Bread Recipes

My beautiful daughter and I make homemade bread.. she is getting really good at making bread.

Hello I am Jeff my daughter Gracie and I would like to welcome you to our youtube page. First be sure to subscribe and add us we do all kinds of fun and exciting stuff. We hope you enjoy and leave positive comments. We know customs and cultures vary and every religion and culture has different ways of seeing things. Gracie and I hope we are good ambassadors for the United States and especially for the mid western areas of the united stateswhat a fast paced world we live in. Well this month and year will be no different join Gracie and I on each of are many many adventures. On our page you will find that we do a variety of adventures. Biking, climbing, running, reading, working out, hiking, swimming, fishing, traveling. We love going to six flags and great america, we enjoy riding roller coasters and exploring caves. We do lots of cooking and baking. We invite you along to dance classes, and martial arts, we invite you to watch us talking to heroes from every walk of life. We stay in touch with friends and family from all over the world. We love trying out and learning about cultures and customs, heritages and events that tell us and teach us of the past. We have daddy daughter talk time and prayers. Most of what we do is to give people from all over the world on ideas on things they can do. We love to write and read and encourage anyone that wants a pen pal to send us there address so as to keep in touch through the old fashion snail mail. I understand some people will take things wrong or assume the worst. I promise negative people have no reason to be on this page.

I say this. Enjoy life, know you matter, tell your kids and your friends and family you are grateful for them. It is never to late to forgive or ask forgiveness for anything. Life has many wonders but the best and most wonderful thing is each of you and the differences we all have.


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Of anything ever happens to me these videos will be as a reminder to my family and friends and especially my daughter what we all did how much live and fun we had, lessons I can pass on for generations.

Original of the video here

Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes

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Video Transcription

come on kiddo you’re doing her at lastbeatdown session and then we put it inthe ovenand then the whole house is gonna smelllike freshly baked bread that’s prettygoodall right come on down good you’re doinggood come on hard you gotta get beat itdown otherwise it won’t rise right huhyou’re doing greatit’s wrong all right hold this youmissed a whole day okay all right so inorder to beat this down here we go[Music]yeah like I’m like April we won’t lose afingernail oh my gosh she probably didthis is hanging up grouse okayso once we get it all nice and beat downyou got to get the yeast cells ate allthe sugar okayyeahnow this one gonna cut two differentpieces we’ve got two different sizesokay it’s funny cuz if you look at yourshapes this is how we rise and this onewill look like I love that part thinkabout like snowflakes right all in on mylegswhat are you doing grazie that’s why youknow very so now we’re gonna cut thisone I’m gonna put it in there cover itgood boy go buy Philly there you goso okay well are there oil in thereput this one a little more flatter onthe bottom so it rises to the bowl okayall right there we gogreat stress relief of you it tiredwhat’d I tell you were gonna make Hey nonothing left is to make the weekend allthat could be done in 20 minutes thistakes 26 minutes for this the rise inhere all right so we’re gonna put thesein the back now it’s when we gotta makesure they get covered right now okaylet’s clean this off vacuum and thenwe’re gonna do the sugar or though ah wegot that’s gonna be the stove thing eventhough it’s pretty quick to do man TylerBray we’re gonna come back alive andwe’re gonna do the strawberries and Igotta clean everything I gotta get upyou don’t alright hey hi everybodyokay

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