Bread Recipes

The Mark Takeover: Making Bread | The Anna Edit

The where where Mark makes bread and I get to wear my tracksuit behind the camera for three days – THANKS MARK! Check out #TheBreadit blog post with everything you need to know here…

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ready yeah oh I’ll mark to me some ofyou might know me you know my husbandand I talk to you about bredspecifically sourdough bread Idamentioned that some of you had commentedon a few different instagrams aboutprotesters me like baking my sourdoughmy start that kind of thing so he is avideo talking about it the bread thebread itdon’t worry about if you miss anythingthe video there’s going to be obviouscumulative information in descriptionbox belowand also we’re going to be putting ablog post together for you so that willhave everything you need all theinformation that you need okay so thiscould be a three day process and run dayone obviously and day one is where werefresh the start so this is what I’vealready made or cultivated whatever youwant to call it and this is a strongwhite bread flour starter it’s a PVCglue food recipe again the link will bein the description box so what webasically gonna do is I actually onlydid it this morning because you knowwork was seven o’clock because you knowcheck me outso why did i half the start a half theamount starters in there I have thiscard it I’ve kept it because you’regonna make some lovely crumpets with itlater on prime there’s gonna be anothervideo that’ll include that in it forwhat coming on Wednesday featuring mefrom piss if you’re interested I knowI’m hungry so I took off the dog aroundthat’s in there as music Rufus and thenI added a hundred grams of organicstrong white bread flour to it and alsoa hundred grams of water so that’s justrefreshing the starter and you can seehe’s already getting a bubbly bubblybubbly Ravel’s I was about the mainthis is this is poorly my staff to scorepoorly motor starters with Jeffreydifferent poorly if you don’t know arethe two people who are very lovely andare on it’s different Walker and paulienWalker thank you thank you okay so Ihave obviously put the flour in water inthe starter and now we just leave it for24 hours come back tomorrow morning andstart making out done are you in it yeahgood morning everyone and welcome backto day two of the lebretia way yeah so Istarted to be resting for 24 hourspaulien was getting very probably youknow she seems to be seems to be prettygoodcome on look in there so the next stepis is test if the starter is ready nowthis is always a bit nerve-wracking I’vegot type of spoon I basically get alittle bit starter out and put in thisglass of warm water and if it floatsthen it’s ready to use and it doesn’tfloat it’s not ready so here we go bigmoment drum roll pleaselet’s get a little bit a little bit nono I’m not gonna get that much and thenyou’re just go in with it one quick moveGary good buddy she floated she plowedhim yeah it’s always no satisfying whenit floats there you go call that’s arelation okay so this morning so I’llcheck that my style is good and it islike I said it’s floating and we nowneed to make the levan I’ve looked atwhat the ban means and apparently justmeans starter which is a little bitconfusing because within the style butanyway we’re making this thing called alevan it’s essentially a little bit ofstarter and some more flour on what so abit like when you would feed yourstarter anyway so I guess that makessense so we take a tablespoon of thestarter we’ve got 100 grams of theorganicbread flour and 100 grams of water soI’ll put a lot in this bowl mix it upand then we leave that for 8 hoursok so I’ve put my flour on my water andmy starter which is under theresomewhere in my bowl so this isbasically bowl I’m gonna use for theduration of the making of the dough andyeah and that’s it so I’ll mix this upcover it with cling film and leave it inmy warm spot in my house the afternoonnow we’ve got a lovely lovely day so farso I’ve been sitting for eight hoursit’s a little bit bubbly so now we’regoing to basically start making ourdough I’ve got 600 grams of water I’vegot a thousand grams or a kilo of theorganic strong bread flour ready to pourinto this mixture so first things firstis our water into the lymphatics andyour grams of it i’ve sort of likerights of the levan I’m just going tomix that in with a spatula you don’tneed to worry too much about bits butget it mixed in as well as you can500 grams with baggage regrets nearlyfine so I have mixed all the starter I’msorry okay right then so I mixed all thethe bad the water and the flour togetherand I’ve got this kind of quite stiffkind of rough dough took about tenminutes it’s only about 10 minutes tobasically get it to this point it getsreally heavy and like really hard tolike work together so if you’re gettingwith your hands like do that I likedampen my hands a little bit at onepoint my not wet but just like them soit just helps it night helps the doughlike not stick to your handsthe right thing to do but anyway so nowthat’s done we’ll cover the ball withcling film and leave in our wall spotagain for anything from 30 minutes up tofour hours we’ll probably leave forabout an hour today because that’s aboutthe time we’ve gotso I’ll come back in an hour no it’s notthe morning I have just had a shower Ithink like 15 minutes of work out andgala tonightso anyway cool story bro so this is adough I let it sit for was it Oh an hourjust over an hour probably yeah justover an hour it’s looking nice anddoughyand now we’re going to be put putting inour saltso I 20 grams of salt and 50 grams ofwater and then I’m just gonna basicallypinch and Scrooged the salt and thewater into the dough it goes a bit likecheering good texture you just got tokeep going keep keep kind of pinchingkeep scratching until it’s like warm tosmooth down again so you can see it’skind of already starting to go a bitlike chewing gum texture yeah it’s gotto keep going keep pinching and keepscrunching got make sure you work allthat water in and all that salt into thedough I’d love to yeah so we’ve pinchedand scrunched the salt and the waterinto the dough and it’s formed a kind ofsmooth ish dough thinking smooth so nowwe cover it with the cling filmagain okay so the dough is being sat for15 minutes and now we are ready to foldthe dough so I’m just gonna work myhands a little bit really think contentand then we’re going to fold the doughon itself so we’re gonna work from oneside pull it up and over to this sideand then we’ll grab the bottom side pullit up and over to the top side andthey’re going to pull each side in aswell and then on the folded side we’regonna then turn the dough over and kindof work it in on itself on the cornersand then we’re gonna let it sit againfor half an hour and then repeat theprocess under further two times so youwould have done three sets of balls intotal at the end of that we then leaveit for two three hours before we takethe dough out and then shapegrab this side of the dough pull it overthis side grab every bit sticky but onthis side I’m gonna grab a cup andeyewear and then this side just go overlike that the dough is a bit wetter thanI thought well then I think to choosecan you not turn around can you justalways be faced on with the camerabecause otherwise it shows the terriblehaircut and it’s time for me to get thedough out of the bowl onto a flouredwork surface split the dough into thedough will then need to be shaped intokind of like rounds and then after thatI will let it sit for another half anhour and after that they then get putinto the baguette on or I’m also usingthat I’ve got too bad at times when yougot one I’m going to use a colander bothof them will be lined with some detailsthat we’ve got and this is very tensebit so I obviously flat out my center solet the dough rest for 30 minutes andnow we just turn those out with the seamside of into the Baptizer as you can seehere so this is kind of like the bitwhich I’ve like stitched a bit togetherat the bottom and then I’m going to takeone of the living quad so just put thatover that and put it in the fridgeovernight so join me in the morning doyou not want to film this next time weuse in the colander with the actuallinen tea towel in it already like soyeah floured it so I’m just gonna grabthis order it’s a little folding it biton the bottomHey any gloss over it wouldn’t everywant and it’s pretty early in themorning they seem to wake up earliertoday it’s like half six Oh still prettytired but yes a final day and it’sbaking day just trace the Dutch ovenonto the baking paper I put the childrenin the oven the oven is on solidlythat’s all for probably about an hour orso maybe a bit more and then we canstart putting in the oven and I’ll justquickly show you what the parchmentlooks like so as you can see this is thesize of a Dutch oven and I literallyjust put I put the oven on the airaround it with a pencil and now I’m justgonna cut it out and true-blue Peterfashion it’s one I made earlier so theoven is on it’s heated up and thedigital is in the oven us being here forjust over an hour and I’m just gonnaflour this plate which has got bits ofbaking parchment on so on flour thatI’ll grab one life at a time for thefridge and then turn the life out ontothis wooden quickly I’ll grab the Dutchoven out of the oven get the lid offslide this into the oven put the lidback on put it back in the oven and thenit stays in there for 30 minutes andthen whatever lid off okay okay Wendysomething interesting liberty floweringokay so which one should I get for firstdid you wanna have a look at thisrather than me so this is the one thatwas in the colander that’s what it lookslike at the moment lovely right front alittle bit we don’t really know what tosay like that effect yet work but to bequickly here and then you basically justturn it out that seam sideone kill many on the oven should beabout children or it should be up to 20degrees centigrade that’s a half anhour’s up so it’s time to take the lidoff and see see she’s in English oh yeahnot as good as previous is good so westill leave her in there for another 10minutes there yeah thanks 10 minutes isup and she’s ready to take out so he’sdone this before say my first rodeogo flatter than previous ones but soonsounds Hollow that’s good that’s allgood it’s good right time to do nowa little over again many hours maybe Iwas like 4 fingers crossedready yeah well it’s not my best workI think the dough was a bit too wet whatI mean I will still eat that I thinkwe’ll need to toast it toasting istotally cool sometimes this happenswe’ve had great success we’ve had notmuch success this is somewhere in themiddle bakers of the world what did wedo wrong she holy just on the top macsevere holes inlet’s travel shoot what do we think wasdifferent with this day so slightlydifferent flower I think differentflowers the first one that we used thiswas an organic strongly flowerpreviously we used a stone ground whitebread flour so that could be the problemdidn’t change any of the amounts or thatkind of thing the dough seems quite wetwhen we were when I was folding it yeahwhen you’re folding and covering it youwere saying it felt like a little bitwetter than usual usual one so yeah allright yeah let’s get that guy okay thatbeds got my name written all over itthank you very much see it’s interestingbecause it’s kind of like super puffy insome areas and then it feels tighter anddeadnothing yeah oh just leave the topicokay it still tastes greatit’s you know it’s Brad what did we dowrong tell us tell usthank you okay so it’s not the bestbread that I made but it’s not the worstbread we’re still gonna eat it probablytouch them up and easy with college socheck out the description box below I’llhave all the information you think thatyou need the blog post we linked and therecipes that I’ve used please they willbe links well yeah okay yeah that’s nowyou get on and thanks for watching enjoyit’s a bread ready said a bike

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