My Boyfriend Wants to Bake Bread
Tesco has run out of flour,
so we buy flowers instead.
When we get them home
and into the red hourglass vase,
I video call my sister
to show them to my nieces.
I’ve been waiting to see you
forever, says my oldest niece.
How long is forever? I ask her,
How many days in forever?
I know it has been 25 days
since I last saw her in person.
Her four-year-old eyes
stare at me blankly, then,
Chase me! instructs her
1,471-day-old mouth.
She runs around laughing,
still holding the phone.
I’ve got something to show you.
I say. I flip my phone’s camera.
Can you smell these flowers?
I hold my camera over a pink one.
She brings her nose closer
to the screen and inhales.
She smiles and says, I can!
Now, I want to smell the yellow ones.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes