOUS healthy dessert bread | bake with me
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[Music]hi everyone welcome back to my channelor welcome to my channel if you’re new Iam in my kitchen right now I’m reallysorry for the lighting in here it’s notideal but this is the best we’re gonnado right now I remember when I firststarted eating healthy I wanted to kindof make all of my favorite things that Iloved to eat either from scratch or kindof find like a really good healthyversion of it not that there’s anythingwrong with eating per item regular breadbut I just really really love this breadand everyone who I’ve shared this recipewith or if I’ve let them try some of mybread that I personally baked they haveall come back with rave reviews and toldme that it tastes like desert bread sothis is my kind of like cinnamon sweetdessert – bread however it is an almondflour base first things first I’m gonnashow you guys what you need you’veobviously need an oven and then you needone of these little bread baking what’sit called tins pans bread pan you arealso going to need some otheringredients so we have coconut flourflax seed meal almond flourI have stevia but you can also use honeyor maple syrup then I have coconut oilyou can also use butter I have somecinnamon that’s my cooking cinnamon Ihave organic apple cider vinegar I havesome baking soda and this is sea saltalong with that you’re also going toneed five eggs and one egg white so hereI have six eggs in total also I can’ttake credit for this recipe I found thisonline I’m going to link the actualrecipe down below because they probablydo a better job explaining everythingbut anyways those are the ingredientsthat we need then you can also dooptional chia seeds if or and like kindof toppings or anything you want to putin thereI’m thing that I like to do that theydon’t say in the instructions online isI likeadd a tiny bit of vanilla it just makesit taste really delicious and adds tothe overall sweetness of the bread sofirst thing you want to do is pre-heatyour oven to 350 which I’m going to doright nowI actually just baked yesterday I bakedsome paleo chocolate chip cookies and soif you guys want to see how I do those Ican do those in another video as wellfirst thing we’re going to do is preheatour oven and then we’re gonna line thebread pan with parchment paper at thebottom to end grease the sizeunfortunately yesterday I ran out ofparchment paper so I’m just gonna greasethe sides with a little bit of like anykind of cooking spray and it works justfineI know parchment paper would be betterbut like the pan is greased and the ovenis preheated first things first in alarge bowl mix together your almondflour coconut flour salt baking sodaflax seed meal or chia seed meal and ahalf tablespoon of cinnamon so we’regonna put in two cups of almond flour myalmond farmers running below so that’sabout all they’ve got here I’m justgonna dump this whole thing in and bythe way what I was using was a half cupmeasuring cup so we’re gonna dump in allmy almond flour essentially then we’regoing to do two tablespoons of coconutflour this here is half of a tablespoonso we are going to four of those[Music]two threelet me have 1/4 cup little measuringcups here and we’re gonna do a quartercup of flax seed meal and then we have 1tablespoon of cinnamon I just pour asmuch cinnamon as I really wantessentially I use a ton of cinnamonbecause I love cinnamon we can just adda little bit more we really likes itthere we go then we have 1/2 a teaspoonof sea salt 1 teaspoon of baking sodaand then I also add in my stevia butagain if you want to do honey or maplesyrup then go for it and I’m gonna mixall of this together and then we’regonna do the white ingredients inanother small bowl whisk together youreggs and egg white then add your maplesyrup or honey which I use stevia so Ijust put the stevia with the dryingredients apple cider vinegar andmelted butter and then you mix the wetingredients with the dry and you want tobe really diligent with your mixing herebecause what I found is that there canbe a lot of clumping that goes on so youreally want to make sure that you getout all the clumps or at least do yourbest to get out as many of the clumps asyou can before you place your batterinto the pan so there’s 5 yolksand then we have one egg way as well oneand then filled it up a half way applesitter that was one and a half teaspoonsof apple cider vinegar now we are justadding in 2 to 3 tablespoons of meltedcoconut oil and we are going to whiskall of this together oh wait actuallysorry I forgot we’re just gonna add afew drops of vanilla extract just tomake it taste better in my opinion andwe’re gonna whisk it together now I’mgoing to slowly add the dry ingredientsI’m not gonna do it call okay so I havemixed together all of the batter and Ihave put it into this bread pan which Iknow it doesn’t look like a lot ofbatter but you know bread Rises I’mgoing to take this and pop it into theoven so now I’m going to let that sit inthere for 30 to 35 minutes or until youcan stick a toothpick in the middle andit comes out without any of the wetdough still on it okay my friends hasbeen 35 minutes so we’re taking thebread out and look at this gorgeous galshe has risen that sounds like I’mtalking about she’s doing pretty well Iam going to let this cool for a bit youcan see someone fortunate my fork marksin it because I am dipped my fork in itto me and it was timid I really screwedthat up huh well I’ll try to cover thatup anyways I’m gonna let this cool for abit and then I’m going to eat a slice ofthis while it’s still warm because oh mygod it is it just smells so good I thinkone of the best things about baking yourown bread is just the smell that itgivesyour house and well for me my apartmentmy apartment smells like butterycinnamony goodness and oh my godI just I could hold this up to my faceall day I just want so good anyways I’mgonna let this call and I’m gonna showyou guys how I sir[Music][Music]now I don’t know about you guys but Iabsolutely love nut butter on my breadso the nut butter that I’m going to useis bear butter this stuff is absolutelyto die for as all these really deliciousnuts and seeds and I like to just spreadthis a little bit of this on our breadhere and then on the other piece I’mjust going to do a drizzle[Music]and this is the finished product so Ihope you guys enjoyed this video and ifyou try this bread please let me knowhow you like it I personally love it andI am absolutely upset[Music]

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