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We are a non-denominational Christian church where Jesus Christ is the Senior Pastor and the pulpit is His. The church is pastored by David and Sharon Rocha in Modesto Ca.
David Rocha was a recording artist under the name Sir Dyno of Darkroom Familia. He surrendered his life to Jesus Christ in 2004 while serving a Federal Prison sentence. House of Rest Church teaching on the current operation and power of the Holy Spirit in preaching, healing, casting out demons and the gift of speaking in tongues. this channel has sermons, daily devotionals, bible study, Christian music videos and down to earth relevant Biblical teaching
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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]hey guys so I said that I was gonna showyou guys how to make some easy breadbecause I know that right now is a timefor us to be able to do Communion andyou know it’s really hard to go to themarket so I’m going to make it reallysimple and very simple ingredients sowhat I’m going to do is you guys need tobe able to see the ingredients and it’sgonna be really simple so you’re gonnahave just your six cups of flour you’regonna have any type of salt that youhave one-and-a-half teaspoons of saltany type of oil that you want and you’regonna have one and a half tablespoons ofyour yeast this is the kind of yeastthat I use so you can use any type ofyeast that you’re on if you don’t wantto use yeast you don’t have to Iactually there is a there is a lot ofpeople that don’t like to use yeast butit does rise better with ease to have2/3 of sugar any type of sugar you canactually use sugar substitute as welland then we’re gonna have six cups offlour you’re going to actually take alittle bit of extra flour and thatflours just so that you can lay it onyour board or you can layyour table so that way you can be ableto use it so it doesn’t stick on to youron to your roller after so another thingthat you’re going to need is you’regoing to need two cups of warm water ithas to be warm guys it’s really reallyimportant that you do use warm water nowthere’s two different methods of doingit there’s one for you to be able to useit on your mixer your mixing machinethat’s the way that I’m gonna do ittoday or you can actually do it by handand you get yourself a really good goodsized bowl and mix it by hand it’s a lotof work though I will tell you that andyou can start it off with a basicold-school but you’re gonna have to stopat one point so that we can do it byhand but I would suggest that you eitherdo it by hand or you do it by a mixerthe other things that you will beneeding you will be needing some type ofspray or you can use shortening as wellI love to use shortening as well but forthe sake of keeping my hands kind ofclean I’m gonna use a spray today youwill need your bread pan you can use anysize of bread pan I’m gonna be actuallycutting mine down some how many use asmaller bread come because I’m actuallygonna make a few loaves and I like totake anbecause I like to do an egg wash becauseI like to have a really nice brown tothe top of my crust and for my bread I’mactually going to do some harvest nutsand this is really nice because what Idid is I took some raw nuts and theseare the raw nuts here would you takethis different you want to these aredifferent raw nuts that I have here andwhat you do is you roast them I ended uproasting them and you take differenttypes of raw nuts and I’m going to endup using these raw nuts and actuallymake it into like a harvest spread andit tastes so delicious you can actuallyroast them in coconut oil you can roastthem in any type of oil that you wantand it tastes really really deliciousso what we’re going to do to start itoff we’re actually going to take yourwarm water you’re gonna take your sugarand you’re gonna take your yeast andyou’re actually gonna mix itwe’re gonna see it bubble up can youguys see that bubble up then you justkeep on mixing itand once that’s mixed in rose and reallyvivid you’re gonna set it sit for fiveminutes and you’re gonna cover it coverit for five minutes and you’re justgonna leave it there for five minutesokay guys so it’s been five minutes andwhat we’re gonna do is we’re gonna takethe towel off and you’re gonna see thatit’s bubbled up can we see thatit’s bubbled up and we’re gonna go aheadand put this since you are bold now thatthat’s in our bowl readyif we’re going to drop our Sultanin our oil[Music]we’re gonna start basing thatwe’re gonna start getting our flourready but we want to do is start puttingour flour in one cup at a timeit’s gonna be messy so I hope you haveyour apron onand I always like to have a little towelthat way I can clean things up as I love[Music]as you can see if you want to come inhere and you can see a little bit closerupit’s starting to thicken upthe consistency of a dulljust gonna make it easierand your machine’s gonna kind of thickenup a littlethey’ll think they’re machines freakingas your dough is ready and what I woulddo is I would actually ball it up whileit’s still inside just to make sure yougot it all in there see if you are doingthis by hand that’s like sometimesbetter to do it by machine because ifyou were doing this by hand you’d bedoing that all on my hands sometimesit’s so much easier and you’re probablygonna get a little bit of flour still atthe bottom which is okay because you’regonna need that so it doesn’t stick andthis is this extra flour for[Music]get myself over hereand don’t forget that we’re gonna end uphaving to get this to rise so we’regonna end up putting it back into a bowlso you want to kind of break it up bringit back forward this is called kneadingitand build muscle doing this[Music][Music][Music]so the best thing to do is to have agood-sized bowl because you got toremember that this is going to rise andyou want to spray your bowl before youput it in there you want to make surethat tell that you have is damp so makesure you dampen it up I would tap it upwith a little bit of warm water becauseyou have to place this summer order it’snot cold so do not put it in the fridgeor do not do anything like thatand then you’re just gonna lay itsomewhere and just leave it there[Music]and we’ll see you back in two hours okayhey guys okay so now we’re back and welet it riseyeah look at that it grew this baby isready okay so what we want to do iswe’re gonna go ahead splash a little bitof flour and oh by the way look what Idid while we were waiting for it to riseI made a turkey potpie yep I did that ifyou guys want to learn how to make thecrust and how to make something likethat let me know I’ll teach you guys howto do that as well it’s pretty coolall right so look at thatpretty baby put back to the sideand so what we’re gonna do is we’re justgonna go ahead and fix her up and gether ready for our pen okay and what Iwant to do is I want to cut her up intopieces because that’s kind of really bigfor that pan and because I told you guysthat I want to add some nuts I’m gonnaactually add my little Center to it andnow this is where you don’t have to dothis but I want to do this because Ikind of like I kind of like taste on mybread you can just do it plain but we’regonna go ahead and you gotta you gottagrease your pan whateverI’m going to use like I said you can usewhichever one you wantyou’re gonna add it in there and for meI’m gonna do an egg wash so you can usea fork you can use whatever you want youcan use a little whisk and here’s alittle idea if you wanted to make itread a little bit sweeter you can alwaysadd a little bit of cinnamon to this alittle bit of vanilla and you canactually make this asleep and you canadd a little bit of that into this andyou can actually wash it with a sweetand wash so you take a little brush andyou egg wash[Music]and you don’t have to do this but I meanI like red to be nice and brown so it’sgonna have that nice little crisp on theoutside it’s going to look really pretty[Music]so now here’s my little take on it Ilike to add the little nuts in themiddle and it kind of gives it that ourteasin type of look to the bread andthere’s your bread so now we’re gonna goahead and put this in the oven you’regonna put it in the oven at 375 andyou’re gonna put it in there for a goodmaybe put it maybe about thirty minutesor so and then till golden brown youkeep a look at it and because everyevery oven is different so you got tomake sure that you see it rise and onceyou see a rise you see it to a BoldinBrown you’ll know trust me you’ll know -what – what how you’re gonna like itactually so put it in there and I’llcome back to you guys and mostly once Iread a stem okay alright okay so I amwe are done all right so I’m going to goahead and pull this outcome closerthe Netscapethis one’s a little bit hot and I don’thave aI don’t have a glove for this I’m gonnaleave it in there because I don’t wantto burn myself but I made an extra oneyou guys I made a plain one see you guyscan see and I made it braided and thisis sort of like a braided bread see Idon’t want to burn myself I mean I needgloves honey we need ye some gloves butum this is a braided one and this isjust plain and this is more of theartisanal one that I told you guys aboutso that’s it guys it’s better to take itout of the pan immediately now thereason why you want to be able to takeit out of the pan immediately is becauseyou don’t want it to sweat inside of thepan because if you leave it inside thepan it’ll actually sweat and it’ll getstuck in there so that’s why it’s bestto take it out of there as soon aspossible guys you have your bread thereand let me you know I’m gonna cut apiece for you guys so see you guys soon[Music][Music]so pretty look at that mmm well guysthere you go so if you can’t find anybread in the market make your own breadyou guys enjoy it enjoy it with yourfamily put some butter on it and havefun with itsee you guys later take care