Hi guys !!
I hope you enjoy making these and let me know what you think about the recipe 🙂
Recipe by request 🙂
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Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
you’re both file hey guys welcome backto we cook as good as we look todaywe’re gonna use the Thermomix I’m makinga classic South African dish calledsweet pot brain started but we’re gonnamix today for the bread because we haveto make our own dough in Australia youdon’t just buy do it and so thereforeyou can say for in South Africa this iseasier for you guys we’re gonna use thisto cook that today Oh to bake the breadtoday so if you don’t have this just gobuy dough otherwise there’s a good keyon the side which has already likefinished recipe so whatever orprogrammed on it[Music]we’re gonna remove this because it is inour way and today we need a lot of spacethe ingredients we will need firstthings first[Music]approximately 10 hours later so likeabout 10 minutes later okay – yes I knowit’s good I had tied up a brewerystarting with this died with the duckwho’s gonna read it from the recipe sothat we don’t confusewith the steps add all the ingredientstogether in here that includes threehundred and sixty grams of lukewarmwater one and a half teaspoon of sugarmy mum is studying behind the cameratoday you know we have our producerright thereso the sugar is to feed the yeast theproof of memory yeah I don’t think Ithought we’re just cooking for fun butwe’re actually good yeah two teaspoonstried instant yeast go for it600 grams of white breakers flour wehave some left in the previous packageor a vehicle that so we’re going to usethat before we open this up okay we’rereally good at this guessing game wejust like throw you know we can see whenit’s 600 grams just getting this a scalein this machine it’s been a add salt[Music]my sister just went out to get a hairout of her eye but while she does thatumBraden prove it I mean Australia Ibelieve not in South Africa so but asyou can find doe in South Africa just goby your joy if you’re in Australiayou’re lucky I’m just gonna continue therecipe we’re gonna need two teaspoons ofbread improver but we’re gonna need onetablespoon of oil that was a little bittoo much be careful while we wait forBianca I’m just going to put all theingredients away and then we’ll probablypick this one on and we’re gonna mix allof these together for 15 seconds speedthree so we have 15 Bianca’s just gonnaneed videos is something in our eye thatshe’ll come back see hopefully now we’regonna need this for six minutes sothere’s a function here which you pressyou say joy and then you put it on sixminutesI mean it’s thing it’s gonna do thingokay so the dice finished with thekneading process I’m just gonna putbutter in my hand for this part becauseotherwise it’s gonna stick to me it’skind of easy to take it out okayeverything is now on here I’m gonnacrush this thing so I’m just gonna dothisand it should rest like that for 15minuteswhile this happens I think we can startwith this sauce so we’re gonna do 1 cupof brown sugar 1 cup of thickened creamif you want extra sauce for the end whenyou dish up you’re gonna do just doublethat so 2 cups of brown sugar 2 cups ofthickened cream that’s actually ifeveryone comes over we have like a homieI went to know what not it is the bestwhen you have this amazing sweetbread onyour plate and you just put more caramelsauce on like I don’t know what’s betterbut that feelingmmm I’m just gonna do wonderful nowbecause it is Karine that time and wecan’t find sugar and flour andeverything at the shop so we’re gonnause what we can and we’re gonna do sosparingly now we’re going to take thisto the stovetop and you’re just gonnawant to stir this so it doesn’t burnthis is going to take a while to thickenup so we’re just gonna want to stir thiscontinuously and while you did that youcan think of the next recipe that you’regonna make I’ve done if you can see butLuke I thought we’re gonna turn aroundand you want to get all of the airbubbles out so you’re gonna do that bypushing your fingers into them and we’regonna put it into this we have greasedwith butter I said this is gonna go intothat garage and it’s gonna be there for30 to 45 minutes this is slowly comingtogether we’re gonna put the oven on 160degrees if you don’t have a fan firstoven put it 180 as we’ve been cookingrecently we ran out of flour so we’regonna call Kohl’s today you know askthem when they’re getting floweringhello I just wanted to know when likewhat time during the day or Wendy getsflowering like 2/3 lightthen in the afternoons and they don’thave a time frame it has a betterpolitics loud talker but they don’t stopputting them don’t get until and I sawwhich is until about 8 p.m. if you justroot for it and they can find it youcould come in off yeah that’s good okwell 30 come at night then ok also Ithink and I appreciate it ok ok wellgood 8:30 because us at 9:00 it’s notjust something round and around andaround and around we go watch people notbe 15 minutes later first Gordo’s MAwe’re gonna let this proof for another15 minutes and then we will put a littlebit of this sauce on top and then thatthey’re very and we’ll put the rest onBharani so we’ve put the oven off justin the meantime while it’s gonna go toprove them a little bit longer and thenwe’ll put it back on close cheese whenthis is about to go in so this is Peggleso this is what an excite so go get abit this need to be up and out we’ll geta bit it back on first and first I’mgonna enjoy a little bit of this one topslightly cover the top of itoh my gosh sorry this is what it lookslikeso we just put that into the oven for 30to 40 minutesis it ready oh thanks oh it’s gonna goback in for another 10 minutes so Igotta put this sauce on top of thefinished product I want your head in thegamethat’s my shapes today we’re putting infunny cause I was wrong never idle dishit up for my sister[Music]it looks amazing beyond the licenseright why’s that because we cook as goodas we look thank you guys so much bye[Music][Music]okay so we’re testing it and is itreallyoh thanks our vehicle obviously is itready yes it is it’s not no no listenyou’re watching yeah thank you guys forwatching bye yes yes you’re the boyaction boy[Music]