Sue’s IG: https://www.instagram.com/cheongsueann
Jo’s IG: https://www.instagram.com/joannwithadash
Hey guys,
MCO extends to 2 more weeks for us and we hope you guys are doing well. Hope this video will brings a little sunshine wherever you are 😊 Stay positive~
So-Ju Twins
✨Bun Recipe✨
Bread Starter
100g bread flour
100ml water
1/4 tsp yeast
Bread Dough
150g bread flour
1/2 tsp salt
50ml water
1 tsp yeast
1. Mix together all Bread Starter ingredients. Cover and leave for 5-24 hours.
2. Mix all Bread Dough including Bread Starter in mixer for 8 minutes on medium low.
3. Divide dough into 8 pieces. Shape dough into rounds and dust with plain flour/bread flour
4. Let rise for 40-60 minutes
5. Make slashes on dough
6. Preheat over to 230 degree celsius
7. Bake for 15-25 minutes
8. When done, cool them on cooling rack
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]come on guystoday is an exciting day I couldn’t waitto wake up today because I meanimpressed that day yesterday at 7:00 andI’m checking on it today of the tophours I tried this recipe before thelast time I only waited for five hoursso this time I waited on top I was Iwant to see whether that’s anydifferenceyeah I’m just gonna make the threat nowif you guys are interested in thisrecipe I’m gonna leave it in thedescription box[Music]I’m gonna let this dough rest for alisten our gonna do some cleaning[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]hello hello hello guys so now we aregoing to paint you need like this timewe study right but today we decided notto study we’re gonna move that likeafternoon and we are going to paintrecently we do a lot of paintings and wetry to like spend at least two hours aday on paint but if we feel like wedon’t have any not much time if you wantto spend on other things so we at leastspend one hour when you’re drawing onsomething like anything rightpreferably paint something because weare not very good at it I want topractice more on our painting skillsbefore we start painting we want to showyou guys how I supply if you guys arehappy so these are all our art suppliesfor pencil we use this favor cast pencilin 3b for sketching use this pen fromMuji the 0.38 we got to outline drawingpan we don’t actually use these pensthese are my dad’s one but he realize hedidn’t use it so he gave it to us and wedon’t even use it we have an eraser fromMuji and a sharpener from Muji tool forthese are our color pencils this one webought individually and this is the setone among all these color pencil thisone is my favorite it’s from that lawthese are faber castell they’re okayit’s not really used but yeah it’s okayand for this set I really really lovethis color like it’s a bit autumn if yesall autumn color which is nice and moneygood about this one it’s ink so you cancolor and you can paint on top of it andyouthe color okay moving on to paints soinitially we start off with quartz andwe will show that watchman’s so we startoff painting make wash and we boughtlike a bunch of colors this already thatlittle Ronnie once and I’m not sure howI feel about it because we don’t haveanything to compare this brand with anyother brands because you need by thesebrands we are pretty near with acolleague so we got in despair pebeostudio oculi high velocity we don’treally think much about the primal humanresearch much about it we just saw thatit’s pretty affordable you moving on tobrushes we got three round brushes andtwo flat brushes this first one is fromsilver white and it’s the size 8 thisone is from Ashley besides for the Rowanis actually size 10 actually size 8 thisis the silver white size before movingon to palette bar we got this one thewooden one probably realized it’s veryhard to wash the paint stains the barnso we didn’t like that temporary we areusing this glass palette boy this isactually a photo frame I think workingwith glass panels but it’s easier to whyhe didn’t have any texture like thewooden ones I’m moving on to the drawingpad we got this one the a4 artistdrawing pack from Durban Academy we usethis for drawings to the links and likepencil color pencils and the next one isthis crop 250 sheet b5 because it’s avery thin paper so we use this fordrawings pencil sketching and colorpencil sketching next is della Roni finegreenheavy weight paper a5 we use this forour paintings or gouache and ourcolleague paintings next we got thisokey drawing pad and this is really forthis one also has the same texture thisis a very thin paper so this is morelike doodling pen and pencil doodlesthat’s off the dock dry pad and then wegot this spritz spray thing water sprayto keep the paint from drying outnext we got this one to put our water init to clean the brush I decided to dropthis I’m not so sure where our logo forthis one or this one I like this onebecause of the two fruits but I likethis one because of the glass you seethe detail of this glass this one is notso clear we got this panel from herehe’s my friend now he has no friendmommy pane will answer every time wepost our paintings we have got fivequestions from you guys first questionwill be what costs we studied in uni wetook foundation in idea multimedia andwe took bachelors in multimedia 3ddesign second question would be how dowe learn to draw and paint we learnedmost of our drawing and painting fromYouTube and Skillshare we did takeclasses when we were 7 years oldat class but it’s for what only likeless than a year I think that kind ofhelp also because we kind of got afoundation of how to color things justpainting is a whole different differentmedium so it’s a bit tough and onlyrecently we learned how to paint so it’smostly from YouTube and skew shares thatquestion what pin do we use so the paintwe use now recently is our colleaguebefore this we try to wash and if we arecomfortable using our colleague willswitch to oilanything I’m pretty excited for that dogbecause like all the great artists lasttime you saw my pain so next questionthe fourth question would be can youteach me how to draw or paint I didn’tlove you asked this question but we weare just I don’t think we can dish wejust plan learning to paint and we arenot experienced explaining it yeah Ithink YouTube and skew shake will teachyou better than I think we just draw andwe don’t we don’t really learn like theproper way of doing a painting so Idon’t think we are qualified to give anytutorial on painting but if you guyswant our advice like from a beginner abeginner advice to beginners the firstwould be be specific on what you want tolearn do you only learn to mix color orthen to draw a portrait or scenery or Iknow fruits and then be specific on whatwish medium you want to try out is itwatercolor iconic gouache and secondwill be you don’t have to buy so manyart supplies like this recently orpaintings we only use four colors likethe four primary color that will beyellow blue red and white that is enoughto create like around 80% of the colorsyou need the advice will be followingexisting painting I think the first timeI try painting and I follow a painting Idon’t follow a picture so I can see thehighlights the shadow crystal they meetin a painting by following an existingpainting I realized color of them Icannot see with my own eyesyeah like if I don’t sleep properly yeahthe first tip will be practice practiceand make it fun if it’s verydiscouraging at first because it doesn’tturn out the way you want the way I wantnot new the way I want and yeah but justdon’t feel discouraged just keeppracticing it’s a process at the endthere’s no like we know lose when itcomes to creativity and painting so thefifth most asked question is can yousell your drawings that’s a very bigcompliment that’s a big this companywith every single in my life we are gladthat you guys want to buy our paintingsbut for now no because they say notperfect and it’s our practicing face andI don’t know if you need to be good youknow you guys know if we want to if wewere to sell it we want it to be goodhopefully in the future we will be ableto something yeahafter a lot more practice and moreexperience and practice and if we dosell them we will sell them on morningface our idea karmani face to you andthat’s the whole purpose of the shopright so all right and for us tocontinue to be creative and not use thatcreativity yeah yeah that’s like a fitfive most asked questions if you guyshave more questions on paintings ordrawing do leave it in the commentsection down belowI really think everyone enjoy[Music]my passion but you have known about along passion I think you can exceed buttalented passionate artists theycelebrate you hope you guys enjoy thisblock it’s painting with us don’t knowthanks for watching[Music]