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We live in rural America, and we are Scavengers — especially when it comes to making money on eBay by selling items we find in or near the waste stream, at auctions, yard sales and thrift stores. This allows us to avoid full time jobs, which gives us more time to scavenge and enjoy our lives. It’s a positive reinforcing cycle.
We are eBay Top Rated + Power Sellers. Each week we post a couple 1 hour long podcasts sharing stories about our eBay selling. We welcome all questions and stories of your own eBay experiences. Sharing helps make us all better Scavengers. Call us now! 540 407 8486
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Video Transcription
hello and welcome to another episode ofscavenger life this is episode number456 scavenger life comm four five sixwelcome to love and a time of thecoronavirus yeah this is the podcastlike ebay about two people that sell onebay two people that make a living onebay two people that depend on eBay twopeople that love hey TV yeah hey so youknow everyone in the States is indifferent states of lockdown of socialdistancing of isolation you know yeshopefully everyone’s doing okay we had afirst confirmed case of the virusactually in our neighborhood yeah downthe street from us is retired gentlemanwho had to go to the hospital which maybe worried I was like oh no you knowwe’re gonna see a spread because in ourcounty we haven’t really seen there’sbeen no other confirmed case no one’syeah but several days later I mean weknow people who work around the countyand there still isn’t why you knowthere’s there’s no other cases so that’sright but I know in other urban areasit’s spreading yeah yeah so hopefullyagain everyone’s okay now the person whowas in our neighborhood does go to thecity a lot so you know that’s what’s alittle bit confusing is when people arelike oh there’s a case here but thereare no other cases I mean obviouslytesting is not widespread so there couldbe other cases we have a lot of peoplethat have second homes in our countiesthey’re in they they’re they their livesare kind of in the urban area and thenthey have their claims out here like inour County though you know there’s nolockdown but you know schools andchurches are closed restaurants ourrestaurants are closed but most storesare still open although everyone’s doingthe social distancing and yeah ourWalmart has pretty much everything Imean we’ve been okay like finding stuffwhen we need to go so which is rare wetry not to go but but sometimes yougotta get something okay our localauctions we’re talking about thatthey instead of doing it in person oneparticular is going online and actuallyI bought some stuff yeahat the auction online and then they hada thing where you pulled up into theback of their their building right andthen you gave them your sheet of paperof what it you bought and then theybrought it out to you and put it in theback of the car so they’re still workingyou know it’s not like they’re shut downwhich is kind of amazing because mostbusinesses are shut down but it soundslike this particular auction house Ithink it’s run by one big family yeah sothey’re kind of like I mean I would sayin most auction houses that are still inexistence are family-run yeah they’relike a family-run business that’s whythey’re so cool and they have like aperson each has their own littlepersonality to them yeah they have theirreputation because really auction housescan you know if you get a bad areputation like oh no welcome holdingstuff out of boxes or selling stuffwe’ve seen options go down because ofthat you know but it it was good it wasit was good I think that they were stilldoing it because again we’re not in anarea where like it’s widespread panic soI think I think they’re being smart wellit helped us too because we needed tosearch some stuff yeah we were like wellif we can do it this way where you’renot in an auction standing you knowshoulder-to-shoulder with people yeahthat’s kind of cool and you know ourdaily life isn’t that much differentbecause we always work from home anywayyeah it’s almost just like weird nowhave no we shouldn’t and can’t really goout into the world anyway so it’s kindof like having all these snow days youknow yeah I mean it’s scary it’s notlike fun times you know we’re we took awalk in the neighborhood and like yousay hi to your neighbor and you’re likeokay don’t get too close it’s okay tooclose yeah we sold something on Facebookyesterday and you had to be kind of likewell I was surprised by that was so likean old window we pulled out of abuilding yeah I was surprised that theywould buy it yet and so I actually setit outside propped up against my truckanddriveway and then put like a littleplastic container right next to it andwhen the people showed up I was like onthe porch we were just kind of talkingthey checked it out and I said put thecash in the plastic box yep and therewas okay cool and then I took theplastic box with a clothesline and putit like in a back building so give itseveral days where he’s gonna let it sitthere take the $30 and let it sit thereyeah we’re I think that’s smart thoughbecause really like them the morecaution you can you can take with everylittle thing is helpful you know it’slike I didn’t we have enough food not togo to the grocery store but I had to goget up pick up her prescription and I’mlike well we might as well get you knowwhat we need while we’re there but if wedon’t have to like let’s really just notyeah let’s not go out yeah it seems Ithink I kind of forget sometimes oh yeahwe are not supposed to be doing anythingand then you know yeah it goes kind ofgoes back and forth right everyone’sjust trying to figure out how long thisis gonna last how serious it is you knowall those things it’s serious I’ll tellyou thatyeah and it’s good to you know I mean II agree I’m just saying I feel like inthe States there’s different levels ofawareness of it like I talked to peoplein our neighborhood when we walk aroundand they’re like oh yeah someone saysthat maybe there’s some people dying andI’m like you know it’s like if it’s notaffecting them specifically you know soyeah anyway that’s more political Iguess in anything yeah let’s talk abouteBay no eBay phone support no eBay phonesupport apparently it’s email only whichis good because you know you don’t wantHebe employees to be crammed into smallrooms with all centers yeah so alsothere is a Bay for business on Facebookso if you are a seller you can messagethem there which I did this week andpeople have been telling us aboutthis eBay for Facebook business thingsyeah for a long time they’re like it’sactually great and we were like we hateFacebook but you actually startedgetting into Facebook in the past threemonths well when you say getting into oryou’re totally into it I have an accountfor our rental that’s basically here’swhy this is like ridiculous but um soInstagram is owned by Facebook and theynow allow you through Facebook to poston Instagram and schedule postings I’vebeen wanting to do schedule postingsforever but it was always third partysoftware you had to pay for it but thenI I read somewhere that oh if you signin through your if you link youraccounts and you can use this likesocial media tool on Facebook so Istarted doing that and then I thought ohI can actually sell stuff on Marketplacetoo which is something that I’ve beenwanting to do so I’m like now Facebookhas become obviously for a long timeit’s been a behemoth and you can’t youcould avoid it for a long time but nowas a seller and a business I’m like okaywell now I have to use it so now I’mlike okay let me try messaging eBay forbusiness for for this specific questionit takes sometimes it takes them 8 10 1215 24 hours to get back to you but thecool thing is it’s like you’ve made aqueue you’re like I have this questionsomeone will get to it I’m not sittingon hold whatever so now it needs time Ihave a question for any company I had aquestion for Comcast I had it I had tocancel some flights on UnitedI just went out face Punk it’s like Iwonder when that is gonna stop being auseful tool because if everyone juststarts doing that you know they’ll getoverloaded – I feel like that’s justalways what seems to happen yeahalthough what’s funny – is I feel likethere’s enough people that know about itand right now I’ll call it like most allcall centers are shut down right unlesspeople are doing call centers from homewhich a lot of companies like Southwestdoes that now is when you think they’regonna get you know a barrage of peoplebut I’ve gotand quick responses from all people andwe’ll talk about that real quick aboutthe ebay how we resolved I guess aproblem or a through the eBay Facebookbut they did give it didn’t feel like hewas just like someone who was readingfrom a script’ it felt like someone thatreally know what they’re talking yeahthey actually like looked up theinformation and got back to me which wasso helpful but we just want to put thatout there if someone hasn’t tried thatyou’re not gonna be able to be able tocall and call in so through their emailI don’t know if their email is on thewebsite somewhere there’s a merchant foranchor support there’s like a specificemail that you would email so so eBayyou know like some companies they’relike trying to help their customers andwe are their customers yes the sellersso they’re doing a couple things therethey said they’re postponing store feesfor a month if you call so postponingdoes that okay yeah so it says if youare an eBay store subscriber and could ause help with your payments pleasesubmit your request by Friday April 10th11:59 PST right we will review yourrequest and update your status on thesubmission page within three days soit’s not a guarantee they’re gonna checkif your request is approved 50% of thecovered fees on your current invoicewill be deferred until the next billingcycle and the remaining 50% will be dueon the subsequent billing so yeah so Imean look it’s something I guess and Iguess there might be sellers out therethat are like they’ve got to differmaybe that’s gonna help them but to medeferment yeah doesn’t help because if Ican’t afford let’s say $100 this monthnext month I’m not gonna be able toafford $200 you know I mean it’s justyou know also it’s piling up it’s likeit’s like it’s with rent I mean peopleneed like rent forgiveness it’s not likenot like we’ll just instead of paying athousand dollars this month just pay$2,000excellent it just starts building up onitself yeah that’s just my opinion wellthey’re just a side note there are somecompanies that but we deal with and thatother people deal with that are waivingfees square weaved a bunch of fees theythey they waived payroll fees and abunch of other fees that I I didn’t readthrough all of them because I don’t havethose but you know it’s companies likethat that are like we’re not making youpay for April and I’ve heard other othersmall businesses say my landlordactually leave my reminisce Vermont Imean I will which is Hugh I read thisarticle where some guy was like the waya company reacts during this virus willcement their reputation for the nextdecade because you know if you’re acompany and you’re willing to take a hitand help your customers yeah they’regonna remember that if you just ignorethem or price gouge them never you knowyou know are not friendly in thissituation you’re gonna lose customers soanyway I you know it’s it’s it’s not abad thing from eBay but it doesn’t ifwe’re gonna pay her fees because we’regonna pair these regular because I justneed I would say with PayPal workingcapital that that system where they giveyou a loan based on your sales yeah youknow they didn’t forgive anything andthey and I guess they kind of deferredit too but it’s not like we have to paydouble next month right they deposityeah they just said they’re pausing itso instead of it taking a year it’sgonna take a year and three months rightso that that’s very cool that wasactually helpful because that means thatbecause they take thirty percent of oursales every month and to have that extrathirty percent is so helpful right nowso if we can move it a month or two orthree depending I mean I might call backafter a month so they only did it frommoney it’s thirty days but there areseveral other people on the subredditthe eBay saidflipping subreddit whatever and theywere like I’m gonna call back and I’mactually gonna ask for 90 days so whoknows the other thing they did was theygave 50000 free listing yes the peopleuntil sometime in April so which is coolbut to me it’s just like it’s a reallylow bar it’s just you know so instead ofyou paying 10 cents 20 cents a quarterto put something up and if you don’thave a mean 50,000 like the amount aswell and make it a million yeah I don’tknow I don’t know if it’s aimedspecifically at like big sellers thatare on Amazon and Amazon’s not acceptingnew actions so they’re trying to likepull those people that makes a lot ofsense yeah so and they’re like here’s atool to crossbows from Amazon yeah yeahthose are the things that eBay theydidn’t say that trying to throw out yeahokay this is what our thing with thateBay Facebook this is what I wasbusiness color that was eBay send eBaysend is it’s unclear to me if a basin isgoing to replace global shipping programbut right now it’s a parallel programyeah you you ship it still to like awarehouse yeah and then they I don’tthey repackage it and then it getsshipped through DHL yep its DHL it’s notPitney Bowes its DHL and I’m gonna setthe problem up and then yeah you take itfrom thereand the problem we were seeing was isthat DHL was not saying if items werebeing delivered right on eBay right solike we had yeah and so that can be aproblem because if a buyer is in Belgiumright and is like I didn’t get as myitem and DHL is not completing thetransaction then it’s on me and that’sthat’s why we loved global shippingprogram because we just had to get it tothe Kentucky warehouse and then eBay wasresponsiblefrom there so Ryan had a question rightso so here’s what happened to me this isa two tiered ebay send issue someone inthe UK whose items said deliveredclaimed it wasn’t delivered how am Igonna do anything about that they openedthe case item not deliveredI put the tracking in it’s it’s an es usnumber it’s a custom DHL number I putthat in eBay was like greatcase closed this got delivered next daythey reopened the case they refund thebuyer with my moneyit came out of our people’s opinion andeverything it’s like fifty dollars forlike a t-shirt and so I’m like I can’tcall I I’m gonna a message I did I didthe email but I was also like I’m gonnatry the Facebook thing I’m gonna seewhat happens and in that time actuallythat it was the email support that thatappealed the case and refunded me but myquestion also was like why did thathappen why white like at what point wassome rap like oh this this got murkeddeliveredlet’s refund the buyer you’re like coolwho did that I didn’t get an answer forthat but my other question was I wentthrough all my eBay send items to checktracking most of them I would say 90% ofthem were delivered were either intransit still or marked as deliveredsomeone I noticed that one was stillthat said there were two that saidattempted delivery this is two differentcountries but I had received feedbackfrom those people being like great itemso you’re like they got this and itdoesn’t say it was delivered so Imessaged them I’m like here’s thesetracking numbers at what point is DHLgonna say it’s delivered and I took thatcustom it’s it’s an esus number threw iton DHL they don’t recognize that numberhmm from what I could see they didn’trecognize it from like the homepageinking and just to be clearso far other than that one issue we havehad any other ne’er complaints but wesaw the nightmare of all it takes as abuyer to be like the tracking says itdidn’t get to me I need help I didn’tget to me you can’t prove it anywayright you got a refund me for everythingyeah so anyway yeah I messaged them andthey said they had a weigh-in Facebookyeah I messaged them on Facebook andthey were like we’ll check this link andit was a really specific DHL link thatactually did see the tracking but when Itried to go back and like just go on DHLcomm and put that tracking in it justgave me an error it did not see thatmessage now what the rep said was in thefuture see that person in Belgium it wasa person Belgium and it’s an attempteddelivery like you know in February noother details she said I checked DHL andit says delivered and I said well whenis eBay’s system going to reflect thatshe said if this buyer opens a case theywill check da Chells website but butthere’s no way for us as a buyer tocheck that I googled DHL trackingbecause I was like I wonder if there’sthere’s like a website called packagetracker but then there’s a couple otherthere was one called after ship I thinkit’s called yeahafter ship comm right so when I put thatcustom number in after ship it’s aftership comm and up top there’s couriersand that will give you a list ofcouriers and you put the tracking numberyou like pick DHL that gave me acomplete list and it said delivered soyou would be able to like take ascreenshot and put that on the case orlike link to it and put it on the casebut that’s through some third-party appsystem the bottom line is eBay and DHLdo not seem to be communicating on everyway yeah and so I don’t know that that’sthat’s really the end of this story isjust that the ea facebook lady said we would be able tocheck it right and it would be okay butthey didn’t say anything about when eBayand DHL will communicate betterso yeah it’s concerned and she didconfirm that with the eBay send it isnot like the global shipping programwhere if it is not delivered or ifthere’s no confirmation of itus as a seller we’re responsibleunliking global shipping great well so Iactually need to get clarification forthat if I get it to the DHL Center andlike the one closest to us is in NewJersey that’s in New York or New JerseyI’m like shouldn’t that count you’relike I got it I thought you said shesaid no um she wasn’t clear on thatactually um so I don’t know I need toget clarification on that but it worriedme that a buyer was able to have adelivered status and get their moneyback but then you fought it and thenevery verse better soon but at first Iwas like this is crazy but that is seemseemingly kind of typical of eBay it’sjust like whoever calls gets what theywant and so it just keeps flip-floppingso I don’t know maybe the buyer got tokeep their money – who knows I bet theydid okay let’s go to the next thing mycottage who is a user on our forum it’sa seller she says that there’s a new boxsize that you can buy from eBay if youhave the little coupons with yoursubscription and it is a 15 inch by 10inch by 6 inch 15 by 10 research meansand nothing to me that’s a we I mean sixis pretty she’ll know that’s a prettygood that’s an interesting some peopleseemed excited but I need to like yeahI’m excited by thatnot really I like that twelve by twelveby twelve I use that all that I’ve beenusing that a lot so it’s this size ohthat is pretty good actually she’syeah or yeah I would use that I probablyget some yeah for next I think the nextquarter is April 1st so it’s just in acouple days yeah I mean it’s rare foreBay to have like new stuff it doesn’tseem like it happens that often and theytake really good box sizes away all thetime which is annoying you’re like ah Ilove that box size doesn’t knowingactually I think they took the twelve bytwelve by twelve away no no I don’t likethat I wonder if they just run out ofthem or say they might but you’re likedon’t you have some of manufacturing Idon’t know so we buy quite a bit of thatI mean we always get the full amount Iguess as much as I can and we have theseshelves in our storage with abovethey’re like stacked up with all kindsof stuff yeah are you eating in Yaptoday often okay there’s your answer yesokay good I’m excited by that yes I douh I mean I try to use that stuff asmuch as possible like if I have arecycled box I’ll use that first butlike now we haven’t been sourcingrecycled boxes because of the crazinessso those are really coming in handyright yeah so I the question here from auser on a forum a Ryan Hudson that’s meand so we have a helper that takespictures for usnormally it just comes to our office andtakes pictures in our office so we’retrying to set up a system where we couldgive her a bin of stuff and she couldtake pictures at home and so we are likewell let’s this is a perfect time toexperiment with this new thing that eBayhas where on your eBay account you cancreate like a helper account yeah wherethey can just get certain access tothese yeah very limited access someother place so we’re like how’s thisgonna work so Ryan Hudson says I justgot my helper to sign into my account onher laptopjust to see drafts which is greathowever we see no way for her to signonto her account through the phone andupload photos there is anyone else doingthis system for a helper through amobile yeah in the answer what’s theanswer to Orionthe answer’s no cuz you can’t do it onmobile which makes zero sense zero zerozero sense so she can soar help workinglog on to her laptop right late she hasaccess just drafts access and so shecould take pictures on her phone andthen Dropbox into her computer but sheuploaded she said she could but if sheis on if she’s logged into her ownaccount on her phone there’s no way toaccess that helper accountmy theory is or it’s a hypothesis isthat the mobile app is made by differentteam yep then the dashboard the onlineyeah that’s so the dashboard laptoppeople have figured it out but the phonepeople haven’t it’s just crazy becauseyou’re like I feel like most people’sworkflows include the phone right if notjust the phone so you’re like you knowif you have a helper who wants to helpyou through the phone or an iPad orwhatever this is on you can’t do italthough we do know that there have beena base sellers who we know who have beendoing this for a long long time theymeet you know these people in a parkinglot of them a couple bins of likeclothes the people go home the helpersand they take pictures and then theycome back to the parking lot and theygive them like a like an SD SD card andthen get more I guess yeah but thenthat’s more work for the seller becausethen the seller has to take all thephotos yeah free the listen a thing whatwe’re trying to get it to where she canjust make a draft right pop in thephotos right there title itemdescriptions and all you have to do isjust go through and price it and justcheck it and publish I think thatbecause she has a phone where she saidshe can like airdrop to her laptop thatyou know she’d do ten things at a timeairdrop those do the drafts you know goback I think that would be okay I seem awilling to to do that too yeah so Ithink that would be fine I also havean iPhone six that I could just give herwhile she’s doing you know like it’ssigned in so her and I were having alsotrouble her sting signed in on my laptophere so it’s partly good that she’d beable to just sign it to her own accountlike she knows and why had it been notbecause I was because I was signed outof Chrome like Chrome wasn’t saving mypassword because it was like a guestaccount so anytime you know it would belike every couple days would be like youneed to resend into eBay but it wouldn’tsave my password like it used to so youknow I think I fixed that bug here so Ithink this week is a week ago we were alittle bit worried about interactingwith peopleyeah the zombie apocalypse I think now Ifeel a little bit better so I think Icould give her a bit yeah let’s meet herwe’ll give her a bin we’ll drop it offfor her partner yeah when we say meether we mean six six fifty yeah we’llgive her a bin yeah and yeah let’s justenjoy like a brand new from she’s got anicer phone than I have so I’m like yourphotos to look great it’s a wet 11 we’rean act she’s like it’s a brand like shegot it as a present yeah so so why don’twe and she’s pretty you knowsavvy as soon as you can Dropbox as youcan because I think the whole point isnot to me the experiment is a helpershould not have complete access to ourstore and so even on our phone so youcan see for the our iPhone 6 she is thatshe’d be logged into art can I now havetotal access you know so let’s let’s seehow that works I think we should try itI think we should try it yeah okay acouple other things for eBay inventoryprogress lots of inventory progress dueto jd1 super and only if one good thingcomes out of this coronavirus is that weare going to inventory our whole eightthousand item plus store we’re doing oneshelf at a time now our helper did mostof the bin right and then the first weekwe were in lockdownI did a lot of bins too but we have beendoing the shelves of ceramics and glasswhich is seems kind of like a nightmarebut if you do it shelf by shelfyeah it hasn’t been bad there was oneday were a Ryan says this is my literalshe’s likeshe made me I was like I am literally ina nightmare right because because therewere so many things it was likeeverything is called Japanese stonewareand I’m like oh there’s literally ahundred things but the good thing isthough it’s finite even if I seem likeit’s one shelf I know there’s like itseems like there’s a million littledoodads but really it’s probably about ahundred and twenty I mean max and thatthere’s also you know there’s all theseplates but actually it’s like a stack ofplates it’s like the same plate so weactually this week if we did one shelfeveryday will kind of be done yeah thistime next podcast so what happens iswhen I go to pull stuff if stuff doesn’thave an inventory number that’s weird atthis point I’m like wow that one man wehave a guy in than that yet that’s crazyyeah we’re almost thereyeah so and the other thing isQuickBooks we have had we’ve beentalking about we were thinking aboutyeah moving to QuickBooks like pullingthe trigger we’re asking people righthere on the spot cast if anyone’s hadexperience we’ve had several peopleemail us I will I’m gonna answer peopleI swear we’ve just been thinking aboutwe’re gonna approach this likeeverything we do everything slow butthen when we get to it we have to do ityeah but it seems like someone wastelling us that Amanda actually wassaying that the cheaper version doesn’tgive you access to PayPal as well it’sjust sad one big gross amount and shesays if you get like the 30 to $40 amonth yeah that’s when you get the wholebreak like you can so I so that’ssomething I wanted to talk to that weneed to talk about what kind of info doyou need it’s interesting because likewith PayPal if they gave me like amonthly number sales fees shipping Iwouldn’t care I just be like great Idon’t need every single transactionthese are refunds you know you’re rightbut I guess the question is is like isPayPal going to know howto categorize those things like whathappens you know we’re we’re buyingstuff at Walmart on our car right doesit no no you’re right you’re rightthat’s a good point because I use my mycarb yeah my debit card a lot no itshould yeah so Amanda will be emailingyou and we we’d love to talk a bit moreabout yeah the details of that it’sfunny like being in you know quarantineor whatever like lockdown because youthink oh my god you know I’m gonna likeso much stuff is gonna get done and andit’s like all of a sudden we have likeso many things to do I’m like oh I needto do that and I mean I have like all itlike we always have lists but now youhave like a concentrated list of stuffyou can only do when you’re at home andI’m like this list keeps growing andgood like books I’m like I don’t havetime like like you were doing all this aworkout in our Gardens well it’s funnybecause I thought if this hadn’thappened I would not be making time todo this at all I was like doing all thisyard work and now our yard looks allnice and neat yeah ready for this ispretty oh my god yeah normal people aregarden plan and things are growing yeahlike we’ve literally planted actual foodand they go well we do sometimes notlike huge okay let’s talk about ournumbers for the week so again it was ayou know a pretty decent week we soldforty three items for sixteen hundredand fifty dollars which is I mean that’sokay we yeah I mean no I mean everymorning I wake up and there are soweirdest sales I’m like yeah I mean 43items is like six items a day and a lotof it was fairly high dollar and highdollar for us is like over $50 you knowright there were look and I know peopleare dealing with this there were peoplewho accepted offers made offers anddidn’t pay some of it was high dollar soso two people haven’t paid yet so butonehas been communicating yeah they willpay the other person doubtful so thatwas so yeahso yeah I mean it’s good and really likethat’s not any different from what itwas back in December you are you knowanyone knew that a global pandemic wascoming so yeah for us it’s not zero sothat’s good no I mean that’s huge that’sreally you know so a couple things wesold was like we sold like a vintagebass for $120 yeah you’re like whatawesome great like people were talkingabout a week ago and continue to talkabout puzzles we actually we we we don’treally have a lot of puzzles but I guesswe had one we had one and it sold so for23 bucks it’s funny a lot of like homeschool booklet I or educational bookletsand books have been selling which makestotal sense cuz every single kid in theUnited States is at home which is insanefor the rest of the year hmm so thosekinds of things have been great artproject things have sold like artsupplies yeah we don’t have kids but soI guess imagine that so they’ll be homeApril May June July August so oh my godit’s true people can but you know thatthat is concerning is some people theyneed kids need to be in school becausethey might a work child care becausepeople need to work they don’t have theluxury to work from home so yeah hopepeople are dealing with that okay wesold the backpack for 50 bucks yes soundlike I was tapestry blanket for ahundred bucks I mean under books yeah Imean a book some some stuff has beenlike housewares and cooking stuffbecause people are you know it’s good Imean I don’t think I don’t know peopleare trying I don’t know people aretrying to come up with like you knowsomeone bought this specifically becausethey’re at home I just think people arejust buying random you know buying asports coat and I’m just kind ofeyeballing stuff like a belt buckle youknow likea bike tire you know likes hair I justthink people are just buying the stuffthat they just want me yeah I mean thateverything those sales are normal salesfor us we’re like yeah that’s what wewould sell in a week so so it’s good I’mvery very happy you know and they justannounced guess the government’s gonnagive out twelve hundred bucks toeverybody yeah there should beunemployment happening for and the billincluded for people who areself-employed right so if your numbersare hurting or if your business has goneaway because of this well I mean there’sthere’s such a giant question mark hereso it’s just something we talked aboutme its forum there’s something aboutwith unemployment that this is the firsttime unemployment will be available topeople who are gig employees andfreelancers and freelancers and it’sunclear what that means like how do youprove that they just the president justsigned the bill so there’s no actuallike process yet yeah but yeah what doesthat mean I mean so we had a couple ofcontract jobs that we don’t have rightnowyeah does that mean we can get somemoney and right we sell things on eBayif our sales are lower than a year ago Imean like what yeah yeah what’s themetric yeah how do you measure and it’sI mean nobody knows some of thosecontracts did go away because it was anevent we were doing and it we don’t knowwhen it’s reschedule right historyscared because like the that’s the thingwith unemployment it’s it’s only forpeople that have like a w-2 job right soyou’re either employed and getting paidor you’re not employed and you’re notbeing paid so it’s an on/off thing withall those of us who have gig jobs orfreelancers or contract gaps I meanthere’s no that’s all off it’s like I’vegot some gigs I you know I have moregigs you know yeah I don’t have zerogigs yeah okay when how are they gonnajudge that I don’t know I guess we’llsee I’m just seeking yeah no I mean Ithink that’s been the question all weekwhen the bill was going throughand you know there was a big articleabout it on the New York Times I feellike three people messaged me about itand I’m like I don’t know the answeryeah I don’t I don’t see any informationon how to get it yeah I know with thisbill you know it’s like the biggest billinist really right one point fivemillion dollars yeah you know they werereally trying to some people who werereally trying to make sure that all themoney just didn’t go to largecorporations so I think that like 2000trying to help like normal Main Streetpeopleyeah we’re Main Street let’s oh yeahokay scavenger the week so we I said webought stuff online and auction yepI went and picked it up I brought ithome yeah it was like for pretty bigboxes and I bought like junk Lotsyeah for sure like where I didn’t get topreview anything there were like threepictures on the same exact angle soyou’re trying to like love it and belike what’s that underneath there youknow what I spent a hundred dollarsbefore all this stuff so I was a cheapbuy in how how do you think I did welllike that that’s definitely got I don’tknow I haven’t researched any of itthere’s a couple of things in Sirte thejunk box you know there are all junkboxes but some of them were likeperiodicals I don’t I haven’t like mightman office is a complete nightmare of amess because you like dropped the boxesand started going through them in themiddle of my office so that’s awesomethanks for doing that uh so I don’t knowthere’s a couple like high-end vintageperfumes in there that were cool yeahthere’s definitely stuff that I knewdad’s probably throw in the garbage yeahdefinitely didn’t make a pile of likethis is probably garbage but yeah I didget boxes of these old magazines yeahthese like popular electronics magazinefrom the 20syeah 30 is very Cortese and 50 they’revery cool completeset they are in the best shape yeah likeit’s not like this is brand-new yeah butit’s definitely cool I don’t know I didsome searching before I bought them andyeah people buy them you know I thinkthey’re neat yeah like it kind of showsyou the history of like electronic it’scool like when like in the 20s peoplewere actually fooling around withtelevision and like yeah like one ofthem was talking about like build yourintelligence your all know liketelevision antenna receiver and I’m likewhat year was this because I didn’t eventhink TV existed in 1928 no I’m prettysure it was the 20s so I don’t know it’sit’s kind of fascinating so yeah I meanI think I think that it was a good buylike I think it was worth it thank youvery much right yeah he hands themicrophone to me but yeah well you justhave to look through it and figure itout customer issues so we got a negativefeedback this week and you know I meanlet’s just go through this for anyonethat is a new to eBay I mean this isjust yeah I know like the way it workswe had a buyer give us negative feedbackthey never a message us they never askedfor a return or a refund just radiosilence they just gave us an AV feedbackand they just said it was more a vintagethan she expected so it’s kind of anebulous colony like I guess you want tokeep it because you’re not returning sowhat can we do well we’ve done thisenough to where we know if you call eBaythey’ll just say two things you’ll sayreach out to the buyer and try and worksomething return and yeah offer a returnthe buyer probably won’t do a return andwe’ve never had success in getting thebuyer to and even if we do those thingsand then we contact eBay and be likealright we reach out to hidden sayanything they don’t want anything beable to say well that’s just theiropinion and exactly that’s their opinionso we now have a negative feedback onour thing for 12 months I can respondI don’t like to respond right awaybecause once you respond they won’tremove it which is really stupid rightum so I might try to get it taken like Ialways try anyway but I know whatthey’re gonna say they’re gonna say whatyou saidreach out have them open or return ifthey don’t return it then you canpossibly get it removed but normallythey just say well that’s just theiropinion exactly so what are the partswhere eBay will take it away um so ifsomeone opens a return and you refundthem the money or they don’t return theitem mm-hmm you can get feedback so theyhave to actually trigger a young returnokay not that they have an option so Imean all of our buyers have an option toreturn that they have to trigger yepokay that’s what’s so annoying you’relike I will pay for you to return thisitem for a month and you left me anegative link it’s just or partialrefund or whatever you know but theydon’t give you you know cranky buyersand and it’s like she just wants to keepit so it’s just it’s weird she’s justyeah cranky buyer anyway you would thinkfor that situation at least a neutralright I want to keep it it’s morevintage than I thought I’m a littledisappointed neutral right nope negativeso the reason why we we just mentionthat is because I know especially newersellers really get get wrapped up in aball for like you know this is a blackmark on their reputation me for us Idon’t think we’ve gone a whole 12 monthsand not had at least one negativefeedback on our a record it just seemslike it’s just as soon as one drops offwe get another yeah it always in thegoods I mean the thing is as long as wedon’t have like a million of them orthere isn’t like a consistent patternwhere like we’re keep getting negativesbecause we’re doing something that’smaking all these people upset yeah it’sjust something you just have to dealwith well I got we somebody returned anitem the other day because he similarsituation where he was like this is morewarm than I thoughtit’s a vintage item and he looked heopened a return got got a refund andleft a negative feedback and theyremoved that I actually didn’t even haveto ask them to they removed that sothat’s a situation where he was refundedhe sent it back he had tracking blahblah blah we had things we learned inthe forumyeah we’re just kind of everyone’s justkind of talking about the stuff they’reselling yep how they’re doing yepjust like that times it I’m glad peopleare talking on the forum when the forumis slow I got a little lonely these daysoh my god does anybody have anyquestions all rightnormally I’m the one that’s always wellnormally I’m like so crazy busy withstuff and now I’m like I am busy now toobut it’s nice to have that connectionyou know you’re like we saw someneighbors we walk by some neighbors theother day at a distance and it was funnylike seeing people you really hi peoplereal people yeah that is it for thepodcast this week what what did you cookthis week my whole my hell Jam was atalker so I made I fried some chickenmade some black beans some fried cabbageyou had jalapenos with cheese andjalapenos I know people probably aren’tinto the cabbage but cabbage is such agood vegetable it lasts in the fridgefor a really long time yeah it’s got agood like mouthfeel and text it’s gotcrud and just basically taste like iswhatever you’re cooking with and then Ihad corn tortillas and just like it wasgreat brought to you by the cabbageAssociation of the United States andthen Ryan what well what you’re doing Ibaked bread right no need bread no needbread I generally do not eat bread I didhave some this week but I mostly made itfor you because Walmart was wiped out ofbread if you google no need KN e adbread yeah there’s like a recipe it’slike pretty famous famous and it’s greatbecauseyou just mix up all the ingredients putit in a pot let it rise for like 10hours and then you bake it it’s so easythen it looks like delicious magazineloaf of bread and anyone who is livingin your house will think you’re justincredible and yeah you can sit thereand eat the whole loaf of bread whichyou shouldn’t do once it’s delicious soI have been making bread back after 2008like crash I made bread all the time allthe time we would buy 50 pounds worth offlour and we gained about 30 pounds yesI mean because it’s so delicious so I’vebeen making that I made this like creamytomato soup in the instant pot it’s likeif you just Google creamy tomato soupinstant pot is the easiest cheapest mostdelicious recipe it’s awesomeI made it twice canned peeled can be anykind of canned tomatoes and then a lotof cream that’s really I actually didn’teven put cream in the last batch I putbutter but it was still deliciousyou can’t put cream in it so it’s acreamy tangy so good yeah so anyway thatthat it was like bread and soup and Ithink you made hamburgers yeah a coupleof times yep I made fresh hamburgers sogood pants so we have for breakfast mymy sister texted me this morning becauseshe has an instant pot I actually boughtit for her for a present a couple yearsago cuz I was like be frugal make stuffin the insta pot and she made yogurt inthe instant pot and it was funny becauseI had just made yogurt and then some piebaby was so easy also if you google itinsta buy yogurt just like a quart ofmilk and then just like a scoop I usedhalf again yogurt okay yeah and then ascoop of just yogurt yeah there’s moreto it there’s more that’s all you gottaboil it at 180 and stuff but but it’salso great because um half a gallon ofmilk to a gallon a gallon of yogurt it’sa lot of yogurt but half a gallon ofmilk is cheaper than buying like alittle creamy yogurtso does in some pot help because ittells you what 180 degrees is yes it’sso your spathe yogurt setting it allows you to boilit boil in quotes it gets up to 180 andit should stop at 180 because it has atemperature sensor I have a littlethermometer that tells me if it got thathigh and then what you do is once it itgets up to 180 you bring it down to 110you put the yogurt in and then you letit sit basically for 12 hours likeovernight I do it overnight and you putit on the yogurt setting and it keeps itwarm and you open it up in the morningand it’s so that one spoonful of ayogurt infects yeah like the back yeahbuy your whole half gallon of milk itturns the whole thing into you it’s justhonestly it’s cheaper like it’s cheaperto make your own boy I guess my thing isI think it’s so cool I’m a big fanbetter eat it it’s just like it’s a lotof yogurtcan you eat a half a gallon of yogurtI’ve been eating yogurt once or twice aday lately that’s like a snack so goodare the yogurt in our house our rule isyou can buy anything you want you gottause anything you wantyou just gotta eat it devil if you don’teat it Jay puts it in that compost youjust got to eat it okay that’s it forthis week thank you for being herewe hope you’re all doing well stay safeeveryone wash your hand soapso trash be free this podcast is endingin three two what right