Mango 3 Milk Bread Pudding
Step1 – 2 mangos chopped , 2 to 3 tbsp powdered sugar mix well and keep it aside.
Step 2- 3 mango puree, 1 cup fresh milk, half cup evaporated milk, half tin condensed milk and blend well.
Step 3- This is the easiest version using bread, you can also use sponge cake. But believe me it tasted awesome this way too. Dip each bread slices in the milk sauce and place in the try put the chopped mango mix. Repeat the process. Pour some more sauce on top and Chill it.
Take 1 cup wipping cream and spread evenly on top or make any fancy design. Spread some chopped mangos on top and some chopped pistachu. Refrigerate it for at least 4 to 6 hours. Time to serve, do not forget to pour the milk souce while serving ! It was delicious.
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