Bread Recipes

Making Bread With Chef Pam First Edit

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motorboy who everyone is a chef Pamcoming to you today from my kitchenwhere we will make bread together usinga minimal amount of equipment and onlyfour ingredients for a spectacular breadokay so let’s talk about the ingredientsshall weflour when mixed with water createsgluten which provides the structure forthe dough for this demo I choseall-purpose flour this is three cupsworth here I have 1 cup of lukewarmwater water hydrates the flour andcreates the gluten structure the reasonit is lukewarm is to help to activatethe yeast yeast helps with thefermentation or the rise of the dough itadds aroma to the final product I’musing 1/2 teaspoon of instant yeast forthis recipe lastly we have here 1 in 1/2teaspoon of salt salt enhances flavorand controls the fermentation processlet’s make bread after having cleanedand sanitized my workspace I am ready tomake bread it’s important to accuratelyscale or measure our ingredients forconsistency yeast salt water and theflour which I’m going to dump into themiddle of my workspace I’m creating awell in the middle of the flour to holdmy water as I mix the ingredientsthe yeast I like to put it three o’clockthe salt I like to put around theoutside edges for even distribution nowI’m starting with about half of my waterand I’m going to mix the ingredientsfrom the inside of my well to theoutside slowlywhen mixing we are looking for a fewstages this stage is called the mixingor the incorporation stage we want tomake sure that all of our ingredientsare properly incorporated which is whatI’m doing now[Music]the next stage is the cleanup stage weclean up all the ingredientsincorporating it into our mix into ourdough you don’t want to eat anyingredients behindthe third stage is the glutendevelopment stage at this day we beginto develop the process of glutendevelopment this occurs through kneadingthe dough so if you notice I take thedough up from about twelve o’clock bringit down and gently push it with the heelof my hand and I repeat this processturn the dough to knead it in your doesa bit sticky using the dough doughscraper is helpfulall right it’s starting to come togetherwe don’t want to develop too much glutenat this stage we will build this glutenthrough a few bulbs during thefermentation process which we willdiscuss later if you notice the dough’sbecome more elastic II okay but againthe gluten is underdeveloped so it willtear more easily and that’s okay at thistime all right the mixing process iscomplete at this time so now gather yourdough and place it on a lightly greaseddish with the seam side down this pointwe are going to move into thefermentation process ideally your doughshould be about 75 to 78 degrees whichis the optimal temperature for yeast tomultiply if you have a thermometer athome test the temperature of your doughall right mine 75 if you do not have athermometer test the DOE just touch itshould be slightly warm nowyou’re going to cover the dough allright we have arrived at the finalshaping stage final shaping is theorganization of the dough into an easyand effective shape in our case roundhow do we do that well like foldingwe’re going to place dough seam side upand we gently D gas the dough into asquarish shape look at all that gasnext we fold the corners into the centerof the dough and we have more corners soafford those corners into the dough aswell now we turn the dough over place itseem side down and gently roll it into around shape I have a bowl here with acloth inside that I’ve floured we’regoing to place the seam side up into theflour and line Bowl now we cover it andallow it to ferment for one hour andthirty minutes at room temperature thisis a final fermentation the goal of thisstage is to provide optimal volume toour red additionally this is the finalstage for introducing more flavor aromaand increasing nutritional benefitsbefore baking alright see you at theoven now I have the dough already on thehot pizza stone and I’m going to nowlightly dust it with flour the reasonthat I dust it with flour is for twothings number one I don’t want the bladeof my knife to get stuck in the doughbut it also creates protection for mycrust so that it doesn’t burn so now I’mgoing to score the bread scoring thebread releases or allows a space for thegas to release so now I’m going togently use the full length of my knifeto cut across there’s so many differentways that you can score our bread for meI’m going to just do a frame againgently with the full length of yourbladeall right there we goand into the oven we go I have it thisoven a little skillet that I’m going tobe nicethat creates some steam the reason why Iuse steam is to delay the crustformation and it also gives us some niceshine okay there it isI’ll see you in about 40 minutes wherewe will have some bread oh it smellsamazing in this kitchenshall we do the reveal gorgeous oh thearoma in this kitchen is amazing look atthat so beautiful I can’t wait to havesomething I’m gonna let it cool a littlebit get some butter and there we gohappy baking everyone

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