Bread Recipes


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hi guys it’s miss connelly i’m in mykitchen welcome I have so many leftoverripe bananas that I was thinking wecould make some banana bread today soyou’re going to help me make two batchesof banana bread because I have so manybananas that I need to do something withso when someone makes one batch of arecipe that means they make the recipeone time when you have so manyingredients or so many people to feedthat you need to make more than onebatch of the recipe that’s called makingtwo batches or three batches or fourbatches this recipe that we’re makingcalls for our needs three ripe bananas Ihave six bananas so I know I can maketwo batches of banana bread because Iknow that when I multiply three timestwo that gives me six so for this recipeI need six bananas if I’m making twobatches of banana bread so we’re goingto go through the rest of theingredients I’ll show you what we needand then we’re gonna do the math tofigure out how much of each ingredient Ineed if I’m going to make two batchesinstead of one so to make one batch ofbanana bread we need three ripe bananasI’m gonna eat a one cup of oats we aregoing to need one cup of flour 1/2 ateaspoon of salt in one tablespoon ofcinnamon we’re going to need one and 1/4tablespoons of baking soda need 1/2 acup of melted coconut oil we’re going toneed 3/4 a cup of maple syrup 1 teaspoonof lemon juice 1 teaspoon of vanilla andthe lots of chocolate chips so first Ihave 1 cup of oats for one batch ofbanana bread I need 1 cup of oats sothat means if I’m making 2 batches ofbanana bread I’m going to need tomultiply 1 cup of oats times the 2batches that I’mmaking so I know that one times twoequals two so when I use this ingredientnow I know I’m going to need two cups ofoats two cups of oats for this recipe Ialso need one cup of flour but I’mmaking two batches so I’m going to needtwo cups of flour I know the mass forthis one already because I justmultiplied one cup of oats times the twobatches that I’m making so I can usethat same equation I just use for onecup of one cup of flour for two cups offlour so I’m going to mark on here thatI need two cups for two batches two cupsof flour here’s my one cup one two I’malso going to need 1/2 a teaspoon ofsalt remember I need 1/2 a teaspoon ofsalt for one batch of banana bread butI’m making two batches of banana breadso I’m going to have to multiply the twobatches of banana bread I’m making timesone half of a teaspoon of salt so I knowwhen I’m multiplying fractions there’stwo different things I could do I couldmultiply across making my two wholenumber into a fraction I know 2 times 1is 2 and I know 1 times 2 is 2 I knowthat 2 halfs gives me one whole so Ineed one whole teaspoon of salt anotherway I couldthis is by drawing a picture so if Ihave a half a teaspoon I know my tapediagram or my fraction bar is going toneed to be broken up into two parts intwo halves I know that I’m going to needhow many halves I’m going to need two soI’ll color in my houseone two until I have two halves which Iknow equals one whole fraction bar soagain I’m going to need one wholeteaspoon of salt one teaspoon of saltone teaspoon salt now I have onetablespoon of cinnamon I know like I didbefore I can take my 1 tablespoon timesthe two batches I’m making a bananabread and again that will give me 2because 1 times 2 equals 2 so on myrecipe card I’m gonna write 2tablespoons 2 tablespoons of cinnamon soI have my tablespoon again and mycinnamon 1what – whoops this one’s a little bittrickier for this one I need 1 and 1/4teaspoons of baking soda so I know thatI have 1 and 1/4 I know that I need tomultiply this by the 2 batches of bananabread that I’m making so I’m going tosplit this number up I’m going tomultiply 1 times 2 and then I’m going tomultiply 1/4 times 2okay so I know that 1 times 2 equals 2holes then when I’m multiplying 1/4times 2 again I can do that two ways Ican multiply with my whole number 2 over1 times 1/4 and multiply across 2 times1 equals 2 1 times 4 equals 4 now I knowI have two fourths or I could draw apicture so I know that I need fourths soI’m going to make my fraction bar thatfraction bar is going to have 4 partsbecause 4 is my denominator I know Ineed to color in to 1/4 now I have one1/4 now I have two one fourths so nowI’m finished coloring in my fraction barI know that the picture shows that Ihave two colored in out of four so Iknow I have 2/4 remember this 2/4 camefrom multiplying this 1/4 times 2 andthis 2 came from multiplying the onewhole times 2 so my answer is not just2/4 and it’s not just two holes it’s twoholes and 2/4 I could also say two holesand 1/2 because this 2/4 represents 1/2of my whole fraction bar so 2 and 1/2I need 2 and 1/2 teaspoons of bakingsodahere’s my half a teaspoon here’s myteaspoon I’m gonna fill them with bakingsoda to this recipe that we’re makingcalls for our needs three ripe bananas Iknow that when I multiply 3 times 2 thatgives me 6 so for this recipe I need 6bananas if I’m making two batches ofbanana bread one banana all bananasthree bananas for bananas five bananassix bananas now I have a half a cup ofmelted coconut oil so I have 1/2 timesthe two batches of banana bread that I’mmaking again I could do this twodifferent ways I could multiply straightacross here’s my two holes here’s my 1/22 times 1 is 2 and 1 times 2 is also 2 Iknow that 2 halves equals 1 hole I canshow that in a picture if I make makingmy fraction bar dividing it in half andcoloring in two 1/2 right because I have1/2 times 2 so I to 1/2 this gives me 2halves which I said equals one wholefraction bar or one whole cup of meltedcoconut oil I need 1 cup of meltedcoconut oil so I’m gonna scoop somecoconut oil out of here put it in my onecup and then I’m gonna put it in themicrowave to melt 1 cupthis one’s also a little bit trickier Ihave 3/4 of a cup of maple syrup so Iknow I’m having making two batches ofbanana bread and I need two times theamount of maple syrup that I have hereso I have 2 times 3/4 I can do this thesame way as I did before so I canmultiply 2 wholes times 3/4 I know that2 times 3 gives me 6 and I know that 1times 4 gives me 4 I notice that mynumerator is bigger than my denominatorso I’m gonna have to figure out how manywholes I have and how many parts leftover so I have fourths I’m gonna draw myfraction bar and break it up intofourths I’m going to color it in until Iget 6 fourths so I have 1/4 2/4 3/4 4/4that’s not enough I’m going to need moreso I’m going to draw another fractionbar break it up into fourths and I’mgoing to color it in until I have 6fourths so I had 1/4 2/4 3/4 4/4 5/4 6/4I’m gonna see how many wholes I have Ihave one whole fraction bar and I have2/4 leftover so I know my answer is onewhole cup of melted ear up and twofourths of a cup of maple syrupsomething else I could say is one and ahalf cups of maple syrup because I knowthis 2/4 represented in my fraction baris equivalent to 1/2I need one and a half cups of maplesyrup now so I have one cup and I have ahalf a cupand a half a cup this is gonna be sweetI also need one teaspoon of lemon juiceagain I’m going to take my two batchesof banana bread I’m making multiply itby the one teaspoon of lemon juice and Iknow that two times one equals two I cando the same thing for our lastingredient two batches times oneteaspoon of vanilla and I know againthat equals to my final ingredient islots of chocolate chips I’m not going tomeasure this because I’m going to add asmany as I have because it’s chocolate Ineed two teaspoons of lemon juice here’smy teaspoon here’s my lemonI need two teaspoons of vanilla here’smy teaspoon here’s my vanilla now I’mgonna mash it up a little bit you do doyou you and the best partlots of chocolate chips yup then thelast thing I have to do before I put itin the oven is just put this in withthis all right it’s all mixed now I’mgoing to put half of it in my loaf panto cook because I made two batches soI’m gonna have to fill my loaf pan twiceand put it in the oven and it’s gonna beall setthank you for helping me make bananabread today there’s gonna be morerecipes on Google classroom you canmultiply so let me know what you come upwith I miss you guys

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