Debi and Jim Pedersen show how to bake unleavened bread for Communion.
Unleavened Bread
By Debi Pedersen
1 c. whole wheat flour
1 t. salt
1 – 2 T. brown sugar (optional)
4 T. oil
5 T. cold water
Heat oven to 400 degrees F.
In a medium bowl combine dry ingredients. In a liquid measuring cup or small bowl whisk oil and water together, then pour over dry ingredients. Stir just until mixture comes together in a ball.
On the underside of a cookie sheet roll the dough to 1/8 inch thickness. Score into crackers of desired size using a sharp knife or cutting tool. Bake for 10 minutes.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi and welcome we’re the pettersen Symegym and we’ve been asked to show you howsimple it is to make unleavened breadfor our upcoming virtual communionservice now I want to give a shout outto our pastors for their creativityduring this very unusual time findingnew ways creative ways to bring ustogether as a church family and thereason for unleavened bread in communionservice does go back to the days ofJesus with his disciples as hecelebrated the Passover they usedunleavened bread which was a symbol ofgoing back hundreds of years to theoriginal Passover when the children ofIsrael we’re leaving Israel or leavingEgypt and they didn’t have time to lettheir bread rise so today we are goingto show you unleavened bread making arewe readyI think so we’re gonna start today withwhole wheat flour 1 cup of whole wheatflour that’s but if we don’t have wholewheat flour can we use something elseyou can you can use whatever flour youhave on handeverything from gluten-free flour tooats flour to rye flour just have adifferent flavor little white floursure okay mix flours sure that would begreatwhy not okay and then salt it’s going toneed some salt to bring out flavorthat’s one teaspoon and you don’t haveto but you can if you want add a littlebit of sweetener we’ve chosen to add atablespoon of brown sugar and you coulddo 1 tablespoon 2 tablespoons go aheadand mix that up and you could use agaveyou could use honey I think there’s lotsof different choices of things theycould have but you really don’t have toin fact when I was looking at therecipes to decide what to do today therewere somethat brings us to our liquid ingredientswe have five tablespoons of water andfour tablespoons of oil does it matterwhat kind of oil we use what about chiliwhat I love you put our pizzas in andyou’ll see how quickly it comes togetherand you just want to we’re almost thereand it’s a nice mixture pulls togetherwell I will turn it over to you okay soI’m just gonna take it and as you cansee it cleaned the bowl and I’m puttingit on my cookie sheet and you’re sayingwait a minute she’s putting it on theback of her cookie sheetwell that’s because when you’re rollingout something like this that’s so thinit’s a lot easier to do it on the backof your sheet than on the inside muchespecially if you’re using a big rollingpin to do it but I happen to have thisguy which is perfect and wonderful I’mgoing to use him but before I start I’mgoing to just shape it in kind of arectangle because that’s the shape of mycookie sheet so I want it to match andthe trick about rolling out is that youalways want to roll from the inside tothe edges and you don’t want to run offthe edges just go from side to side andandhow thin you’re going to make it I’m notgonna get the ruler out you think we canwing it yeah just until you’re satisfiednow it looks good rightthanks notice how I’m not letting theroller go off the edge I’m just takingit up to the edge and stopping andletting it go from there and the reasonfor that is if I let it go off the airGenie I just get too thin you’re gonnaburn yeah I get to crunch of coursemaybe you like your crackers out goodwhich is fine crackers are very you canfeel how even it is you know one thing Ifound out when I was doing the samplessome of our cookie sheets are not flaton the bottom anymore so look for yourflattest cookie sheets for this it’skind of helpful because if you’re usinga big rolling pin especially and you getto the edge you’re gonna have a wonkything going on so I think that lookspretty even so what temperature it’sgonna be 400 degrees be sure your ovenis preheated and ready to gobut before you can put it in the ovenyou need to make it into crackers so Ihave some tools here as ideas of thingsyou can use first is a sharp knife andyou just score it into your crackershapes and you can make them whateversize you want or you could use a pizzacutter or a pastry cutter maybe you havea antique one this this was an antiquepastry crimper that you could use yepnow we get to the fancy stuff all rightthis is my tool of choice and it crimpsand cuts and you can set these as farapart as you wantso I’m going to use my twohere to cut my crackers and the nicething is that you just roll it along anddegrees preheated oven problem 10minutes longer than that and they’ll getto brown shorter than that and they’llbe gummy and not really cooked in themiddle okay so and look at their magicwe have some you can see they kind ofseparate and the edges did get a littlebit darker with 10 minutes but I thinklonger than 10 minutes and they’ll betoo dark I think 10 minutes is justright and of course every oven isdifferent but when you break them apartyou can see how easily they just comeright apart and that would be the sameif you were cutting them with any of themethods that we talked about we hopethis is of help to you and best wishesfor everyone out there