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Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey and welcome to quarantine cuisineit’s me mrs chase i can’t wait to cookwith you todayplease follow along to learn how to makebanana breadnow i’ve chosen to follow a recipe ifound onlinewhen you’re choosing recipes it’s reallyimportant to look for thethe ratings and the reviews on therecipeso make sure you check how many starsthat recipe hasmake sure you check on the ingredientsto see that you have everythingand then go from there so i’m going toshare some basicbaking tips this recipe called to creamtogether the butter and sugar so i’musing my stand mixer if you have a handmixeror if you have a spoon that can work toobut you do want to mix together thebutter and sugarto allow air pockets to form and theair helps the banana bread to rise it’scalled a leavenerso you do want to mix it so that thebutter and sugar are evenly distributedand you have more air includedgrab a rubber spatula if you need toscrape out the mixerand in the end your mixture should kindof look likesome wet sandso it’s light it’s fluffy and it’s allevenly mixed togetherso when you’re making banana bread youwant to choose bananas that are veryripeso it’s okay to have lots of bruises onthemthis means they’re going to be moresweet and sugaryyou’re going to grab a pastry blender ora masheror a fork so that you can start to mashthe bananas downso when we’re mashing bananas fora recipe it’s almost like you’repre-digestingthem so a banana that’s green or justturning yellowhas a lot of starches and the starchesas your body digests themthey turn into sugars so as we we’redoing the same thing but in the bowlas we mash the bananas more and more andmorewe’re breaking them down and making umthe banana breadtaste more sweet so we’re allowing thesugars to be releasedi’ve added eggs in here as well and i’mjust mashing it all together until it’sevenly distributedno big chunks leftnow i’ve added it back to my mixer andso i’m i’ve got my butter my sugarbananas and eggs all mixed togetherso while the liquids are mixing you’regoing to mix together your dryingredients in a separate bowlwe’re going to use baking soda notbaking powder banana bread recipes oftencall for baking sodabecause it reacts really well with theacidity of bananas and chocolateso it’ll help the banana bread to riseeven morei’ve got flour and salt as well andwe’re going to stir it all togethernow i add my dry ingredients to theliquid ingredients now the key whenyou’re making muffins orloaves as we’re making here is that youdon’t want toover mix as soon as you add the dryingredients to the liquid ingredientsyou might hear some bubbling noisesthat’s the baking soda reactingwith the liquids so if you’re hearingthose bubbles pop before it’s even inthe oventhen your air is leaving and your bananabread will be moreflat on the surface it won’t riseso i want to show you here how i’mfoldingthe dry ingredients gently into theliquid ingredientsuntil it’s just mixed so you don’t wantto see anyflour left over but you also don’t wanttoto mix it until it’s just completelystirred together so you really reallydon’t want to over mix thisso this is what your batter will looklike when it’s all mixedand ready to go into the pans i’m goingto add some chocolate chips but firsti’m going to show you how to greasethe loaf pans so you’re going to takesome wax paperor parchment or paper towel worksyou’re going to fold it into a smallersquare and then gently dab it into themargarineso you’ve got some margarine on yourlittle square of paper thereand you’re going to spread it evenlyacross the bottomand sides of the loaf pan if you skipthis stepthe banana bread will stick and you’llhave a hard time getting it outso cover the whole thing evenlydon’t want too much or the outside mightbe greasyi’m making two banana breads here so i’mgonna get my second pangreased up and we’re good to gookay so now i’m going to pour the batterinto the loaf pans it’s good to grab arubber spatula so you can scrape out allthe batter and you don’t waste anyand as you’re filling the loaf pan youonly want to fill ithalfway to two thirds not all the way tothe top or it’ll overflowsee how it’s not all the way to the topit’ll rise so you want to leave someroomsprinkle some extra chocolate chips onthe top if you’d likeand they’re just about ready to go intothe ovenso now my banana breads are out of theoven they’re golden browni baked them at 350 for about an hourand you can check to see if the bananabread’s done by inserting a toothpickor a knife into the center of the breadif it comes out cleanthen it’s good to go but if there’sstill somebatter left behind on the knife ortoothpickthen you need to add some more time youneed to put them back in the ovenyou don’t want to be eating any rawbatterand now they’re good to eat enjoy