Making bread is easy, fun, and so much better tasting than store bought. I almost always have a bread fermenting on my counter now a days. It’s also the fastest way to bring your family into the kitchen – it’s a game changer in our house for sure!
All the details + printable recipe card here —
How to make sourdough starter here —
Find a dutch oven here —
Want more sourdough recipes?
Sourdough pizzelles —
Sourdough bread recipe in GRAMS instead of cups thanks to my friend Kristin from Dirt and Dough —
We use essential oils to stay healthy at our homestead. We also use them for cleaning and cooking too! Learn more and grab your pure healthy start essential oil starter kit here —
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Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]hey everyone welcome to the developmentsin where today we are making homemadesourdough bread I’m Alexa where I liketo write about our homesteadingfarm-to-table eating and homemadenatural living from our homestead herein Duval you will need a sourdoughstarter that is active for this recipeif you don’t have a sourdough starteryou can go over to my blog the Duvalhome CENTCOM and I write about how tocreate a sourdough starter from scratchall you need is flour and water and somethyme so create that sourdough starterbefore you start trying to make yourbread there’s no instant active risingyeast packets for this recipe eatingfermented grain gets you a lot of thoselive active probiotic cultures that arereally gut healthy also from any grainit’s just easier to digest on yourstomach as opposed to eating processedunfermented green also well you can buya loaf of bread from the store there’ssomething that is just way moresatisfying about making your own book Iwill leave all of the details of thisrecipe step by step on my blog at theDuval homestead coms so don’t worryabout writing it down I’ll leave aprintable there as well if you want toprint it out what you can hang up theprocess it’s really easy now I do wantto say a note about the measurementsthemselves the best sourdough bread ismade by combining the correct proportionof flour and water and sourdough startertogether at the right temperature so allof those things are hard to achievesometimes and you may not get it rightevery single time and it may not be yourfault it might just be that you’ve had alittle bit of a heavy starter or yourstarter was too light so if you wantexact measurements ideally you could usea scale and measure the weight of yourstarter at the weight of the flour andthe weight of the water so that you’resure all your measurements are right Iwill leave a link to my friend Kristenfrom dirt and dough and she has all themeasurements by grams so you can trythat out if that appeals to I makehomemade sourdough bread probably twiceper week it goes really well withgrilled veggies grilled meat it’s theperfect side to so many dinners and wewill make itfor dinner and then we’ll have lovedovaries for french toast the next day ortips and eggs or even sandwich breadthis process takes about two days tomake a loaf of bread the reason for thisis you need a lot of time for thesourdough starter active cultures tocreate rise in your loaf of bread so ifyou’re short on time this is not goingto work that’s why you can get aninstant rise packet or something fromthe store I can’t really speak to thatbecause I’ve actually never used one Ilove using sourdough starter it worksreally well once you get the hang of itso if you want to have bread with dinneron a Sunday night you would start thisrecipe on Saturday night so I have asourdough loaf that I started last nightand I’m also going to start a new onetonight so we’re gonna have bread twonights in a row so that I can show youthe whole process of this bread soyou’re gonna cook this sourdough breadover about five stages don’t let thatsound intimidating I’m just breaking itdown into five because that’s kind ofhow I think of it as what phase of breadare we in right now so the first stageis making your loaf of bread[Music]start by mixing your starter and waterin a bowl and whisking it together soyou’re gonna combine three quarter cupsstarter one and a half cup water a[Music]little over four and a quarter cup ofall-purpose flour and one and a halfteaspoons of salt and you’re gonnacombine the flour and the salt with thestarter and water with your hands you donot need a bread mixer for this recipeyou actually don’t want to over kneadthe dough you want the air pockets torise really naturally and not overheatit so after you’ve done phase one you’vemade your dough you’re going to put yourdough in a bowl and cover it with a teatowel just let us sit on your counterfor about thirty minutes to an hour thenyou’re gonna start phase two phase twois really easy it’s what I call the liftand tuck phase so what you’re gonna dois you’re going to lift the top of thedough up in one corner and fold it overthe center and you’re going to rotatethe ball 90 degrees and do that threemore times until you’ve gone around in afull circle to slowly lift up the topand slowly fold it down and what you’redoing here is you’re creating morevolume in the bread more air and againyou don’t need to overdo it with thisjust do it once all the way around andthen you’re gonna do that two more timesabout an hour space apart so if it wasSaturday night and you want to eat thisSunday you could do this say at 6:00p.m. and then you could do it at 7:00p.m. and then again at 8:00 p.m. don’tworry too much about the times it’s notlike if you miss one it’s going to ruinthe bread this is just to make theperfect loaf this is what I do so don’tfret over it and it’s not like you haveto set a timer it’s just a matter ofdoing the lifting and tuckingperiodically before you let itbulk rise[Music]so phase three is the bull cries verysimple you’re just going to take yourdough that’s in the bowl cover it withplastic wrap and then put it in thefridge and you’re going to let it sit inthe fridge overnight I have thisovernight fridge fermentation tip frommy friend Kristen over at dirt and ohshe has a blog post about how she makesbread and it’s a really good tip to putit in the fridge I find that it worksvery well[Music]okay so phase four would be the next dayso now it’s Sunday if you want to eatthis for Sunday night dinner and I woulddo this around 2:00 or 3:00 p.m. in theafternoon which is exactly what I’mdoing it for in this low so you’re gonnatake the loaf out of the fridge and youcan remove the plastic wrap clear spa onyour counter and sprinkle some flour onthe counter top and you’re gonna placeyour dough on the floured surface andthen you’re gonna kind of shape yourdope here so it should have risen oh andI it should be a little fluffy you’regonna continue with the lift and tuckall the way around one time so do a liftit tough on each corner rotate it and dothat four times and then do a littlecupping action which is where you kindof make a C with your hands and cup theside of the bread and if you want youcan get some more flour on your handsthat makes this easier and continue totwist the dough kind of at 90 degreeangles until a nice dough is formed thenyou’re going to flip the dough over putit on the non floured part of yourcountertop and continue coming until itbecomes very tough on the bottom soyou’re trying to create like almost likea knot with the bottom of the bread sothat this has got a really nice doughball that’s formed then you’re going toput this in a Dutch oven that is linedwith parchment paper and let it sit forone to two hours with a tea towel coverthen you’re ready for phase five basefive is cooking your bread finally soyou’re going to free get your oven to450 degrees Fahrenheit and you want topre-heat your Dutch oven as well sowhile the oven is preheating you want toremove the bread from the Dutch ovenplace it on the counter to set and putyour Dutch oven into the oven so thatit’s really nice and hotonce the Dutch oven is preheated you’regonna take it back out of the oven youwant to score your dough and you want touse a special knife now there are dosscoring knives available we just use aserrated knife which I find works justfine and you want to do a quick motionwith a night to get that nice slit youcan do a couple of these some people getreally creative I find that one or maybetwo it’s just perfect for usonce the Dutch oven is preheated you’rejust gonna put your dough with theparchment paper in back in the Dutchoven and cover it you’re gonna cook itat 450 degrees for about 25 minutesafter that 25 minutes is up you’re goingto remove the lid from the Dutch ovenand put it back in the oven and cook foranother 20 minutes[Music]now here’s the final step and this isthe most important one when your breadis done take it on the oven and admireit and get excited but do not cut thebread the bread is not done yet you wantto let it sit for about an hour you cantransfer it to a cooling rack and let itsit for about an hour before you cut itif you listen to really closely you canhear the bread continue to rise andcrackle and form put your ear up next toit right when it comes out of the ovenand that is why you know it’s not donenow we have made this mistake beforebecause we could not stand to resist itwhen we first started making bread andwe would cut the bread and it actuallydeflated the bread quite a bit and itmade it not last as long to the next dayit wasn’t really a very edible so don’tdo it let it sit for an hour giveyourself plenty of time and then whenyou cut it open it’ll be ready to eat[Music]this friend lasts us about three days ifwe don’t we don’t devour right by thattime the best way to preserve it is tokind of only the amount that you’regoing to eat that night and then wrapthe rest in saran wrap and maybe even atowel you can put in the fridge or leaveit out on the countertop just make surethat air doesn’t get to it if you wantto last a long time well thank you somuch for watching this video on how tomake sourdough bread I hope this washelpful if you mix our dough breadplease share your pictures with me onInstagram or Facebook I’d love to seethem and let me know if you have anyquestions and the comments below ifyou’re new to my page make sure yousubscribe on YouTube and like onFacebook because every week I post a newfarm to table eating natural living andour homemade lifestyle from our home sethere in Duval thank you so much forstopping by our homestead[Music]