Bread Recipes

SOURDOUGH BREAD! It’s time to bake!

Your starter is established and it’s time to bake your first loaf of sourdough bread!
s c i e n c e + a r t + s u s t e n a n c e
All the best things!
My Recipe with some of my notes to follow-
*Affiliate Links for some items you might want for your baking are listed after the recipe.
Sourdough Bread- using natural sourdough starter
First revision after 27 bakes.
About 4 hours of stretch and fold
PLUS an overnight proof in the fridge
160 grams sourdough starter
314 grams lukewarm water
510 grams flour
12 grams salt (never iodized)
Combine bubbly active starter, warm water and flour in a large bowl.
With your hand combine in a grabbing and squeezing motion while turning your wrist.
Mix dough in this way for about four minutes.
*Cover with a damp towel for 20 minutes, allowing the flour to fully hydrate.
Add salt to the bowl, sprinkling it evenly over the top of the dough and then, dipping your hand in a small pitcher of water, allow the water to sprinkle off of your hand, helping the salt to begin dissolving. (Wetting your hand keeps the dough from sticking to you.) Knead the dough with a squeeze and scoop motion while in the bowl to get the salt incorporated. Do this for a couple of minutes until the salt feels pretty well mixed throughout.
Bulk Fermentation time:
This will take 3-4 hours and it is the doughs first rise.
During cool months this might take four to four and a half hours.
During warmer months this might take three to three and a half hours.
*Every 30-45 min during bulk fermentation you will do a stretch and fold.
SAF is done in lieu of kneading to strengthen the gluten network in the dough.
Stretch and fold is done by wetting your hand and reaching around the edge of the dough, kind of releasing the dough from the bottom of the bowl and gently folding that section of dough to the center. Turn your bowl a bit and repeat until you’ve gone around the whole bowl.
Cover your bowl again, set your timer for 45 minutes and repeat for about four hours.
Pre-Shaping Stage:
Flour your surface. Tip your bowl and use your bowl scrapper to encourage the dough out of your bowl. (You’re trying not to pull or tug your dough because you want all of the gasses that you’ve trapped during bulk fermentation to stay put.)
To pre-shape you fold the dough- top to the center_bottom to the center and then- side to the center_final side to the center.
Now fold each of the four corners to the center, forming a rough ball. Using bench knife or bowl scrapper turn the dough over so the seam side is now down. Dust with flour and allow it to rest here for 20 minutes to relax the dough.
Final Shaping:
Dust your surface with flour. Using bench knife, pick up the dough and flip it over. Make one small top fold and then pull the dough right side and the left all of the way down the dough in a stitching fashion. When you get to the bottom, you will roll and tuck the dough all of the way up. You’re trying to tuck in some tension.
Put the dough into an oiled loaf pan, seam side down, covering with plastic and slipping into the refrigerator (cool proof) overnight or about 12-18 hours. The bread will rise just a hair above the rim of the pan.
OR if your using a banneton, place dough in the basket, seam side up. Cover with plastic and refrigerate 12-18 hours.
Organize the oven so that one rack is in the center of the oven and the other is directly below it. Place an inverted baking sheet of pizza stone on the top rack and a roasting pan on the lower rack (to steam your oven) and turn the oven to 500. Allow the oven to warm for about 30minutes. Just before baking, carefully pour water into the lower pan. Take the bread from the fridge, remove the plastic wrap, score the top of each loaf (scoring is slashing the dough with a sharp blade to allow the bread to expand as well as controlling the direction of the the “oven spring” during the bake.) and place on the rack directly above the sheet pan. Reduce the heat to 475 and bake for 20 minutes. When the timer goes off, reduce the temperature to 450 and bake for another 20 minutes. Very carefully, remove the bread (from the pan if that’s what you used) and place it directly on a cooling rack. Let cool for at least 4 hours before slicing.
Affiliate Links for products that I use in my kitchen…
My Digital Kitchen Scale

My Next (Upgraded) Digital Kitchen Scale

***Ran out of space for links! I will put the other links down in the comments.

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hello friends welcome back to five boysand a Milly I’m so glad you’re heretoday we’re gonna go over how to bakeyour very own sourdough bread it’s gonnabe fun and vicious I had funinteracting with some of you on Facebookthe last few days with great questionsabout doing your own sourdough starterand I’m just thrilled that people arewanting to make their own sourdoughstarter I feel like I have new sourdoughkindred spirits so I just want toencourage you you can do itbeat that starter discard feed rememberit’s about a week of discarding andfeeding and then you’ll be ready to makeyour own loaf of bread so that’s what Iwant to do today I want to show you guyshow I bake my recipe for sourdough breadand break it down for you and try tomake it easy to understand so that youfeel confident when the time comes towhip up your own breadso here we go the first thing thatyou’re going to need is a little kitchenscale I’m gonna try to figure out Ithink I can just link the things that Ihave and put it at the bottom in thecomments or in the description and thenyou can just click on it and take a lookat what I’ve used to maybe give you anidea of something you could try soyou’re gonna try a scale you’re gonnahave a pretty good sized bowl you’regonna need flour water and salt so lastvideo and we’re working on starter Ididn’t go too much into the types offlour that you can use but a little bitnow I will it’s preferred to useunbleached flour right now dealing withthe coronavirus open 19 thing and peopleare buying up all the food and it hasbeen hard to find flour so before I didthis video I did some experiments withbleached flour because that was theflour that in my area was more readilyavailable so I just thought if you knowin an emergency situation could I usebleached flour for my bread and I couldI started my own starter it was healthyand active it smelled great it’s bubblyit is going to be a successful leaven sothere is debate about police versusunbleached but I would just say don’tlet it stop you if all you have isbleached all-purpose flour still stillgo for it and continue feeding yourstarter but then when you have theopportunity to grab them unbleached youknow like when the stores are able tokeep things on the shelves for a longerthan five minutes and grab yourself someof that my my favorite brand that’s at agood price point for me and that I’vebeen super happy with the quality of iswheat Montana King Arthur is also reallygood so I usually buy a 10-pound bag ofwheat Montana and a unbleached whiteflour and a five-pound bag of wheatflour and I mix them in my soup you cansee I can’t stir over here that’s a 2gallon container I think they have themat Walmart and Target they’re 14 to 22all your so pretty easy to grab if youwant to premix the flour but you can useIor you can use spells you can use rightyou can do all whole-wheat it is totallyup to youand it’s okay to start with one flowerand then incorporate another flower thatis okay to do so I can use my my regularstarter is is whole wheat and whiteflour but if I want to make a loaf ofrye bread I can still use my starter andthen the flour that I bake with likewhat I’m mixing in my flour and watercan be right flour don’t have to have astarter for each individual type ofgrain the main thing is that it’s agrain that’s what the big rule is get agreen make the bread once so once you’reready to bake your loaf of bread you’llknow you’re ready because you have astarter that is increasing in volumeit smells like sourdough bread it’sbubbly its active I think yeah you cansee that this is my starter I fed itlast night and I don’t do thisrubberband thing I just did it for youguyslots of people always keep a rubber bandon their container so that they can keeptrack of the growth and health of theirstarter I just kind of make a mentalnote where it was when I fed it and thenwhen I’m ready to bake I just make sureit’s increased in volume and you justkind of learn what to look for but forthe sake of you guys I fed it last nightand marked where the line I marked thetop of the starter when I went to bedand then I took a picture earlier of howmuch it had inGriese overnight so i’ll insert thatpicture hereso once your starter is lookingsomething like this probably about aweek from the time you begin you canstart making your bread so here we goso we cleared out 2-0 with our bowl onthe scale and the first thing we’regoing to measure out is our starter I’mgonna make two loaves of bread in thisbowl so I’m gonna measure out 320 gramsof sourdough starter and now we’re gonnaadd our water I use warm tap water justwater right from the sink I know wetalked about feeding the starter withfiltered water which I do but I usepretty warm water from the sink when I’mmixing my dough the water is it’s prettywarm it’s not hot or you’re like oohalgae but it’s pretty warm right at thetop also you want to start with reallyclean hands because you’re gonna haveyour hands in the dough so before youstarted anything you’ll want to washyour hands really well and then everyevery vessel that you use you know youwant to be really clean because youdon’t want residues to mess with theyeast in your bread so we’re gonna add300I’m sorry 628 grams of warm waterokay the next thing you’re going to addto your bowl is the flour so like I saidI’m making a double batch I’m gonna have1020 grams of flour in this bowl so I’mgonna weigh that out take my my bowl offon my scale and I’m gonna start mixingit might feel grody to you to mix it allby hand you don’t have to but it’s agood habit because you want to get usedto the feeling the consistency of thedough so you can just be familiar withwith what works and what doesn’tso I recommend mixing with your hand sothis is the goal here is to get all ofthat loose flour hydrated we want allthe water to mix in with this flour sowe don’t have any dry flour chunks inhere so I’m scraping along the bottomand I’m kind of squeezing it and you’regonna mix like this for three to fourminutes to insure that it’s realthoroughly mixed inokay so I just got all washed at my bowlhas been scraped down I’ve I’ve got allof my dough into one mass in the middleof the pole this dough doesn’t requirekneading we do what’s called astretching fold will start that a littlebit later but the whole idea is thatwe’re trying to strengthen the gluten inthe dough so the next thing that we’regonna add is saltbut I want my flour to become fullyhydrated to take in all of the waterbefore I add salt because salt takesmoisture out so I want to just give it20 minutes to rest and absorb all thewater and then we’re gonna add our saltso I like to cover my bowl with a damptowel I just wet it in the same gonnarun it out and set a timer for 20minutes okay so it’s been 20 minutes andnow we’re gonna measure out our salt fortwo loaves of bread I’m gonna use 24grams of saltthe only real rule for salt is that youdon’t want to use iodized salt iodizedcan mess with the fermentation processso I have a mixture of pink Himalayanand sea salt I don’t have a real rhymeor reason I actually just do it becausemy girlfriend does it and she’s reallysmartso just not iodized but you can becrafty with your salt if you want tookaywe’re gonna add our salt to the bowl andstart mixing it in but you want to havea glass or a little pitcher of waternearbylet your hands because when we have wethands and the dough isn’t gonna stick tous so much so I’m gonna sprinkle my soulon and I kind of like using pink saltbecause you have a visual to see howincorporated the salt is to start outI’m going to sprinkle water on to startgetting that salt to start dissolving sonow I’m just gonna squeeze and then dothat scraping and squeezing motion thatwe did earlier I’m gonna get a littlebit of it mixed in and then add theremainder get my hand wet and sprinklesome water on to start dissolving on asaltso the goal now is to just get the saltincorporated and dissolving so you’regonna mix like this with this likescrape and squeeze until you don’t feelthe granules of salt so much it’s notthat they have to be completelydissolved but you don’t want to have youknow a real sandy feel you wanted to getit pretty mixed throughout and dissolvesso now my dough is already starting toget sticky so I’m just gonna dip my handin my water and work my dough so thismight take a couple of minutesokay I would say that took two or threeminutes and my dough is feeling muchsofter now the soul is all mixed in I’mjust gonna get it together in one onemass here I’m gonna use your littlebench scraper just kind of make sureit’s all together and the next thingwe’re gonna do is called our bulkfermentation you cover your bowl andyou’re gonna set your kitchen timer for30 to 45 minutes you’re just getting thedough time to rest and firm it so wedon’t need to touch this or think aboutit again for 45 minutes so I’m gonna setmy kitchen timer Hey ready and go okayguys we’re doing it so we’ve mixed ourstarter our flour and our water we mixedit all in together and we let it set for20 minutes to hydrate and we added oursalt incorporated that and now our doughis resting for 45 minutes the processthat we’re in now is called bothfermentation so during bulk fermentationyou’re gonna visit your dough every 45minutes or so but what you do you’reonly giving it attention for a minutemaybe so throughout the next four hoursit’s not like it’s an overwhelmingbourbon or you’re just hanging out withit for probably five minutes throughoutthe next four hours so don’t getoverwhelmed by that three to four hourtime slot and I’ll show you what to lookfor in a little while to know when yourdough is is ready to move on to the nextstep alright it’s been 45 minutesso now we’re gonna do our firststretching fold so you’re gonna wet yourhand like we did before and you’re gonnascoopthe edge of the bowl and pull it overand you’re gonna turn your bowl do itagain stretch it up and fold it overrotate stretch it up and pull it overyou’re just gonna keep doing that untilyou get it all done all the way aroundthe bowl okay that’s it that’s yourfirst stretching fold so now you’regonna repeat the same thing you’re gonnacover it with a damp towel and set yourtimer for 45 minuteswe just started some lunch I’m having alittle see if you can see this red overhere having our monkey toast I’ll showyou what we do with a bread for thislittle lunch idea[Music]be reminded you still have to feed yourstarter say you made your dough you usestarter flour and water to do that butyou depleted your original little babystarter so this fact is probably down toabout an inch of starter so I had totake a minute and feed it put it on myscale I gave it one hundred twenty gramsflour iron 20 grams water and now I’mjust gonna let chill out have a littlestarter party gonna hang out on thecounter for the rest of the day and feedand just have a good old time and thenthis evening I’ll cinch this thing downand I’ll pop it in the fridge when I popit in the fridge all the activityfeeding will be like on pot and thatcold temperature so then it’ll be readyfor me to take out next time I’m readyto bake and let a playmate and feed itand it’ll perform for me well the nexttime all right guys it’s time for ourlast stretch and fold I just want toshow you one more time how it’s done soyou’re gonna scrape along the bottom ofyour bowl and fold it over I also wantyou to see how much it’s increased involume it’s filling out the bowl a lotmore than it had in the beginningso it’s proofing well so you’re gonnarotate your bowlscoop under stretch it overso that’s the last stretch unfold andI’m gonna give it 45 minutes and thenwe’re gonna do the shaping of the doughin order to get it ready for our basketor loaf pan so we’ll do that nextall right guys our dough is done we’vedone for stretching folds I want you tosee what this dough is looking like if Iwet my hand I hope you guys can see someof these pockets of gas that are comingup all underneath there’s this top layerthis dough there are big bubbleseverywhere that’s one of your mainindications that your dough is readyit’s also risen a lot in the bowlso I know that this is ready to go noway your bowl with your dough in it andyou’re gonna subtract the weight of thebowl so I have already recorded that mybowl weighs 1,300 grams so I am gettingthe total weight and then I’msubtracting the weight of my bowl so Iknow how much dough I have and then I’mdividing that number by 2 so the math onthis one each of my loaves are gonna be1100 grams so now I can get a separateBowl and weigh out1100 grams you’re gonna use a benchscraper or if you didn’t have this youcould use like a spatula maybe a metalspatula would work good and I’m gonnaget approximately half of this out I’mgonna use my bench scraper to chop mydough a little bit put it in this bowland I’m gonna keep adding until I get to1100 grams all right so my scale isreading 1100 so that means my dough issplit in half it’snecessarily gonna be exactly 1,100 foryou you’re just gonna take the way toyour dough and divide it by the numberof lows that you’re preparing you’regonna transfer your dough to a board youwant a duster with flour just lightlyyou’re gonna dump your dough onto yourdusted board and here’s what you’regonna do you’re gonna fold it from theif it’s tart stick and add a littleflour fold it from the top to the centerfrom got a little sticky there from thebottom to the center and turn it and gotop to Center bottom to Center and thenI’m pretty messy so I’m gonna do thatone more time with these wonky cornersso I’m gonna go to the center and whatyou’re trying to form is a bowl I mean abowl the more that you stretch thisdough over the tighter this outer partis going to become and when you havegood tension you get a good crumb thethe inside of the bread you don’t wantit to just be loosey-goosey you want itto hold its form pretty well to creategood tension all right so I’ve kind ofgone through doing that a couple timesI’m going to flip this over and put theseam side down and as I do that I’mgonna create a little bit more tensionand a roll it under rotate it tuck itunder I can feel that the top of mydough is a little bit sticky and I wantit to be smooth and not stick toanything so I’m going tostop just a little bit and I’m going tojust go around and give it a few tucksthis is the pre shaping I’m just goingto scoot this over on the other side ofmy board making sure I check it prettygood as I set it down I’m going to usemy tea towel and cover it remember yourtea towels damp so we don’t want ourdough to dry out and then I’m going torepeat that same process againyou did it we’re ready for final shapingwe did pre shaping we left it for 20minutes and now we’re into our finalshaping so I’m gonna give it a littledusting on the top so it doesn’t stickto my board I’m gonna use my benchscraper to release it from the board andto help me turn it over so I’m gonnaturn it over in the palm of my hand nowI’m going to show you a final shapingfor an oblong container there are manydifferent ways to bake sourdough breadbut I’m just gonna show you this onewhen I first started baking sourdoughbread I was putting my dough in a loafpan and then I switched it up to thesewooden proofing baskets so this is justa basket to proof in it’s just what thedough is in when it’s in the fridge andthen when you’re ready to bake it youplop it out and shimmy it into the ovenso the dough is flipped over and nowwe’re going to pull a little bit fromthe top and tuck it down and then we’regoing to do a little stitching motion soI’m going to pinch from the side andpull it over pinch and over so it’sgonna be I think it’s called a mummystitch or something like that so you’regonna pull it over give it a chance toadhere pull it over I’m starting at thetop and you’re just working your waydown so it’s gonna look like a littlezigzag given the dough chance to sticktogetherall right can you see that I’m gonnastart rolling it upward I’m using like amedium tension I’m not squeezing mydough but I am firmly telling it what Iwant it to doso you’re gonna roll it and then you’regonna let that seam tuck down at thebottom you’re gonna create a little bitmore tension let me dust this I’ve gotsome slight sticky tears on the side soI want to dust this I don’t want mydough to tear this is my crust so I wantit to be perfectand tight and beautiful so I’m justgonna pull it towards myself and roll itback over creating a little bit moretension I’ve gone through some differentdifferent practices on the ends andright now I’m not doing anything I’mjust doing my tuck and I’m leaving itthat way okay now we’re gonna get thisdough into I’ll show you this one firstinto this oiled loaf game you’re gonnause your bench scraper and you’re gonnaroll it onto your own handOh actually yeah this one just goes inwith the seam side down so you’re justgonna plop it in there so that thesmooth beautiful part of the dough is onthe top now I’ve had a couple of galsalready messaging me that they arewanting to buy proofing baskets andstart with proofing baskets so I’ll showyou how to do this one I’m gonna dust myboard a little bitI’m gonna move my job over and do thesame motion and when you’re using aproofing basket you do a bit of adifferent deal here this time when Irelease my my dough from the board I’mgonna turn it upside down and flop itupside down into my basket so the seamsthe seam side is up the ugly part is upyou can dust this the the cloth or youcan even bake these on the wooden aroundproof them on the wooden reeds they’regonna be well floured so that it’s supereasy to pop them out when you’re readyto bake this is all you’re gonna do inthe in day one you’re gonna stick yourdough in a baggie it doesn’t need to belike sealed down tight I just looselytuck it under so it still has some airsome give you slide them in a bag andyou’re gonna stick it in the fridgeovernight or you know 1215 hours is goodwhen it’s in the fridge for a long whileit just helps it develop great flavor ithelps it get more fermented so I wouldsay 12 to 15 hours is a good amount oftime each you want to put it in thefridge alright that’s all for today thisis the end of day 1 I’m gonna go popthese little beauties in the fridge andI’ll see you tomorrowgood morningthe next day I’ve got my bread readyI’ve preheated my oven as hot as it willgo you want a flamin hot oven when it’stime to bake and I’m gonna show you howto bake this bread okay first one I’mgoing to show you is loaf pan this iswhat I used when I first started outbecause it’s what I had will I justexperimented to see if this wassomething I liked if you want you candust it with some flour you don’t haveto just makes your cut lines show up alittle bit more and then you can use aclean brand new razor blade you coulduse a knife that was just sharpened thisis a blade specific to this task and I’mjust gonna skip a little slice I’m gonnado a light one I’m not pushing very hardjust lightly pulling for a littledecorative wheat but then we’re gonna doanother cut that needs to be pretty deepthat is going to help the dough tospring up release moisture and give youa good crust so you want to go fullyacross from end to end if you stop shortlike say my lines here to here my mybread will have a bubble right here soI’m gonna slide this little guy in theoven now our proofing basket so beforeyou invert your proofing basket you wantto go around the perimeter and make surethat your dough is loosened from thebasket I don’t want it to get stuck whenI’m trying toinvert it need a piece of parchmentpaper and all you’re gonna do is flipthe basket upside down onto your paperand your surface it release nicely andnow I’m gonna dust it you don’t have todust it but it just makes your scoringlines show up a little bit better alittle thick so I have a brush that Iuse on my bread I just want to dust itnot thick all right I don’t think I toldyou about the lung the Lomb is a bladethat you use to score your dough I likemy loaves to be elongated I don’ttypically want my bread to be wider justbecause of my family using the bread assandwich bread or in the toaster I liketo have like a tighter loaf if I scorethis down the middle because it’s not ina loaf pan it will expand this way itwill become whiter if I score my breadin this direction it will cause my ovenspring the expansion in the oven to golong ways so that’s what I likejust for functionality there’s lots ofbeautiful scoring you can do with yourlawn but I’m just going to show youthese shortcuts and then you’ll be ableto see how it elongates in the oven youwant to apply a fair amount of pressurebecause you want a pretty deep scoreby scoring the bread I’m telling itwhere I want it to spring in the ovenI’m kind of controlling it so a razorblade or a very sharp you know you justsharpened a kitchen paring knife coulddo pretty much the same thing now we’reready for the oven all rightwatch closely I’ve got a baking sheet onmy top rack that is inverted it’supside-down and that’s what I am bakingmy braid on underneath that I have anasty little old baking pan that isabout an inch deep and I’m gonna poursome water in it to create steam in myoven and then I’m gonna slide my breadin here we gookay we’re gonna give it a shimmy I’mgonna shimmy it in just like a pizza andthat’s it hopefully you were able to seethat so if you’re just baking in a loafpan you’re just gonna heat that oven upscore your dough and slip it in there ifyou’re using a proofing basketit’s a little bit different you’re goingto dump your go out of the proofingbasket onto parchment and on to anothersurface a cutting board or somethinglike that you would already have acookie sheet of some kindprobably in orbit in your oven while itfree heats because you want your doughto hit the hottest surface that you canso you’re gonna flip your dough in ontothat hot pan after water for steam andthen reduce your temperature to 475[Music]we fermented and scored and base andallowed it to cool for four hours I knowthat’s hard to do because you’reprobably excited your little chips thatwere to break inside the oven but it’simportant to try to wait for your breadto cool optimizes the flavor and thetexture of the bread because themoisture is still escaping and as themoisture continues escaping thestructure of the bread is stilldeveloping okay there’s a lot stillgoing on so just hold tightwell first give it a little listenit’s firm on the outside it’s differentthan like a French bread all right we’regoing for firm andand eerie[Applause]you’re not crash all rightI’m going to call the boys in here andhave a little taste – all right guyscome on in for a bite be my tastetesters all right guys thanks forwatching if you are still watching afterthat long you can like major bonuspoints thanks for tuning in we’ll seeyou guys[Music]

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