Baking bread while in quarantine. Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to the channel!!!
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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey guys welcome back to the channelplease like and subscribe if you new andtoday we’ll be making bread it’s reallysimple all you need is one kilogram offlour 620 milliliters of warm water 7grams of yeast a pinch of sugar and apinch of salt that’s pretty much it sowell next we’ll add the yeast to thewarm water and let it activate for about5 minutes I will add a little bit ofsugar to it just a pinch and now it willjust keep activating so now we will addour pinch of salt to the flour and mixit in a bit so that it’s mixed inNo now we will add the activated yeastslowly and Mexicansadd more flour or water as needed if itdoesn’t look right that you may need itfor as long as it stays elasticy andyeah then you will let it rest in a bowlcovered by something that will keep itwarm for two hours oil the bowl thatyou’re going to be transferring the yourdough in and then you’re just going toput in there and let it rest for twohoursso we’re going to make it nice andcircular sort of like a ball if you canbefore it rests and then you put atissue or a paper on top or a towel andlet it rest for two hours the breadafter two hours you’ve seen it pearl itlike has risen a lot so now we have twotrays here that we are going to put thebread in oh now we’re just going to putit into the bowls form it so that itwill fit and then you just put it inyou can put seeds in it or like nuts oranything that would go well with breadand then you leave these to rest for onehourbefore putting them into the oven so nowafter another hour in their pans we aregoing to put them into the oven which isright now 400 degree Fahrenheit andwe’re going to leave them in there for30 minutes now we’re going to put themcarefully in just like that I take themout of the oven after 30 minuteslook at that deliciouswon’t take it out and see how it turnedout look at that beautiful and mostlikely delicious enjoy with pretty muchanything