Bread Recipes

Soft & Fluffy Sausage Bread Rolls in 3 Shapes – Melissa’s Home Cooking

Soft & Fluffy Sausage Bread Rolls in 3 Shapes – Melissa’s Home Cooking
This recipe makes 20-24 Bread Rolls
(depending on size of sausage)

These are soft and fluffy bread, encasing a juicy sausage inside, tastes just like the best Asians bakeries and most of all kid-friendly.
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For dough
600 g all- purpose flour
30 g dried milk powder
80 g caster sugar
1 ½ tsp salt
250 ml milk – warm in microwave for 40 seconds
1 tsp sugar
10 g instant dry yeast
1 egg
150 ml whipping cream

20-24 Precooked Sausages
Note: If you are using raw sausages, it might pay to cook them first in a pot of boiling water for 5-7 minutes so that you are not eating raw sausage in the rolls.

For egg wash
1 egg
1 tbsp water

For toppings (optional)
cheese, sesame seeds, poppy seeds, mixed herbs, cheese and sauce
For brushing after baking(optional)
Soft butter as required

1. Dissolve the yeast and sugar in the warm milk, stir gently. Set aside. After 5-10 mins, the yeast will have absorbed the liquid to activate and begin to rise to the surface, producing a foamy layer.
2. Put flour, milk powder, sugar, and salt into a mixing bowl. Whisk evenly together.
3. In another bowl, combine the egg and whipping cream. Add the yeast and milk mixture, mix well together.
4. Slowly transfer the egg and milk mixture (3) into the flour bowl (2). Combine well and knead quickly the last few minutes until a soft dough is form. Cover the dough with plastic wrap and set aside for 30 mins.
5. Dry all the precooked sausages with paper towels and set aside.
6. Transfer the dough to a lightly floured surface and knead until it’s smooth and elastic, for about 10 minutes. If you press your finger into the dough, it should spring back.
7. Grease the mixing bowl, place the top of the dough back to an oiled bowl and flip over, cover with plastic wrap and leave it to rise in a warm place for 1 hour – 2 hours or till doubled in size.
8. Line the baking tray with baking paper or grease with oil.
9. Deflate by punching the dough to remove any excess trapped air, and turn it out onto a lightly floured surface. Divide the dough into 20-24 equal pieces and shape into balls.
10. Rolling and shaping the dough as follows:-
10.1. For swirl shape
10.1.1 Roll it out into a rope long enough to wrap around the sausage about 3 times. Wrap the rolled dough around the sausage and place them on a lined or greased baking tray at least 2 inches apart.
10.2. For braid shape
10.2.1 Take one portion of dough and flatten into an oval with the long side about the same length as the sausage.
10.2.2 Place the sausage at the center of the dough, and make 5 cuts each side with a knife. You should have 6 strips of dough at each side of the sausage. Braid the strips to enclose the sausage and place them on lined or greased baking tray at least 2 inches apart.
10.3 For flower shape
10.3.1 Take out a dough ball and put it on the cutting board. Press it down with your hands and shape it into rectangle that can cover a sausage.
Add a sausage to the center and wrap the dough around it. Pinch the ends together to seal it, smoothing it out so the seal is totally even with the rest of the dough and not lumpy at all.
10.3.2 Cut the sausage roll into 5 pieces but do not cut completely through. Bring the 2 ends of the roll together and tuck one end to the other end and turn all sausage petals upright. Place them on a lined or greased baking tray at least 2 inches apart.
11. Cover the rolls with a plastic wrap or damp cloth, and let them rise until doubled in volume, about 30 minutes.
12. Preheat oven to 180 C fan bake, 10 minutes before proofing finishes.
13. Whisk up 1 egg and together with a tbsp of water and brush the surface of the bread rolls. You can then either leave it plain or decorate with any toppings you like, cheese, sesame seeds, poppy seeds, mixed herbs, cheese and sauce.
14. Then place in a 180 C preheated oven and bake for 10 to 15 minutes or till golden brown.
15. Then brush with soft butter as soon as out of the oven to give the rolls a shiny top if you like or can just leave this option out.
Thanks for watching, Enjoy and Happy Baking!!!

Please check out my other bread videos:
How To Make Simple Delicious Bread for under $2

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Video Transcription

hi everyone welcome to Melissa’s homecooking today I’m going to show you howto make sausage bread rollthey are the soft fluffy ones that youcan get from some of the Asian bakeryshop and we’re gonna ship them indifferent ways so I have in front of methe egg wash 1/8 and a tablespoon ofwater for to do rush on top and thebreaker is ready and we use pretty coolsausages and to pair those two differenttypes one is chicken and one is a mixersausages and then we have 600 grams offlour I’ve got 30 gram of powder 80 gramof caster sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt we got150 ml of our whipping cream which isthe fresh cream 1/8 and we have 250 mlof milk make sure you warm the milk Iyou want me to microwave for about 40seconds and then we have one teaspoon ofsugar and about thank gram of activedrive inside this okay and then the polethat you’re going to use so let’s getstarted okay so firstly we’re going topour the milk into the bowl make sureyour meters being warm up and don’t getput in the sugar and this and that theis absorb into the active ingredients toactivate the yeast to rise and we’rejust going to leave that for a minuteand like it for about 5 to 10 minutesand then another bowl we are going tocombine the 8 and a whipping cream sowe’ve got a pink room here 8sighs so now we’re gonna India 600rounds ah damn it papaand you sugar and the sauce hole in themiddle so now there is and the milk it’sall frosty like that if it’s not fortoday my how to read okay you need togive a gentle stir earlier so it shouldlook like that alright so now we’regoing to add in the cream and the 8 intothe yeast mixture and then you’re gonnaput it in here get back into this overhere and you’re gonna mix everything inso just mix everything in gently andhere’s allso now we’re just going to cover it witha clean flame and leave it for abouthalf an hour so while the dough isresting we just until I get the sausagejust ready so I’m just going to draw itso there’s no extra moisture added tothe dough and make it those all soapyokay so now the dough is been restingfor half an hour we’re just gonnalightly flour the surfacetake out the doughand we’re gonna need it try not to addtoo much flour if you can and just keepkneading this for about ten minutes soin the last few minutes of the kneadingtime just keep knitting and slipping iton the bench and push it on in don’talways give the bride a smoke see whenyou put your finger up is springing upand you can stretch the dough see it’squite stretchy so this dough is readynow yeah last rowand please think you place the bowl putthe alloy so when Susie drop it forabout an hour I’m gonna cover it leaveit for about an hour in a warm place soit depending and now also or until youdouble in size depending on your roomtemperature might take longer so betweenone to two hours or until the dough isdoubled in size so now the dough isalready after takes about one and a halfhours in our row so to make sure thatit’s ready so you put a two fingeringyou can see that indented so it’salready so we can take it all up justgoing to put a bit of flour on thesurface and we cut anybody’s dough into24 motion it’s a big no-no so just letthem keep it down and just going tocurrently 24 portion and make them intoballsso now after cutting the dough into 24pieces we just throw them into balls I’mjust going to convert it back with thethe plastic limit that we’ll use earlierand I’m going to start shaping so we’regoing to do this shapes are going toroll the dough into a rope and by thethree times laying of the sausage sojust a little bit moreyeah so it’s about right so gonna putDutch there and just gonna rightso I span again and just tuck it in andbe sure that you want your baking trayso we’re just gonna put on the bakingtray so now we’ve been upgraded so it’sgonna be a no they’re going to usetonight and just cut ityou can file it and then we’re justgoing to split ityeah you should shop at that oneso it’s gonna wrap up the sausage againmake sure it’s all copperbut the same on the bottomgot fine not completelybring it togetherOhthen the sensationso it’s all throw up and in a shape nowwe’re going to like it press for aboutso the establish I still can’t beat themjust cover them up we’ve got to let itrest for 20 minutes to half an hour toeat up or inside and they were going toa place and play in the oven so now it’sa good time to heat up your oven so nowthe proven is ready we just gonna removeits signs and so now we’re going to putthe 1/8 and the one tablespoon of wateris ready India it’s going to mix it inwe’re just going to place the right rowso you can leave it plain or you can puton chains or semi sit so I mixed up somesauce on top so I’m gonna leave thebreather went clean and I’m going to puta bit of insanity on the spiralso now it’s cook we’re just going tolightly brush some butter on top okayhoney see how soft and fluffy thebrittle is I’m really looking forward toeating one I hope you enjoy them verysoft and fluffy I’m just going to cutopen one look at that it’s so soft andfluffy so here is here’s our sausagebread roll hope you guys enjoy it niceand fluffy sausage roll with differentways of shaping them hope you like andsubscribe and see you again next time

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