Hey I’m Tyeisha and welcome to Shonna’s Space, today I show you how I made bread pudding in the toaster oven.
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Hey guys my name is Tyeisha , I’m a 22 year old university student living on the beautiful island of Barbados. I have a passion for reading. I like watching television. My favourite genre is crime/mystery. I have a pet tortoise.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]yeah hey I’m sorry shall welcome toShanice peace so it should be I’ll bemaking breakfastso I’ve waited breakfast are reallyreally really long timelaughter – it was probably ready toShepherd and I really wanted one for mybirthday but it didn’t work all rightwe surely have this may sting both hereand then a friend of mine made breadpudding I sang that bitch and it wasjust like tearsso that really inspired to make mehowever I’m making a very small batchand I don’t I didn’t really turn on theother sold today I’m making breadpudding in my toaster but I have fourslices of sandwich right also I sneeze aknife at your hearing tobacco that’sactually supposed to hover Ricky gee soI should just want to cut cut her thispartI don’t want it too chunky I could haveprobably ripped this upwe’re trying to get your bright intokind of like cute but not reallythis Lily’s lots of big and we need anymixture and cools on topper is peopleaccording it isn’t looking like Frenchstuff[Music][Music][Applause][Music]so a lot of artists finish cut up it’stime to get the mixture so theingredients that we’re going to be todayfor this in our our nest egg butter meltsugar essence I’m going to be able toopen a lot of foot open actually verybut not muchI don’t want to put this in silver paperas well so I already have my egg in thisspool right here this is just a smallpersonal gratefully I’m not we’re gonnado measurements I’m just going to do Ifeel like an awesome sugar it’s gonnaplay me two small holes[Music]a little tiny bit of good luck and thisis cooking oil is actually well for mebut not moving to my grandmother so youknow they get to granny know it’s timefor schoollet’s see what up butter this one hasthat butter flavor[Music][Music][Music]Itzik lanista I know it’s time to addthe part so there are two options twooptions either can either refer to thismixture I dismiss your feedback and saythis mixture is are you gonna contour itwas going to add the bright to this mr.put it in the swatch bride want to makesure that everything is being evillyquilted[Music]so I probably could’ve done remove aboutthree and a half for a tree so there’s abreak because I didn’t use allyou[Applause][Music][Applause]oh my container which I’ve alreadygreased with butteryes and now I’m just going to put thatyour side of this and now we wait for itto be putting it’s like supposed to openoh wait first week sure probably about25 minutes or so[Music]so the Barefoot it is called for you ohmy moleyit tastes nice it is so nasal beautifulcinnamon flavor the next thing willprobably try it relate it some collegeit’s like who knows I mean are you gonnamake a sauce for it so it it’s a littlebit higher than overly intrusiveit’s a little wet I probably would haveliked it to be somewhere but your talkwas starting to get a little burn Iprobably should the cover here so that’sa note but yeah she’s prettyyeah hmm it’s pretty goodI know it might not be traditional breadpuddin s something we’re accustomed tobecause I’m told she bites – I don’tknow my brother Jimmy record that Iusually did you school so that’s why butit is really nice it has already goodflavorare you can definitely try it you knowawkward that there’s no no longer that’scrash but not like still to be pointthat you can’t beat it you know thatit’s cool they’re not lover goodbyetoday you know companies awesome you’renot like in bad condition but it’s notlike condition that you want to eat itso T that word maybe this just a littledessert that you can meet one on one foryourself and you know if you don’t wantit turn on your oven so definitelyrecommend thank you so much for watchingplease remember to like call me Isis[Music]