Bread Recipes

Making Bread That Looks Like Kirby

If you haven’t seen our previous bread video, that’s the recipe we used for this video. Except this time, we had to go even further with our creation.
Hanging Out – Bruno E.
Silent Observer – Sarah, The Illstrumentalist
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#Kirby #BreadRecipe #KirbyBread

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eight tell me what are we doing what’sgoing onhave you ever loved something so muchthat you want to immortalize in everysingle facet of your life yes we’remaking Kirby’s during these times whenthe supermarkets are just too crazybecause everyone turns into a feralanimalyou know lots of friends and familygoing through tough times figured it’dbe nice to have a little Corgi carepackage we’ll Corby you pack it you seeso we’ll just like send them we’re gonnaeat on their way into the world into thevoid so to get started we’re gonna startour yeast bath can you get me one cup ofwarm water I think you’re missing onething thoughyou’re right damn bees all right allright now we chef mode okay one cup ofwarm water for a bathfirst of all oh no you have a flowsecond of all yes chef right so I’mgonna prep this Esquivel also if youguys haven’t seen our first gamerchickkitchen video where we make bread watchthat first it’s literally the exact samevideo so we’re just making it with Kirbyso we’ll probably cut out most of thisprocess anyway and we’ll jump right towhen we start adding in the foodcoloring I feel so we’ll see you therehow do we do some cute animal crossingexercises kinda like have Tom Nook andIsabel do they go like[Music]so what we’re gonna do is once this isdone need it do all the stuff so theyneed just a little bit for rent for hisshoes right yeah we just need a littlebit already cool so just separate itvery little because I merit of you donot touch the dial with your hand cuzyou will die your hand my hands will dieyour hands old huh don’t sit wait waitit’s gone you know I don’t think it’sokayyou know this is actually this isactually my double boiler pot it’s gonnasay it’s a melting chocolate you knowchocolate melting talkieoh I’ll cheese in there probably yeahyeah you can you give me the fun – youcan’t you guys ever wanted to do afondue or melt chocolate or fondant I doa fondant I don’t know if you guys everwant to have fondue parties I highlyrecommend I highly recommend thesedouble boiler pots the differencebetween them and rainbow pots is thatthey they have these massive overhangsso they basically just sit on top of thepot and then you put your lower potunderneath just with some water you putit on the heater boil it up but it’s notdirectly on the element so it doesn’tlike burn against elements essentiallyyeah and then it helps it no hopes notwhatever is in this book it is dotastart mixing it in the hands and onceit’s added this is a much smaller domeyeah I don’t know what were you supposedto double it I usually double that’s thething this is gonna be a small holewe’ll have a bunch of tiny curvy onesthat’s fineI like that would you say that’s enoughfor little feet yeah okay so now we aregonna do the magic that you’ve wantedyeah so we’re gonna do pink firstbecause pink mixing with the red is notgonna affect its life all too muchinject it like that it looks like cherryfilling it’s notso you just leave that in there all toseal this now we’re gonna go to the redwait did you put pink in there alwayspink this is roll this is the red yeahokay there we go so now we’re gonnastart kneading thank you this one yeahso what you want to do is take thisstretch a little bit hold it over so itdoesn’t immediately touch your home Ican do this – just keep meeting justkeep kneading sorry I kept needing Ijust did me I started needing just sortof need this looks like I just punchedthe crap out of someone pull this righton my hands as soon as I think I’m gonnaput a little more pink in this one yoursis perfecthell yeah Oh No I’ve murdered the curbOhoh my god so you can leave that in thelittle bowl there yeah can you set theoven to 400 can you grab a baking sheetdown here yeah that’s pizza pan we needbaking sheet[Music]next we’re gonna go boil this I justkinda want to like bake it like this andsee how it turns no monster should wetry and draw his face on it no I thinkjust having the body with the twoMaggie’s is finebecause I think that details just can belost there we go so we will let theserest in separate bowls actually so Idon’t want them attaching we’re justgonna little vibe or so they juststarted binding all right Kate the timeis upon us we are mere degrees awaywhy Omaha so our feet have doubled andso it’s so soft my god are you evergonna use a spatula get him out of thereoh my god all right let’s move theselittle okay just need to the air out ofit needs the air I need air so let’s uhlet’s experiment with a few sizes as Isit I’m gonna see how how big you’regonna actually I think that’s no I couldbe a little bit bigger I feel a littlebigger a little bigger yeah wellbasically I make I’ll make shoes basedon the size of your shoes based on ballsyou ever took the guy’s shoe size it’show I think it came yeah I think that’sperfect yeah okay I’ll make tiny babyballs you know doesn’t sound that greatcoming out does it I think this could bea lot bigger I think it’s good like thatyeah we’re doing different sizes we wantto test this right oh I see oh baby isthough is that cute oh this is adorableand it feels so goodso I think we’re gonna try and get sixon the first I love it I love this yeswe’re gonna aim for six this one’s thebig one okay let’s move them over thisway this one needs a little more so weshould put these in here for 400 forabout 30 minutesthey might take less but yeah so we’llcheck it 15 so it’s currently 408 sofour twenty three or twenty six we’llsee you guys in fifteen movie minuteslet’s check these updo you wanna get a close-up of thesesurges Oh bring it out oh my trust righthow do we know that leads hurry they’regolden brown on the bums and their bumsare golden brown so these littlemonsters I love them they’re monstersbut I love this one turned up probablythe best no let’s let’s bring the cameraup for her close-up[Music]all right friends that’s it for ourKirby bread video if you like what yousee make sure you hit the bellnotification make sure when you getnotified and we’ll see you guys in nextvideo bye oh my god this one’s backlikes

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