In this episode, the Andrews Sisters create Chocolate Chip Banana Bread with step by step instructions on how to bake this perfect desert.
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Video Transcription
hey guys we’re the Andrew sisters andwelcome back to our YouTube channeltoday we were making banana bread wewill be giving you a step-by-stepinstructions of how to make banana breadin our very own kitchen and remember tosubscribe leave a like comment downbelow and turn on post notificationsbecause we post every Monday andThursday alright let’s get started[Music][Music]alright guys we’re in the kitchen nowand we are going to be making bananabread as we said earlier and Niall willbe doing the dry ingredients in thisbowl and I will later do the wetingredients to show you step by stepwith what we are going to be makingwhich is clearly banana bread and thenput in the oven and we will see theresults of why we wash their handsbefore this okay so first I’m going topour one and a half cups of flour okayoh all rightokay mission accomplished alright nowyou can pour it right there okay yeahthere’s one on the inside 2wcoh yeah I do yeah[Music]that’s 1/2 all right 1/2 cups of flournow you have 1 teaspoon of baking just Ifeel like Gordon Ramsay okay so let’sknow we are going to add 2 eggsall right well there you gohere we go mm-hmm I don’t want again 1egg and after that we will I would haveyou to smash the bananas effect whichare right there but you will need toleave very ripe bananas as you can seethese are very ripe and kind of crispbut they will taste reallyand if now I’d be very pleased here wego secondary okay alright while we mixdown asked me to clean up the bowl andthen she will be bananas oh okay nowthat she has washed it she will beat thethree bananas so that it’s a littlecompany but not to like liquidy alrightthis when you’re done with that we’llpour it into here okay okaydon’t look that you just banana alrightI’ll take that fork okay so now that wehave mixed these ingredients together weare going to get the dry one and add ita little bit at a time into this mixtureof the wet ingredients you can add somemore that’s a[Music][Music]so usually you and I have half a cup ofchocolate chips so we have little bit ofthe bag luck so we are just going to addthe restyo my arm muscle build up though okay sobefore we add the chocolate chips let’ssee this consistency this is what youwant it to look like that is goldenright thereand then for this we’re just going tomake you slowly because I personallydon’t like to overmix that’s just meso we’re just going to mix this in I’mgonna ask me if she can that’s right[Music]gotta make sure it’s all moist okay sonow we’re gonna heat the oven to 350preheating the oven to 350 and we’regoing to pour this into the panokay so we’re going to make sure we skipthe rest of the bowl and then once thisis done preheating we are going to putit in for 55 minutes at 350 and then wewill show you the results okay so let’sget to that part[Music]and we will see you when it’s doneokay so this is the final it’s a lookinggood you’re going to try it ourreactions I mattered until I to itanyway so alright so this is how youmake banana chocolate chip bread andhopefully you guys can all the recipeand make some of your own[Music]