Video about using a beneficial fungus, baker’s yeast, to make bread using products from the Plant Kingdom.
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Video Transcription
hey guys we are convening here in thedark family kitchen to do a littleexperiment here in our own cupboard thedifferent kingdoms and today what we’regoing to do is make bread that is acombination of a fungus which is yeastwheat flour from the plant kingdomobviously in the old days they used toprobably use lard as an there’s a smallamount of oil in bread that we probablyused to use lard which is just renderedfat from a hog now they use animalanimal products soybean oil and stuffthat’s been hydrogenated they call itmixed into basically made into an oilsubstitute which is a lot healthier sowe’re not actually going to have anyanimal organisms but we’ll have fungusand and some plant organisms so let’sget this tour started okay so the starof our show is something calledSaccharomyces cerevisiae also known asbaker’s yeast or brewers yeast this is asingle-cell fungus organism and what itproduces as its waste products areethanol and carbon dioxide so it getsused both to make bread which is whatmakes bread rise and get fluffy insteadof just being a hard chunk of flour andin alcoholic beverages the ethanolproduces the alcohol and then dependingon how it’s bottled the carbon dioxideemitted in the last part of thefermentation process can produce the thefizz like you have in a bottle beer orchampagne so anyway it’s a it’s amulti-use organism the amount of ethanolthat’s produced in the making of breadis not really significant it’s alsogoing to burn off or boil off whateveryou want to call it in the cookingprocess so there will be no ethanol leftover in the bread so let’s take a lookat what we have here this is about fourand a half tablespoons ofyeast it has to be activated the wayit’s activated is it’s combined withmoisture and sugar I’m going to show youthat process here a little bit next issugar and this is three tablespoons ofsugar we’re going to use it to feed theyeast and get it started this is alittle bit of salt one tablespoon ofsalt salt is in just about everythingbecause it’s a flavor enhancer this isshortening which is actually this is abasically an oil substitute instead ofusing animal fats it’s made primarilyout of soybean oil water two and aquarter cups of water that’s going to beone of the main ingredients obviously toget to get this which is 7 cups of flourmixed up into a ball of dough that we’regoing to turn into bread okay so let’snow that you’ve seen all the ingredientsthere’s not a lot to itbaking bread is fairly simple verylimited number of ingredients kind ofdepending on how fancy we want to getwith your bread and we’re just going tomake simple white bread and all it takesis the ingredients that you just sawokay we’re gonna do things a little bitdifferently than I normally do we’regonna start with two and a quarter cupsof waterand then we’re going to add our yeastwhich is going to start activating andthe yeast is going to be tired andhungry so we’re gonna give it some foodand let me give that a little stirokay then what we’re going to do iswe’re going to come back here andconvene in about about ten minutes andyou’ll see you’ll actually be able tosee the yeast working so be back in aminuteokay we’ve had about 10 minutes or soelapsed it’s kind of hard to see but thebubbles are actually from when I startedthe yeast in but if you look at thosekind of tan patches in between thebubbles that is actually the carbondioxide and stuff rising from the yeastif you look really closely sometimes youcan see it move when a new batch kind ofboils to the top so that’s actually theyeast is activating and it’s starting toproduce the carbon dioxide and ethanolthat is characteristic to what thatfungus does and who are going to getstarted and making some bread here injust a second alright so we got the thewater with the yeast and some of thesugar in it I’m gonna go ahead and getit into the mixer and we combined therest of our ingredients the rest of thesugar the salt and the shortening whichI melted in the microwave so that itwill mix easier and we’re gonna put someof the flour in about half of it or soand then start mixing it with our trustymixer which is not plugged inokay so you’re not starting on high justa important safety tipwe’re gonna let that mixand I’m gonna use this to scrapestep off the sideand we’re gonna add some more flour okayso the idea what we’re trying to kind oftry to do here is gonna get basically aball of dough that’s easy to handle nottoo wet not too dry and we want to beable to work with it out on the cuttingboard which we’ll be doing laterlet’s see meantime let’s this will do isjust keep scraping the sides to get allof that flour to start incorporatinginto a dough balla brief camel over hereand have the cameraman here we show downinside the bowl what’s going on so allof those ingredients are mixing up intointo a balland it’s getting closewe still needs just a little more flourwe kind of if they hear toward the endyou won’t have the flour graduallybecause otherwise it starts causing someproblemswhat I’m gonna do now is to kind of getthis off of the hook and let it kind ofreel end because there might be someportions that are wet there aren’treally getting this is actually the easyway to make bread believe it or not it’sa fact in the old days this is all doneby hand they didn’t have these fancyelectric mixersso that that kind of did the trick ifyou look down in here now you’ll seethat’s kind of forming a new ballincorporating a lot of that a lot ofthat dough and flour into the mixso what we’re looking for is kind of anice spring ball of dough it’s kind ofuniform in consistency and we may notget that we’re also going to be doing ahand process called meeting here alittle bit when you get it mixed as bestyou can in the mixerand what pretty close[Applause]okay something you couldn’t get this outof here all right what we’re gonna donext we’ve got the ball dough out of themixer but we want to get it thoroughlymixed and smooth so we’re gonna do aprocess called kneading and that’s notany IDI ing it’s KN e ad ing kneadingwhat we do is because it does a littlebit sticky we put a little bit of flourdown on the cutting board so it doesn’tstick to the cutting board and thenwe’re gonna kind of roll it to get someconsistency and then we’re gonna startrolling the dough we’re gonna do thisfor about ten minutes and I’m not gonnamake you watch the whole process sowe’ll go ahead and stop the camera andcome back here can dream back in aboutten minutes alright so this is tenminutes later and this is looking prettygood so our dough basically is if younotice I’m out of breath this is this ishard work that’s why men used to beBaker’s okay so the bread is it’s softto the touch but it’s not sticky it’snot sticking to anything okay so whatwe’re gonna do is we’re gonna we’regonna let it rise for the first timethis bridge is gonna rise twice andwanted to say rise that means the yeastis going to put off carbon dioxide andcause the bread dough to expand itsgonna make air pockets like what you seein the in bread and what we’re gonna dois we’re gonna take some shortening justwith a paper towel and we’re gonna rubdown the inside of this bowl because wedon’t want that we want the dough to notstick to the bowl but make sure it’snice and then we’re just gonna put thedough in there we’re gonna kind of rollit around make sure gets coated withshortening on all sides okay and thenwe’re gonna put it in a warm place andin our house what I’d like to do is Iput our oven on warm right below it andit doesn’t really get too hotbut it will give a little bit nice formarea for the yeast to get active and wemostly cover it you don’t want totightly cover it because the dough canactually rise up out of the top of thebowl okay so it is 118 the afternoonwe’re going to convene back hereprobably in about an hour something likethat we want this dough to double insize so it should be it probably inabout an hour will be up to the top ofthe bowl you can see it’s way below thetop of the bowl now we wanted to doublein size and we’re going to divide itinto two and make two loaves of breadout of this okay all right so we’recoming back here this is about an hourand 10 minutes later as you can see thedough is definitely doubled in size I’mgonna save this piece of saran wrap sowe can use it again and what we have todo is we’re going to divide this in twoso I’m going to cut this into and thenmake one of these halves into a loaf solet me show you how that’s done I’mgoing to punch it down I’m just cuttingit into nothing fancy about we’re gonnatake this piece over and lightly flourthe surface kind of roll it around alittle bit so we did because it is kindof wet and sticky right now I don’t wantit to be we’re gonna use a rolling pinon it okay so here’s what we do gonnatake a rolling pin we’re gonna try towork it basically into a rectangle abouta foot long or so in about nine incheswide we try to get it as square aspossibleokay so that looks pretty good okay nowwhat we’re gonna do at this point we’regonna start rolling it and that’s gonnamake it into a loaf okay so there we goand when we get finished with this looseend I’m going to start pinching ittogether I’m going to pinch the entireend together reason we’re doing this isthis is going to rise again and we don’twant all of the gas escaping out of theloaf we want it to stay in there sowe’re going to try to seal this as muchas we can so it looks pretty good andthen just about the last thing you needto get it into a loaf pan so I’ve loafpans here let me get this one againwe’ll get the shortening and using apaper towel rub shortening all over thepan this is what we don’t we don’t wantthe bread to stick in the pan when webake itthat looks pretty good all right so takeour loaf get it into the pan cover itwith this piece of saran wrap we wereusing on the other on the bowl againjust lightly cover it you don’t want tolike seal it all around you just want tokind of lay it on top that way if theloaf when it rises above the pan it’snot going to get held down by theceramic and we’ll put it back on a nicewarm place okay so that that will riseagain turn in into the shape of a localbread then it’s gonna go into the oventhat’s final step so we’re gettingpretty close to the end herewell I’m but we’re going to stop thecamera now I’m gonna form the other loafand we’ll have them both ready to cookwhen we come back alright so if you takea look at our little bread you normallyon the second rise you want to riseuntil they’re an inch over the top ofthe pan and you’ve both done that so I’mgonna take the wrapping off of these youcan’t brush them with butter and what Ilike to do is just use a butter flavornonstick spray spray the top a littlebit and that will get it to brown quitenicely so it’s got the oven preheated at425 degrees they’re gonna bake for 25minutes and make the hell smellwonderfullet’s get these inall right25 minutes and we’ll be done all right25 minutes later let’s see what it lookslike there is the other okay so we havetwo loaves of white bread you saw theentire process from start to finish fromthe pile of ingredients to the yeast andsaw how that works this is an example ofa relationship where we have twodifferent kingdoms working togetherplant products and then we have a fungusthat gave us bread so there you have it