This is perfect for those that love bread but are looking for a small loaf Greek bread recipe. With this easy bread recipe you no longer have to waste bread by baking large loaves that end up going stale. Same awesome flavour but in a smaller size. Try it today, love it forever….
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Video Transcription
[Music][Music]hey what’s up today I want to show youmy recipe for a smaller loaf Greek styleVillage bread or the hoary attic up showme this recipe is the same grape flavorjust a smaller loaf especially timeslike these where things a little weirdand you know we’re not getting togetherand everybody is kind of keeping tothemselvesthis recipe is ideal also it’s perfectfor someone who’s on their own or hasonly got a couple of people in the houseand you still want to enjoy your breadthis is the recipe for you and like mosttypical bread recipes they usually arearound the four five six hundred gramweight size for flour kilogram this isvery simply 250 grams of flour so tostart us off I’m gonna take a hundredand 70 milliliters of warm water verysimple I’m gonna take two teaspoons ofyeast the dry active yeast is gonna goin here along with two teaspoons ofsugar very simple nothing to this at allwhat I’m gonna do is I’m just gonna graba fork and I just want to stir it upjust a little bit and just enough to getthat yeast going here’s the thing withbread recipes there’s a lot of breadrecipes out there that are no no needyou know very simple bah blah blah Ithink no matter what you’re still gonnahave to knead the bread at least a verysmall amount or very a little bit likeyou can’t just you know just mixeverything in a bowl I think for somereason it’s never worked for mepersonally but then again that’s just meso my yeast is actually starting tofroth already so I’m just gonna take itand I’m going to pour it into my mixingbowl here nothing to thisI’m going to take some Greek extravirgin olive oil maybe a couple threetablespoons of my oil is gonna go in aswell and my 250 grams of flour very easynothing to this drop it down lock andloadand slowly just start mixing this up themixing process here is gonna take about8 to 10 minutes 15 minutes depending andbasically the dough will be ready onceit starts pulling away from the sides ofyour bowl alright I mean about 10minutes you ever take my dough is readylook how cute that is it’s like thecutest thing now show you what I meanabout that let me just put a little bitof flour here on my work surface mybread dough now look at this isn’t thatthe cutest thing you’ve ever seen justput it down there take a little bit moreflour throw it in there now I’m gonnashow you my bowl see what I meancompletely clean pulled away nothing tothis at all so let’s leave that therenow kneading you’re gonna have to kneadbread a little bit I’m not saying you’regonna need to kind of work the heck outof it but any dough that’s got gluten init you’re gonna have to stretch thoselewton’s and get them going so just pullit just like that and this doesn’t haveto go for hours just really simply justdo this I know my yeast is working aswell because my dough is actually quitewarm so now I’m just gonna grab a littleBowl here not that little so take alittle bit of my Greek extra-virginolive oil just a little bit throw it inthere just like thatand what I’m gonna do is I’m going tocover this up with a little bit of clingwrapand then a blanket the trick to this isthe first proof or the first rise has tobe at least an hour and a half to twohours I’m gonna set this aside for acouple hours and then we’ll take it fromthereall right it’s been a solid couple hoursnow and as you can see we move this outof the way my dough is pretty muchdoubled if not more in size I mean lookat this what an absolute view so this isthe part here where we call the punchdown stage where you actually kind ofform a fist with a little flour ofcourse and punch this down put a littleflour on your board and on your handsand what we’re going to do is reallyquickly need this now when you punch itdown I am meant just to get the air outof it you’re not collecting a debt itdoesn’t owe your money so you don’t haveto hit it that hard and what you’regonna do is just add a little flour hereand just need fold this a couple oftimes that’s all you have to do and thiswill come out perfect and this isn’texactly a huge loaf of bread either letme share my little trick with you andtip we’re gonna let this now rest foranother half hour or so the trick to whyI have always amazing bread without failis I preheat my oven to the lowestpossible setting in my case it’s 170degrees Fahrenheit now when my breadgoes in there and all of a sudden thedoor closes I’m gonna turn off the oventhrough that half-hour 45 minute littlerest period my bread will rise and proofagain and it will be like the ultimatethe absolute ultimate bread it’s gonnabe light inside and I can’t wait to showyou so just like this nothing to thisI’m gonna take a parchment-lined flatpan and just kind of make it I’ll rollit out like that as doesn’t have to beperfectit’s just the way it is I’m gonna take areally really sharp knifepreferably non-serrated and what I’mgonna do is just make scores just likethat they don’t look like much now butonce it swells up again you’re gonnaknow what I’m talking about so I’ll seeyou back here in about half an hour[Music]all right so my bread is done its secondproof or it’s rest it’s been in therefor about mmm about 45 minutes itactually looks really really really goodperfect see where the slits opened up asit expanded this is a smaller sized loafperfect for a couple three four peopleif you don’t want to have leftovers andstale bread the next step is to pre earoven 375 degrees Fahrenheit or about 180degrees Celsius this is what we’re gonnabake off our bread and all the magic isgonna happen now to doll it up whatwe’re gonna do is and take a little bitof just water and a brush and just brushthe top with water why am I doing thisbecause I want to add some sesame seedsto my bread I want to keep this sort oftraditional and by doing that it adds alittle bit of elegance and a little bitof beauty to your loaf as well and itbakes off so much better so perfectjust like that I’m gonna take just a fewjust sprinkle them because you can evenleave this step out you could put poppyseeds here you can do whatever you likeso perfect just like that boom done nowyou’re gonna put this in to our 375degree oven for about 45 minutes keep aneye on it you want that golden browncolor that GBD that we always look forand once you do that you’ll be perfectlyready to go for one of the best breadsyou’ve ever tastedand it’s show time this came out of theoven about 10 minutes ago they tookabout an hour in total to bake off butlook at this let me justforget the measure look at this look atthis my friends absolute perfection it’slike the cutest things of little boatsamazing oh oh my god this this crust islike this is so delicious really likefluffy and airy on the inside supercrispy and crunchy on the outside so myfriends that’s it for this episode on myrecipe for a smaller loaf bread it’s aGreek style bread beautiful deliciousand really not that complicated at allto make 250 grams of flour 170milliliters of warm water 2 teaspoons ofdry activated yeast 2 teaspoons of sugarand a teaspoon of salt oh and a littlebit a splash of Greek extra virgin oliveoil and you have a breast recipe that’samazing so I thank you so much forwatching I appreciate your time if youlike this video smash that like buttonand subscribe take care of each othertake care of yourself be careful anduntil next time I will see you on thenext one bye for now[Music][Music]