#StayHome #BakeWithMe
Since we have been told to stay home, I may have time to at least bake once in a week. I don’t usually bake most of the time, but seems like baking is 1 of hobbies while staying home for long now, & we never know how long this goes.
This video is showing how I came up with different ideas of making bread or buns & this actually sounds like new kind or fancy buns I made hehe! If you want to make it, please watch my video until the end, & you’ll see the complete ingredients & procedures.
Thank you so much for watching, stay safe & healthy. May God bless us all. 🙏❤
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
how to make peanut butter swirl breadfor our ingredients for in 1/2 cupall-purpose flour 3/4 cup fresh milk 1/2cup lukewarm water mixed with 2 in 1/4teaspoons of yeast 1/2 cup melted butter2 new only eggs and whisk 1/2 cupgranulated sugar in mixing bowl combineall the dry and wet ingredients thegranulated sugar mix until well combinedand add in the foamy yeast warm freshmilk eggs melted butter and mix all theingredients I don’t have a dough mixerso I’m using my wooden spatula to mix itwe can add a little or more flour toreach the desired consistency and oiland keep kneading or folding until thedough is no longer sticky in your handslike thiscovered and let it rise for one and ahalf hours and after one and a halfhours we can see that it doubled in sizepour a little flour in flat surface andknead the dough now we can divide it intwenty equal pieces or you can divide itin twenty-four pieces if you wantsmaller size first divide the dough intotwo or four until you can make 24 piecesand the buns are ready for filling andwe can now flatten the dough by usingrolling pin but I don’t have rollingpins so I’m using glass instead and itworks to make the filling in a potcombined peanut butter convinced milland leave up milk keep stirring untilwell incorporated and it’s time forfilling place the peanut mixture in thecenter or in the middle of the doughlike but they will spoon a fool or youcan feel like a little list of your likeand tuck or seal the edges and make itflatten like this next step number notin the gamete iron uncle chileomake like three to four cuts or stripcuts I’m quite not good in doing itperfectly kiya simply Han canal and thepost are all not inches oppositedirections like row the opposite bugnothing on both ends I end that wasrepeatedly not enough procedures likethree to four cuts then twist not Ishalike row tag nothing and is sealed notin both ends nearat Iligan entities a baking tray add myprepared iodine brown sugar add eggsMcGuigan tyonne an egg then spread themnothing over the dough at the top of thedoor next technolon Ito I optional on apolitical mug sprinkle down brown sugaron top of the bread gun gusto mo likemore sweeterat set-aside Linate shannon 30 to 40minutes Perriman expand only thoughafter 40 minutes reading annotation abig and 350 for 12 minutes and after 12minutes now it’s time to set the oven tobroil and brandishing on two to threeminutes and two minutes broiling is donebrighten your bread is just an optionalI always do mine because I want to haveit brown on top young major Massonactionable sugar Mia it man I’m a deadsir edmund Emunah peanut butter[Music]