Won’t lie I am not sure what this really is. I know in Part 4 or 5 I form the loaves and they are terrible and then there is this video from above showing it from above which I think is my 2nd attempt at making it. You can see how fed up I am and just done with it all!
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
all right not really sure I’m at withthese videos I’m just kind of pissed offat this point my second challah breadtoday loaf even more for drinking isjust not turn out well oneturned out passable but this is justso I’m again trying to roll out one intothree so let’s try this one moretime about three equal piecesgive or take and all theseoutyeah Hamlet well thank your seems to bebetter all rightpinch I like to do left underneath righton top pinch give it a little up anddown yeah we’ll get to that a secondtight is right so BAM right to left leftright oh my god whatever she’s gonna keep doing itjust get that a nice braid going on thisis pathetic and I am so pissedoff and I’m ensuring opposed the otherthing but there we go there’s the brainso mad I’m just not meant for you toBerger apparently there we go abraided challah bread man goyourself my friend race hey so fun factback in college I were article in apersuasion class for writing that you dovideos would inspire a whole bunch ofpeople and you know the guy who wassupposed to count on me slashed dickcount of me in general said it wasstupid and he actually fully thoughtthat and then there was you twoJustin Bieber finally YouTube so let mepull the other one over this one’slooking much better than I expectedconcerning how is is still don’t like it at allput this one next to it and give itabout ten minutes