#cookwithme #withme
I’ve been trying a lot of new things while at home, and one of them was baking bread for the first time. I am by no means a baker, but this recipe was pretty easy to follow. I hope you enjoy!
Here is the recipe I followed:
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
all right let’s do this put my lipstickaway Polly this is looking all rightwhat’s up everyone its Ashlee andwelcome back to my channel so hi we’regoing to bake some bread today I don’thave any bread I don’t want to go to thestore but I really want to have agrilled cheese sandwich so I’m gonnatake what I have and I’m gonna makebread another thing that I don’t have isyeast and normally that is a keyingredient in making bread but I found arecipe online that does not require EastI made it a couple weeks ago and Ithought it was pretty good so I thoughtI would make it again and show you howto make it in case you are alsobreadless useless and grilled cheeselist I’m gonna link the recipe that I’mfollowing below but yeah all you needfor this recipe is flour baking soda andsalt and buttermilk and if you don’thave buttermilk you can make your ownusing lemon and a milk substitute ofyour choice basically this is a sodabread I guess baking soda literallywhile filming this right now I just madethat connection cool but yeah so let’sget to baking let’s do it I don’t thinkI’ve ever showed you guys in my bakingvideos this is the only measuringutensil I have because my kitchen is sosmall that I try not to have a lot ofthings but fuller tablespoons equals aquarter of a cup Dorothea’s equals onecup so math butter and if you’re a veganyou can use a better substitute likeEarth Balance or something like that youjust need three tablespoons alright solet’s do itthe first things first we’re gonna taketwo cups flour and we’re gonna whiskthat together with 3/4 of a teaspoon ofbaking soda and with half of a teaspoonofso so let’s right back so two cups isgonna be eight of these two three fourand four the salt and for the bakingsoda I’m just gonna eyeball it out likeI said I don’t have very many measuringutensils but this is just I’m just gonnahave to eyeball it some of this in therealright looks goodJimmy okay so now we just have to whiskthese together get them all mixed up ohwe’re supposed to preheat the oven okaythe real first step of the recipe is topre-heat the oven 375 alright okay sothe next step is to add the buttermilkand melted butter so like I said I don’thave buttermilk but I am going to make abetter tool I used almond milk last timethat’s what I’m gonna use this time toand it turned out okay so that’s whatwe’re gonna do again this time so thisrecipe here says that you can either uselemon or a vinegar to make yourbuttermilk and I’m gonna use lemonbecause Pat linens okay if you aremaking your own buttermilk you’reactually gonna have to have it sit forabout five minutes before you add it toyour dough the whole point is to havethe vinegar or the lemon kind of curdlethe milk somehow that magically reactswith the baking soda and causes it tolet the bread rise a little bit so yeahI just realized I need to open upanother milk for this too so if you’remaking your own you need to do onetablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice andthen fill up the rest of the butter milk- 1 cup and then let that sit for fiveminutes so that’s what we’re gonna doand you get at night I need to squeezethis lemon and maybe rinse this off alittle bit and then we’re gonna make ourownI don’t know I mean you know we’re justlike Laura Ingalls Wilder here only notat all but so you can already see itkind of starting to curdle just a littlebit but not yeah we have to let that sitfor five gonna let that sit for fiveminutes which I actually completelyforgot that it had to sit that long sowe’re gonna pause for a little bit herefive-minute timer on here and then wewill resume our bread making okay we’reback and it is getting hot in here sonow we have to add the butter milk andtwo tablespoons of melted butter solet’s melt butter so I’m gonna have tomelt this butter on the stove all rightwell while that melts add the buttermilkall right butter is slowly but surelymelting[Music]the butter is finally all melted ohlater we’re gonna need one tablespoon ofbutter to brush on top of the bread aweek across and that buttered fridgewhen we get there okaynow let’s mix everything but yeah I madethis bread a couple weeks ago and like Isaid I thought it was really good theonly thing that’s kind of different thanI guess typical bread is that it doescome out a bit paler so it doesn’t looklike it’s all the way done it doesn’thave a nice crust to it but it stilltastes really good okay so you mix ituntil it’s just combined and now we’regonna make a mess we’re gonna have flourall over this place they’re gonna haveto knead out the brick let’s make a messhere oh I like that guy I’m like thesalt guy I need sunglasses all rightcool oh I got it all over my phone okaythen basicallyoh you just start meeting they had awhole reason I wanted to meet bread isbecause I really just want a grilledcheese sandwich I have some vegan cheesethat I could meet I was gonna try tomake a tuna melt but I don’t have stuffto make tuna salad and I was scared tomake my own manis I just I don’t havefaith in myself to make mayonnaise andI’m really a baker this whole quarantineis definitely introducing me to a lot ofdifferent recipes and things like thatwhich has been really fun but I’m stilllearning me really really show thisbread how much I needI just shape it into a six inch dome andthen transfer it onto a baking sheetFood Network era and it’s gonna pull outand already baked piece of bread so Itransferred my bread onto a baking sheetand now we have to take a knife and cutan X in the dough which I think helps itto bake better[Music]or we can bake this fry me up and meltsome more butter because you need totake the remaining tablespoon of butterthat you have and then brush it on topof your bread I don’t know what I get tomy microwave but the door on it isbroken down so it won’t click it won’tuh I don’t know it’s just weird so Iunplugged it because the light wouldn’tturn off it’s okay that’s what stovesare for for cooking for melting no youdon’t need a microwave showthat’s what stove what I did last timethat was really good is I mixed inItalian seasonings with my butter for mybread the recipe doesn’t say to do thatbut that is what I did and I thought itwas really good so that’s what I’m gonnado again and I’m just gonna take a spoonbecause I don’t have a brush or thingI’m just gonna take a spoon and put iton the breadalright so now that our bread is allbutter we’re gonna put it into the ovenwe’re gonna bake it for 35 minutes andthen we’re gonna see how it turns out ifI have to make mine a little bit longerbecause my uh my oven runs low but Ijust have to check it and see all rightI’m gonna set my timer to 35 minutes andI will see you when the bread is donealright alright so that’s it well Ican’t talk the bread is done baking Ithink mine a little bit longer but hasmy oven run slow and I could havecleaned up while it was baking but Ididn’t here it is it smells so good likeI said before this kind of bread itdoesn’t always get super brown it canstay kind of pale but it’s really reallygood and I am very excited to make agrilled cheese sandwich with it and Ihope that you enjoyed this videooh here let me show you a close-up on myphonethis look likeand well that is my video and I hopethat you enjoyed watching and let meknow if you bake this bread below and ifyou watched the entire video put a breademoji in the comments below because I’mreally curious to see who watched theentire video and I’ll know if you did ifyou put the emoji there but yeah thankyou guys for watching I hope that youare all staying safe and staying welland I will see you next time I[Music]